
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

1 Intro

In the business world, every man had to fight for himself, the business world was toxic and dangerous, business personnel's started seeking help from underworld agencies like the Mafia and Yakuza.

Julian Walker was one of them, well-known for being honest and diligent in carrying out his business, he was the CEO of Walker group, which focused on jewellery designing and production, he owned several hotels and restaurants around the world.

He was signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, their leader Ottis Reign died untimely leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign.

Haeli Reign was Julian Walker's childhood sweetheart, but they broke up in their early 20's, Julian had been very devastated since the reason for the break up was because she claimed to want to be with a rich man, not live in a life of poverty.

He was so disappointed but he got up on his feet again and decided to make it big, and he was successful In that, he was one of the richest men in Dacria.

When Ottis Reign died, he found out that Haeli was the new boss, so the man she left him for was Ottis, everytime he saw her pretended not to know her at all.

Finally he had had enough of seeing her, cause she was a clear reminder of he used to be, he decided to end his contract with them, he was going to try to get signed to the mafia since no company had been brave enough to approach them.

He knew the Mafia and Yakuza were lifelong enemies, would they accept the contract after knowing he had worked with them once before, he would try his luck, but first and foremost he would go to break off the contract.

At the Yakuza headquarters, Eloise came in only to see her lost in thoughts, she looked so confused and something dangerous oozed out of her, she just couldn't understand this mother of her's.

"mom! what are you thinking about"Eloise asked unsure of whether she would get an answer, there was a sudden knock on the door, a guard came in and whispered into her mothers ear.

"let him come in, and you out" Haeli said looking directly at her daughter, seeing the serious look on her mom's face she could only nod her head and walk out of the room.

Julian walked into the room, fully ready to break the news to Haeli, when he entered the office, he saw her sitting nonchalantly on the CEO's chair, this was the first time he actually looked at her since they met again, she still looked the same.

The dark green suit, coupled with a black office shirt and a green tie, he couldn't fully see her lower body because of the table but he was sure she was wearing a skirt.

"are you going to talk, or are going to keep gawking at me like that"Haeli Reign said with a smirk plasted on her face, Julian's expression turned dark as he finally got his voice back.

"I'm breaking off the contract, I won't be needing your assistance anymore"Julian Walker said without batting an eyelid, he really was done with this woman, Haeli chucked humorlessly and stood up from her chair before walking towards Julian.

"is that your way of getting away from me, uhhn Julian"she said while walking around him in circles flashing him a seductive smile, she rested her hand on his shoulder, Julian grabbed her hand and yanked it away from his shoulder, he didn't want such a disgusting thing to touch him.

"I don't care about what you say, I just came to inform you, and I'm not changing my mind"Julian Walker said in a serious tone, he was trying his best to make it as clear as possible, that he wanted nothing to do with her.

"I know you can never get over me Julian, even if you run away from me I'll always keep chasing"Haeli Reign declared without any doubt, Julian just couldn't believe this woman.

"oh! after all you've done keep dreaming, only a fool would take you back, the contract's over, I hope I never have to see you again"Julian Walker said and walked out of her office.

"you just wait Julian, I'll win you back, I'll get rid of anything that serves as an obstruction to me getting you"Haeli swore as she walked back to her desk, she picked up her phone and a folder before walking out of her office.

Julian wasn't really happy about what happened, but he was much older now, he had to behave sensibly, he already had two children he really loved and a wife he always wished would be more supportive of their children.

The scene that welcomed him, was that of his wife and daughter argueing as usual, but this time it looked worse since his son wasn't there to help out.

"you're such a disgrace, your father spoils you alot and that's why you can't even respect me"Adeline Walker shouted looking at her daughter in disgust, Julian decided to stay quiet for the main time.

"I didn't choose to be your daughter anyways, so I really don't care, I would accept you as my mom if only you could support my dream, just once"Aria talked back at her mother, making the woman even more furious.

"you! can't you just be like your friend, Brissa, she listens to everything her mom tells her"Adeline Walker shouted, she was beginning to lose all sense if rashion left in her.

"oh please, just disown me if you want to like I c..."she wasn't able to continue her sentence as she felt a hand cover her mouth, she turned around to see that it was her brother, she hugged him tight as all the tears she held back flowed down her cheek.

"don't you say such a thing again, where do you want me to find a new sister, they don't go round selling sisters in the mall you know"Ethan tried to comfort his sister with is cheesy words.

"you two are just so alike, feeling all high and mighty, ungrateful brat, you should be thankful that I didn't decide to abort when I was pregnant with you"Adeline Walker said with a wry smile on lips.

"you know what, you should've done that I would be better off somewhere else"Aria said and stormed out of the house, she saw her dad standing beside the double door, she hugged him, Julian could tell that she was having another attack.

She had slumped on him as blood started dripping from her mouth nose and ears.

Aria had a condition, if she got too emotional she would loose her consciousness and all the blood in her body would rush to her head leading to blood leaking from all opening in her head.

Julian rushed back to his car while carrying his daughter.

"you're my mom, but if anything happens to Aria, you'll have yourself to blame for it"Ethan warned and rushed over to meet with his dad as they rushed her to the hospital.

At the hospital the doctor informed them that had to find a blood donor since she lost a lot of blood, her blood type was very rare so they didn't have any in their blood bank.

"it will take at least 48 hours for before our next blood donation takes place, and she won't make it till then, you have to utilize your connections and get one if not am afraid we'll lose her"Lenox Quinn said and Julian could swear his heart made a somersault at that moment.

"we'll find one has soon as possible"Julian Walker said as Lenox gestured for him to go home and come back when he found a donor, all Ethan wanted was to get home and give that woman who happened to be his mom a piece of his mind.

Ethan did just that when they got home, he threatened to never forgive her if anything happened to his sister, Adeline could only feel remorseful, she apologized and promised to support them from that moment onwards.

Adeline also apologized to her husband and he could only forgive her, Ethan could only forgive his mom since his father already did, and they shared a breif hug as they all beagn to search for a donor for Aria.