
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

8 pleasurable feeling (matured content) R18

Adeline was now sitting on Julian's lap as the kiss grew deeper, Julian slipped his hand under Adeline's night gown grabbing her twin peaks earning a shriek from Adeline, he gently massaged them both, pleasuring her the more.

She threw her head back in pleasure, her soft moans were driving Julian crazy, the effect of the drug was only getting worse, he hurriedly changed their position, Adeline's back was now resting on the bed while Julian was on top of her.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as her body became overcomes with pleasure, before they realized it they were already naked in each other's arms. Her moans became uncontrollably loud as she couldn't hold back anymore.

Ethan who had left his room to get water happened to pass by his parents room, he heard some wierd sounds coming from the room and placed his ear against the door, he covered his mouth as he smiled.

It has been long since his parents had been intimate, ever since Aria's birthed he was smart enough to sense the tension between them, he knew his parents marriage was an arranged one, he was excited that after 16 years they were finally trying again, he could only hope for his father to hurry up and fall inlove with their mom already.

He than hurriedly left to get the water he wanted and went back to his room, how would it feel when he finally falls inlove, will there be a day when someone would become more important to him than his sister, be couldn't help but think as sleep came knocking on the door.

Julian had slowly penetrated into her, she felt a sharp pain since it had been long since they last did it, a lone tear dropped from her eyes, even in his drugged state he noticed the tears that dropped from his wife's face.

He moved closer to her and kissed her eyes, he recaptured her lips in a passionate kiss as he kept moving in and out of her, she was really tight down there making him almost go crazy, and soon they reached their heights of ecstacy together, he ended up releasing all his juice inside of her.

He collapsed atop of her, after regaining a little bit if her strength she moved Julian off of her, she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up, she also got a towel to clean Julian up.

She came back to the bed and adjusted Julian's position, she also got into bed as she silently cried, so Haeli was back, she couldn't help but think, then she remembered how Julian actually knew it was her, how he kissed her eye when the tear dropped from them.

She wished he would also do this to her in a sober mood, and hoped he actually meant what he said about leaning to fall inlove with her. If he insisted on going back to Haeli she wouldn't complain she would try to explain to the children they were grown ups and could learn to cope.

Her heart would be broken but she could also cope just for Julian, her only concern would be the children but they would understand. She suddenly felt Julian's arms wrap around her and a shred of hope appeared before her.

She turned to face him, he was asleep though, she made herself comfortable in his embrace, she stared at his face feeling herself fall inlove with him all over again, she moved her hand to touch his face but she halted half way.

"I love you, I love you Julian"she said as sleep slowly got the better if her, finally a night of absolute peace for her broken and poor heart.

The next day a new student was introduced to Aria's class, and to her surprise it was Brissa, she was so happy that during her free period she forgot she was supposed to go and meet Levi in an extra class for him to give her the questions he prepared and help her with answering it.

She introduced Brissa to Ari and they talked for a long time, Ari found Brissa to be interesting and fun to talk to just like Aria, there wouldn't be any problem with them being friends, they would get along pretty well, besides any friend of Aria's was a friend of his.

"Aria you forgot, you were supposed to meet Levi during free period"as soon as Ari reminded her she felt like an heavy rock just hit her, how could she forget about him, this wasn't the attitude she was supposed to uphold as someone who had a crush on him.

Aria had developed a tinny tiny crush on him, she knew he only had eyes for Matilda but she couldn't help it, if one day they broke up or Matilda hurts him she would swoop in and take the chance.

If eventually they didn't she would find a way to forget him and let him go, but could she, this was a question to that continuously popped on her mind, when she reaches the bridge she'll cross it, it's not time to overthink yet.

She ran to the extra room, she pileeped from the window, her smile disappeared, why was Matilda with Levi, did she always have to act like a tick, leaching onto him like that.

She knew She was the foolish one here since Matilda was his girlfriend they had every right to be with each other, she entered and walked over to where they were sitted ready to apologize to Levi since she kept him waiting.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away so ce my friend just moved here for schooling"Aria apologized and bowed a little, Levi chuckled, he saw her little action as cute, she looked so naive at that moment.

"no problem, I'll give you the questions do it alone I'll check through it later tomorrow"Levi said making Aria smile, Levi handed over the questions and she gratefully took it as she skilled out of the classroom happily.

"you really seem to care for her a lot, don't you, that's quite nice"Matilda said causing Levi to laugh hysterically, since he knew she was definitely feeling jealous.

"I'm happy to see you jealous Ilda, but honestly speaking I actually do care about her a lot, o e grown to do so"Levi honestly said causing Matilda to Hit him on the shoulder as she stormed out of the room.

He really just couldn't understand women, what a complicated gender, he stood up and walked out of the room with a smile on his face, he met Ethan on the way, ever since the day started Ethan had been smiling like nothing could wipe it away, so he decided to ask why.

"uhhm, what's with the happy face"Levi asked making Ethan's smile grow wider, just then Aria came back, she raised her eyebrow wondering about what could make her brother smile so much.

"well something good happened, but it's personal"Ethan said and Levi nodded his head before turning to look at Aria with a questioning gaze.

"my brother's finally inlove, I came back to give you your book, you gave it to me accidentally when you handed the questions over to me"Aria said and gave the book back to him, he took it and thanked her before giving the siblings some privacy.

"so guess what, mom and dad finally did it again last night"Ethan said and Aria gasped, she was young but not stupid, she knew perfectly well that for more than a decade her dad never got intimate with their mom, they made it so obvious.

He rarely hugged their mom, they rarely talked unless it was important, the tension between them was made very clear, she always wished their relationship would get better and this was a chance for them to do so.

She screamed in joy as she jumped into her brother's arms while he swooped her up and twirled her around, the onlookers were made to eat dog food, not everyone had an elder brother like Ethan, some didn't even have one.