
What! My disciples can use anime powers?!

A man from earth Isekai'd as an old man that can travel from different worlds.

Vordred · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 6

Chen, after introducing himself immediately  ran getting the precious items that he had hidden in the safe corner.

While Xiao Lu was in deep thought, murmuring "Daoist Modern Man? What's that?"

'Although many Daoist names were strange, this is the first time I heard a Daoist name this weird. It's unfortunate that asking the Daoist name's behind it's meaning is inappropriate. Maybe I will ask my father later when I get back.'

Gazing at Chen who was now picking some things on the ground Xiao Lu immediately come to his side giving him a help.

"Daoist modern man let me help yo-" Xiao Lu's voice was interrupted when she saw the uncovered painting on Chen's arms.

She was shocked when she saw the painting, as if it were alive. Looking at the man wearing red armor with purple eyes that make you mesmerized and scared at the same time and a terrifying, unknown, huge figure standing behind the man, she was completely enveloped in terror and fell to the ground, crawling backwards while shouting and pointing at the strange painting.

"Aaaahhh, Y-You, W-What the hell is that thing?"

Chen having no idea that Xiao Lu would come help him, was startled by her sudden voice, letting his guard up and immediately inquired "What happened! Is there any wild beast?"

"Y-You what is that in you're hands?" Xiao Lu with a terrified expression was pointing on his painting, while catching her breath, as if seeing a ghost.

After looking left and right but not seeing any beast, Chen sighed of relief and  gaze at a terrified expression of Xiao Lu as if scared on something while pointing at his precious painting with a question look.

"Do you mean by this painting?" Chen inquired, making sure that she's not witnessing some wild beast.

Nodding her head Xiao Lu reply immediately "Yes! W-What is that in you're hand?"

Chen with a doubt expression on his face, look at her like looking at a fool, thinking. 'What do you mean what is in my hand? didn't you see it's a painting!'

"Daoist Green Fairy what do you mean? it's a painting!" Chen, with a puzzled expression, said, while pointing at the painting on his arm.

"I know that! I asking, who is that in you're painting?" Xiao Lu hurriedly ask, coming back to her senses.

Hearing Xiao Lu's question, Chen with a blank look thought 'How should I even  know?!.'

"How should I even know? Even, I don't know who's this peerless figure!" Chen instinctively answered, letting out the words that on his mind.

Thinking on what was happened earlier when he saw the painting of his master a while ago, Chen was shocked and suddenly having a thought.

'No way? D-Don't tell me, she also saw the man that I saw in my strange dream?'

Curious if she really saw the peerless man in her mind he ask right away. "Daoist Green Fairy are you having a strange dream?"


Northern part of Wei long, Northern Wooden Sect, atop the wooden mountain peak,

Inside the wide spacious hall.

In The hall sits eight elders appearing 30's and above, three females and the rest was males.

I'n the middle of the huge decorated chair, a beautiful sexy woman can be seen sitting, the woman has black hair, blue eyes, and a slim busty body, appearing 30 years old, she was Hu Xing a 3rd generation sect leader, ruling a sect for almost five hundred years and a 1st stage Soul

Transformation cultivator.

The sect leader, Hu Xing then spoke.

"Our meeting about the Recruiting of a new disciples and a battle conference was now done, All elders dismissed.

""Yes, Sect leader!"" Said by the 8 elders in unison and leave right away to their own abode.

"Wait Elder Yi" said the sect leader stopping the one elder from leaving.

"Elder Yi,how's Xiao'er? Are you're personal disciples comeback? It's almost been three days since they comedown to mountains without sending any messages."

"Sect Leader, rest assured they're safe and I am sure they will come back here before dawn."

replied Elder Yi a biological father of Xiao Lu, a middle-aged man, with  a long black hair, appearing 45 years old, and quite handsome in his age.

with a smirk, as if sensing the QI outside of the sect, the sect leader immediately go outside welcoming the new arrival.

Seeing that the sect leader was waiting for their arrival the disciples immediately halt and greet.

""Disciples of master Yi greet the sect leader!""

The Sect leader nod and inquired.

"So? how's you're mission?"

"Sect leader our mission was a success we hunted more than twenty demonic beast that roaming around the town's to village's. Also little sister Xiao was able to defeat a Demonic beast that almost a Demon Spirit in rank." said the Female disciple.

With a happy expression on her face the Sect leader inquered.

"Is it true Xiao'er? At a young age you manage to defeat a Demon Spirit comparable to Golden Core our Sect was truly lucky to have you."

Looking at the silent gloomy expression of Xiao the sect leader hurriedly asked.

"What's the matter Xiao'er?"

"A-Aunt, I mean Sect leader I-I just seen a strange painting that alive and sense a strong and intimidating aura."

That's right Xiao Lu's real aunt was the Sect leader who was a little sister of her mother, her mother went missing when she was young.

Suddenly Elder Yi come out and hurriedly walk Infront of them

""We greet master Yi!"" greet by his four disciple.

"For now the three of you go back to you're own abode and I will ask you later."

""Yes master Yi!"""

Looking at her daughter Elder Yi curiously asked about the situation her daughter experience.

But suddenly stop by the Sect leader.

"It's inappropriate to talk here let's go inside the hall."

Inside the Sect Leader Hall.

"It's about this father and aunt."

"After we headed in that village I encountered the twins..."

Xiao explained all what happened she experienced from Wudi village, to strange young man without using any QI and the mysterious painting.

"So you're telling us that the man in the painting was able to penetrate you're mind and suddenly you're in a different realm where a desert and a soldier with a strange clothing can be seen, fighting a red armored man?" said by her father while holding his chin.

"Yes father! he can also use a technique like gigantic rock falling from the sky or meteorite and can summon a huge avatar" Xiao said still terrified seeing countless people get killed by a single man.

Hu Xing hearing the story of Xiao Lu  was shocked and deep in thought . 'Can form an Avatar?! only a Body Formation in cultivation or higher can form an Avatar, which was considered a top expert in the whole Wei long, and you're telling us a man in a painting can do it?.'

"Xiao'er do you? did you learn something from the painting or did you get enlightened?!" excitedly asked by her father curious thinking that the painting was not an ordinary painting but a once in a lifetime treasure, a painting with a Dao, which some legend says when you get enlightened by the Dao you're path to immortality was eminent. but the enlightenment only happenning in 1 in a 1 Billion per person.

"No, i am not sure father, but one thing for sure, I think the in the man in the painting was stronger than our sect full strength." said Xiao biting her lips still terrified by what she saw.

Hu Xing with a knowing expression talk, "Hmm, you're right Xiao'er after all a Body Transformation can able to destroy a country base on my knowledge. but if the painting was really contain a Dao and the man in the painting have a cultivation realm of Body transformation or higher, then I'm afraid a peerless expert or a realm that contain countless treasure was the answer about that painting."

"Xiao'er where's the painting?!" said her father curious where she saw the painting.

"Uhh about that, the painting was owned by the young man, with a Daoist name Modern man."

""M-Modern Man?!""