
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

2 Blood donor

At the airport Lenox could be seen waiting for someone, he had driven all the way from his hospital just to pick up his nephews, their dad was busy so he didn't have a choice, besides he also wanted to see them urgently.

Levi and Liam looked around in search of their uncle and they finally spotted him, looking all high and mighty in his black suit, about 12 guards were also standing around him, they were probably sent by their dad, he was too worried, and they could understand why.

"uncle! over here"Liam shouted trying to drag his uncle's attention towards them, and it worked well, as Lenox Quinn turned around to see the two set of people he had been waiting for.

"finally, you guys are back, I can finally stop having to babysit Leigh anytime Matilda is busy"Lenox said in a very excited tone, he knew he was this happy for other unsaid reasons as well, but he'll just save that for later.

"how's she doing, where is Leigh presently"Levi asked looking all worried like the overprotective brother he was, and Lenox could only sigh, there was really no fun talking to this guy, he was always as worried has is dad is, like father like son.

"lover boy are referring to Leigh or Matilda...."Liam held back his words as Levi shot him a death glare, he gulped and took a step back, in other to be on a safer side.

"Leigh is with Matilda, first and foremost you need to accompany me to the hospital, I have some work you can help with"Lenox announced as Liam grumbled in annoyance, this uncle if his would never change.

The trio got into the same car, while the body guards got into 3 others cars that trailed behind them, their dad was really being too overprotective, but they couldn't change that, can they? \/("_")\/...

Levi and Liam were the two sons of Scott Quinn, the no-nonsense leader of the Mafia, these twins are in their second year of business school, they had gone through a lot for the past 19 years of their lives.

Their mom died when they were just 9, their little sister was just 3 when it happened, it broke their dad down completely but with his children as his motivation he got back up on his feets and made the Mafia grow beyond limits.

Levi had bright red hair which he inherited from his mother, while his brother had jet black hair like their dad, their sister also had bright red hair.

They all had cat like eyes coupled with long eyelashes, Levi and Liam had ocean blue eyes from their dad while Leigh had hazel green eyes from her mom, they were the definition of perfection, their little sister is also one of the youngest female musician, actress and model.

The twins love their sister a lot, there were lot of situations where they sacrificed important things just for her, who wouldn't be proud to have them as their children -_-.....

Their uncle's office looked the same, just as they left it, Levi looked around and noticed a folder on the table, it had the name "Aria Walker" on it, his brows inched together in confusion, wasn't his classmate also one of the Walkers, dis something happen.

"uncle! does this folder belong to the walker's, the family of Julian Walker"Levi asked and his uncle's facial expression be ame serious, signaling that something was awfully wrong, Liam also turned to look at his uncle after hearing what his brother said.

"yes, his daughter has the same condition your mom had"Lenox finally broke the news to them, he new he would be able to save Aria if he did this.

Their mother died due to the same condition Aria had, the twins had been so guilt ridden that they swore they would attone for not being able to save their mother, and the only way was to prevent others from dying the way she did.

"are you saying she's also about to die"Liam asked as Levi found it hard to find his voice, that incident had been traumatic for him, he hadn't been able to accept the fact that his mom was no longer with them.

"yes, this is your chance, her brother and father brought her here not long ago, but he blood type is rare and not available in our blood bank, she"s not going to maje it till tomorrow"Lenox said hoping his plan worked, as that was the only chance to save a young life, he was a doctor afterall.

"so I'm guessing, our blood type is the same as hers, right?"Levi asked still lost in thoughts, he wasn't going to let this chance slip away, he was going to get rid of the guilt he had been living with for good 10 years.

"so will you do it, you're not allowed to tell your dad he'll kill me if he finds out about this"Lenox asked looking at them with those hopeful puppy eyes, he was literally guilt trapping them, Levi couldn't believe this, this uncle if his was really something.

"we'll do it"they both agreed and lenox couldn't hold back his excitement, he started the procedure and everything went as planned, he was really thankful to this nephew's of his, he decided to wait till the Walkers came back, then he'd break the news to them.

When the twins woke up, they didn't immediately recall all that happened, but when the reality hit them, they could only get up and decide to look for their uncle, he had put them to sleep with anaesthetics cause he knew they had trauma for blood, so they had to be asleep throughout the whole process, once they found their uncle they could only ask about the room where Aria was being kept since he had an urgent surgery to attend to.

When they got to the room, they saw the figure if a girl sitted up on the bed, she looked lost in thoughts has the wind blew the curtains causing her hospital dress to stick to her body, flawlessly making her look more alluring.

"you better now"Liam voiced out 6i get her attention, she turned around and saw the two set of lookalikes staring directly towards her.

They really looked familiar, they looked exactly like a kid musician she liked a lot, could tegy be he brothers??, I'll just ask, Aria couldn't help but think of what next to do.

Slight footsteps could be heard, it belonged to the Walkers, Lenox Quinn had told them about the blood donor has soon as they came, Julian didn't expect that the sons of the Mafia boss he was planning to meet had saved his daughters, this was a great then.

"hey, how come, I thought you both went on vacation" Ethan asked as soon as he saw his classmates, he was actually surprised though, he didn't know that the rumored stone-hearted twins were actually nice.

"we got back today, our uncle informed us about your sister's condition and since our blood types were same as hers, we felt it wouldn't do aby harm to help out"Liam blurted out, ignoring his brothers stern looks, Levi just nodded his head at what Liam said.

"well, this is a huge coincidence, I was actually planning to meet with your father today, if not for this accident that happened"Julian said trying his best to make a good impression as he had heard if how much Scott Quinn cherished his children.

"well, I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with that, what happened to put her in such a state "Liam butted in not being able to control his curiosity, Levi couldn't believe how nosy this brother of his was

"she doesn't want to go to business school and wants to become a singer like, Leigh Quinn"Adeline confessed still feeling guilty for what happened earlier, Levi who knew the value of a mother decided to do something that will end up pleasing both mother and daughter.

"you know yoh can go to business school and still become a singer, my sister will also attend business school and still continue singing you know"Levi tried convincing Aria, since he just found out that she liked his sister a lot, he knew that would hit the jackpot.

"I'll go to business school then, if it means I'll have a chance to meet Leigh, you'll bring her along for me to meet her right"Arian excitedly announced, Adeline couldn't believe it, she had been trying so hard to make this happen and it only took this total stranger about to 50 seconds to do so

"absolutely, see you in business school then"Levi said has he and Liam left the room to give the family some privacy, besides he needed to meet with Matilda and Leigh soon, he missed them both a lot, their father would be excited to see them after a long while.

In the room, the family finally made up and Everything was settled, Aria promised to try to be a better daughter while Adeline promised to be better in carrying out her motherly duties. Julian smiled knowing this was a new beginning for him and his family, he now had much hope in getting to sign the contract with the Mafia\(°=°)/....