
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

9 Karaoke night

When Julian woke up he didn't remember what happened the other night, he looked at his wife who was properly stuck in his arms, she looked so innocent and harmless in her sleeping state, there wouldn't be a problem trying to fall inlove with her, these were the thoughts that passed through Julian's mind.

He saw her eyes fluttering and quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, Adeline opened her eyes, she tried to get up but she was unable to, all the memories of what happened last night came flooding back.

She covered her face in embarrassment, what if their kids had overheard them, she looked at Julian and smiled she traced his facial figure with her fingers, before whispering.

"I love you, you can go back to Haeli if you want I'll make the children understand and I'll cope too, I know you can't hear me right now but I won't stop you from doing whatever you want, even though I'm honestly afraid of losing you", after saying this she kissed him on his forehead and struggled out of his embrace.

She went to the bathroom and Julian opened his eyes he finally remembered that yesterday he found out that Haeli had drugged him with aphrodisiac, he managed to get home, how the hell did he end up in his night wear.

"don't tell me we actually.."Julian whispered to himself, then he suddenly remembered all that happened the other night, he actually told Adeline about his plan to learn to love her, and that Haeli was back.

She loves me, she freaking loves me, and I was always stopping myself from falling inlove with her because of fear that she might just end up leaving me since our marriage was arranged just like Haeli did, and I was afraid of letting myself fall inlove with her.

Just because he felt like she could be another Haeli, and she might not love him back, he wasn't ready to go through that sort of pain again, but he was actually hurting her instead, she had to keep loving him and she had to stay married to him, even though she knew he wasn't over hi as first love.

He suddenly felt a pang of pain in his heart, at that moment the bathroom door opened and he closed his eyes again, he didn't have the confidence to face her, not after everything they said and did last night, not a chance.

She dried her hair, and got dressed as she had to meet with a friend, she was wearing a blue skirt, white shirt and a blue coat, her dark blue hair was packed in a ponytail, she walked up to the bed and adjusted the blanket to cover Julian properly before leaving the room.

Julian opened his eyes again, he still felt like everything that happened was just a dream, so he actually had a chance to move in from Haeli and he would gladly do so, enough of putting himself in pain.

He decided to skip the office today, he would just work from home, he needed rest the occurrence in the past few days were too much, and he knew Haeli would definitely come to his office and he really wasn't in the mood to see her.

Adeline decided to meet with some of her old friends, just to catch up, they were to meet at a nearby restaurant, when she saw them she was particularly excited, her bestfriend Eunice was there accompanied with her childhood friend victor.

Eunice and Victor got married not long after she did, they had three children now, she was honestly happy to see them, they got on so we'll they decided to go to a karaoke bar, just like they used to, so when night fell they went to a famous karaoke bar.

There was lots to eat and drink, they would take turns to pick a song to sing along to, Adeline and Eunice finally had some girls time since the boys were singing along to some wired songs they'd never heard of.

"so how's your marriage with Julian, what if your kids, did he finally lose his control I mean since Aria's birth You said you two never... you know"Eunice asked enthusiastically, Adeline blushed and covered her face remembering what transpired between them both the last night.

"well Aria and Ethan are both attending business school, and uhhm..well...we've done it ag..again"Adeline said trying to hide her face, ass she became overwhelmed with embarrassment, she couldn't believe she could still say such things at her age.

"pick a song, we want to hear you sing again"Victor said and dragged Adeline to the middle of the room, he actually had other intentions for suddenly saying so, Adeline had monopolized his wife all day, he needed some time with her too.

She chose a song that she and Eunice loved a lot shameless by Camila Cabello;

''so we're there, now it's real

now that you have me, do you want me still?

my kisses are history, they go back a long time

and I'm tired of loving,somebody that's not mine

so many mornings I woke up confused

in my dreams I do anything I want to you

my emotions are naked

they're taking me out if my mind

right now I'm shameless

screaming my lungs out for ya

not afraid to face it

I need you more than I wanted to

need you more than I wanted to

show me you're shameless

write it on my neck why don't ya

and I won't erase it

I need you more than I wanted to

need you more than I wanted to''

After singing she drank a lot, and she had 0 to no immunity against alcohol, Victor advised Eunice to call Julian to come pick up his wife, but Eunice said she'd only do so if Adeline approved, afterall it was sister's before misters right.

"Addy, should I call you husband to come pick you up"Eunice asked the drunk Adeline, who found it hard to make a complete sentence that made sense making Victor whine a little, there really was no hope for him anytime this two met.

"you do....I don't....he won't..he won't come any...anyways"Adeline said before she started laughing hysterically, she hopped like a donkey and skipped around like a kangaroo.

Eunice decided to call Julian, not like she had any choice her home was pretty far Frome Adeline's, if she dropped her off at home she probably won't reach home till 1am, since it was already after 8.

"hey this is Eunice, I'm Adeline's friend she's drunk, can you come pick her up"Eunice asked hoping to get a positive reply afterall if he didn't come to pick her up she'd have to drop her off.

"send me the location, I'll come right away"Julian who had been home all day waiting for his wife's return happily hoped into his car to go get his wife atleast she wasn't rational that way he wouldn't be embarrassed about what happened between them atleast not yet.

When Julian arrived he met with Victor who introduced himself as Eunice's husband, he thanked them for calling him and carried his wife out if the room(princess style), he walked towards his car, he secured Adeline with a seatbelt before walking over to the driver's seat, he started the car and drove off.

At home Aria and Ethan had been waiting for their parents to get back, once the door opened they saw they're dad walking in with their mom in his arms, they made an 'awww' sound making their dad shoo them away.

They laughed hysterically seeing how embarrassed their dad was because of the position in which they caught him, their really was something else, but they wouldn't trade him even for all the golds and luxury there is.