

Kiran a boy who was so happy with how him and his family was living a normal life without any trouble and hardship over many years, couldn't help but feel grateful about everything, but when he finally got to the age of sixteen, his prospective about his family changed as his long lost power finally awaken at the day of a full moon. At first he was scare of what he has become, he couldn't accept the fact that he was a werewolf, because he never really believe they were real, but he later accepted what he was as he found out that his current parents wasn't really his biological parents, the fact that his biological parents were dead and they might be the ones who pass down this powers to him, made him want to know how they died. He spent month searching for a clues consigning the death of his parents, and that was what led him to encounter some of his kind and also the people who killed his parents... But even with his new found power will he be able to avenge the death of his parent. Join me in a journey of defeat, anger and revenge, as Kiran face those who took his parent away from him.

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
70 Chs


Just when the Layla and Karin were about to finish all the enemies in the game, they were immediately interrupted by their mom who press the off button on the game and took the headset from them.

"Mom....., why did you do that" said both of them at once.

"I don't want to hear that from both of you, look at the time and tell me what it's currently showing" said Jenny.

"What!!, it's eleven already?" asked Layla in disbelief.

"Yeah that's right young lady, now go to your room and get to bed right now and you, do the same also" said Jenny while looking at Karin.

"Okay mom, goodnight, love you" said both of them.

"I love you both with all my heart" replied Jenny.

"I'm I seriously being left out right now, it clearly seem that there's no place for me in your heart, because this two has clearly taken over it" said Hendrick playfully as he walked into the room.

"Don't be such a grumpy kid sweetie" replied Jenny.

"Mom, how is Dad a kid when he is clearly older than you?" asked Layla.

"Sweetie it's just a figure of speech and what are you still doing here, go to your room quickly and go to bed, you have school tomorrow" said Jenny.

"I'm on my way there right now, goodnight mom, dad, and my lovely baby brother" said Layla.

"I'm not a baby, why won't you stop calling me that?" asked Karin.

"I wouldn't ever stop calling you that, even when you become a grown man, I'm still going to call you my baby brother" replied Layla.

"You won't dare...

"Layla to your room right now, I'm not going to repeat myself" said Jenny.

Layla quickly sprinted out of the room as she heard the words of her mother, she knows that getting her angry was the last thing she wanted to do before going to bed.

After putting both Layla and Karin to bed, Jenny and Hendrick walked back to their room.

"How are we going to go about his suspension?" asked Jenny.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to take him with you to work, how about we hire someone to take care of him, until we come back from work" said Hendrick.

"Is it really okay to leave Karin in the hands of someone we don't know very well?" asked Jenny to confirm from her husband.

"I don't really know, but we don't really have much choice right now, or perhaps you can take him to your mom place every morning and then pick him up every evening" said Hendrick.

"I think this one is preferable, I will contact my mom in the morning, so I can talk to her about it" said Jenny.

"Your mom place is an hour drive, we will take turns on who will drop him off, so you wouldn't wear yourself out by constant driving. when it's your turn to drop Karin, I will take Layla to school, then when it's my turn to drop Karin, you will take Layla to school" said Hendrick.

"Thanks sweetie, I really don't know what I will do without you" said Jenny.

"It's okay sweetie, we will always be there for each other, now have a good night sleep do you won't feel tired tomorrow" replied Hendrick.

"Goodnight love" said Jenny.

"Goodnight dear" replied Hendrick.

The next day quickly approach with them doing what they said last night, Jenny was currently driving Karin to her mom place after eating their breakfast, while Hendrick was carrying Layla to school.

The fact that they have plenty of cars was what made it easy for them to go with this decision. Karin was jumping up and down with joy when he was told that he would be staying with his grandma for sometime everyday.

This wasn't the first time he was going to his grandma place, he and Layla has travelled to stay with her when they were on holiday.

He and Layla stayed there throughout their holiday, with Jenny and Hendrick visiting them once in a while.

"Does grandma still live on that her castle like building?" asked Karin.

"She owns the place Karin, where else do you expect her to live" laughed Jenny.

"Grandma owns that big castle?, it's way bigger than ours" said Karin while opening his eyes wide.

"Yes it is" replied Jenny.

"Mom, why don't I just stay at Grandma's place for the week before coming back to attend school, I know it's going to be stressful for you if you continue driving all those miles everyday" said Karin.

"Karin, are you really sure you are okay with staying at Grandma's place?" asked Jenny.

"Yes mom" replied Karin.

"Hope you aren't just telling me this because you feel bad about your suspension?" asked Jenny.

"No mom, I do like Grandma's place" replied Karin.

"Okay sweetie, I will come pick you up in a week time, make sure to be a good boy and don't give grandma a hard time okay?" said Jenny.

"I understand mom" replied Karin, "I can't wait to see grandma after about a year, does she still like playing golf as usual" asked Karin.

"You do know that your grandma is obsessed with golf, I'm not sure she would give up golfing for anything" said Jenny as she started laughing.

"I'm definitely going to learn how to play, I will make sure to be an expert before coming back" said Karin.

"I'm not sure that's going to be possible sweetie, because grandma only play golf on Friday, it's kind of a rule or maybe her personal rule, so I don't think you are going to be an expert in just a day or two" said Jenny.

"Well even if I literally don't become an expert, I can still learn about the basics and maybe in time I can be a champ" said Karin.

"I know you will, but I thought you said you wanted to become a doctor" said Jenny while laughing.

"Well I don't see any reason not to do both" replied Karin while joining his mom to laugh.

Thanks to all my readers out there, please recommend this book to your friends so I can get the strength to continue writing, Thanks once again and please vote.

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