
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

2 Of The Same

When team 7 final arrived at Tazuna's house, he introduced his grandson and daughter to the four. But Yoshiro didn't really take it serious despite the interested looks from Tsunami. So all he did was ask Tazuna where a free room was and placed Kakashi in the bed.

Kakashi didn't wake until the next day and even then he couldn't move around due to chakra exhaustion. So when he was able to sit up, he asked for the four Genin's.

When informed of Kakashi's request, All of the Genin's opened the door to a tired looking Kakashi. Looking at each one of them, Kakashi took notice of Yoshiro's uncaring demeanour. Kakashi felt like the Black haired boy already knew of why he asked for them because of the knowing eyes.

"Zabuza is alive." speaking rather bluntly, Kakashi expected an onslaught of shouting and question which he wasn't wrong.


"That can't be!?"


Getting multiple reactions from Naruto and Naomi's shouting to no response from both Uchiha's. Stopping anymore shouting with a raised hand, Kakashi continued.

"We were tricked. Tracking nin dispose of anything, even on lookers that has saw there presence." Seriously explaining to his squad, the blondes went quite from his explaination and already getting the meaning behind this meeting already or trying to in Naruto's case.

"We will be training for the next week to prepare for what will come because if my intuition is correct, we could meet Zabuza and maybe even the Fake Tracker nin soon." Nodding seriously at Kakashi, Everyone heading out to train as soon as possible for the next meeting with Zabuza.

Naruto training in the forest while Yoshiro trained near a lake inside the forest. Naomi and Sayaka would now and then join but mostly focused on Chakra control which was taught by Yoshiro himself.

After teaching them for a couple of hours, time for dinner came which Tsunami whole heartedly said it was all she could do for someone that was protecting her father. Not taking no for an answer, the four Genin's walked in the door and sat down at the table.

Words being exchanged by one another, Kakashi would ask of how training went to only get Naruto to brag or try to at least with his High Genin - Low Chunin skill. Everything was going very well until Tazuna's Grandson came in.

"So you notice, Kakashi-sensei. Things will get better, Believe it." Accepting Kakashi's praise, Naruto said will utmost confidence in himself.

"I don't believe it. Nothing will get better."

Turning their heads from behind them to the door, a small child with only just visible black hair because of the Trent hat was stood looking at them.

"Oh Inari! Where were you!" Tazuna opened his arms with a smile.

"I was out Ojisan!" Rushing into his arms and hugging him, Tsunami came up to the pair and reprimanded her young son.

"Inari that is very rude of you! These ninja helped your grandpa and brought him safe to us." Putting her hands on her hips, Tazuna tried to calm down her daughter.

"It's okay. I'm rude to them too." While saying this and chuckling, Inari on the other hand look at the four genin's.

His gaze would drift on Yoshiro then Naruto seemingly seeing the difference in attitude and demeanour with one another. Naruto would bashfully eat his food while Yoshiro ate slowly and gracefully, you couldn't expect no less from a boy who was raised in the head's family. He took everything serious when taught by Mikoto and Itsuka about manners or anything related to be seen in a noble way.

"They will die Kaa-san. Gato and his men will come back and wipe them out!" Trying to tell his mother desperately, Naruto right away was on his feet, fist gripped Infront of him with anger on his face.

"What did you say brat!" Pointing out his finger to the child, Naruto continued on and expressed his confidence.

"Listen up! I won't allow any person not even this Gato or whatever he is called to defeat us. I will become the Hokage! And if he has to be my stepping stone then so be it! He is no match for a hero like me!" Gripping his fist with a convicted face, Inari looked down casted and said emotionally.

"There is no such thing as an hero. Your just full of stupid ideas!" Shouting to Naruto. Naruto instantly almost rushed to him but to be held back by his sister like most times.

"What did you say!" Struggling to get out of his sister's grip, Naomi anger taking over her already having enough of her brother exploded.

"Stop it Naruto! Do you want to get punched again!?" Silence immediately came after her voice, Naruto could be seen seating back in former spot with fear on his face. He would do anything but anger his sister, she definitely took over their mother's anger.

"You don't know what pain is so stop acting like you are a hero! It's just a lie... Just go back where you came from before you get hurt by Gato." Running out of the room without turning, Sayaka this time was fill with rage towards the boys word.

"Sorry for what he has said... Inari... He hasn't had a good life..." Bowing to them, sadness and guilt was in Tsunami's plead.

"...Well he isn't the only one that hasn't had a good life..." Muttering under her breath, Sayaka looked at Yoshiro needing to see his reaction with what the boy said.

Seeing him frozen with his hands about to cut through his food, Sayaka peeked at his face, due to his face downwards she couldn't see much of his eyes. But luckily she was still able to get a glimpse of his now, dilated eyes. Trying to understand his thoughts. To her at this point he was incomprehensible no matter how she tried, she couldn't find out his thoughts.

While in his point of view, the words of pain and go back repeated in his head. Images of the torture that he had to endure flashed through his eyes, he could vividly see everything like it happened yesterday. The screams of his love ones in despair which would break any same person companied the memories, enhancing already the horrifying scenes.

"Onii-chan! Where are you going!?"


Standing from his chair, the voices of Sayaka and Naomi went through one of his ear and out the other. At this point, he couldn't hear anything except the screaming of the memories.

See Yoshiro walk outside, Naomi and Sayaka was about to run out of the door to accompany Yoshiro but was stopped by Kakashi.

"Leave him alone... He needs time on his own. It's not easy going through what he has been through." Kakashi said almost reminiscing about the time he cried tears in his bed secretly when he had lost both Rin and Obito.

"But Sensei!" Both girls shouted to Kakashi. They were clearly worried for Yoshiro and Kakashi knew it himself.

"I know you both care for him. But sometimes people have to overcome obstacles on there own." Kakashi was helpless in this situation because all he could was explain through experience. Even today he was still affected by his love ones death so he knew how hard it was.

Hesitantly seating back down. Sayaka was still nervous and hoping Yoshiro would come back better as for Naomi, she could only wish that Kakashi was right. Out of the two, Sayaka was the most affected, she was the person that grew up with Yoshiro and saw him as an Older brother. Just seeing him pain would her punch to the heart but it wasn't said Naomi wasn't feeling anything while seeing in this condition.

"What's wrong with him?" abruptly getting took out of their thoughts, Naruto said in confusion. Out of most people, Naruto was the only person that stupid enough not to realise how the Massacre had affected Yoshiro.

"*Sigh* Personal Issues." Kakashi could only rub his temple and say two words to describe what was wrong with Yoshiro to Naruto without the blonde being lost in explaination.

[Next morning]

The whole night Yoshiro didn't come back to Tazuna's house. Not knowing where Yoshiro was, Sayaka and Naomi was on edge with worry while Kakashi knew already of how strong the lad was so expecting this to break him so soon was out of the question. Naruto on the other hand was waiting somewhat for the training with Kakashi to start, he of course the less affected out of the group.

But neither did they know that Yoshiro was seated on the flowing grass, leaning on a tree, sleeping peacefully with his black locks blowing in the wind.

That night Yoshiro came walking in the woods groggily trying to regain his breath. All that you could hear in that Forest was hard breathing. His eyes were blank like he didn't know where he was going or his surroundings. The only reason he could get any sleep that dark night was because of a trip causing his self to fall backwards. Smashing his head against the bark on the tree, Yoshiro went unconscious with his face hanging forward.

Early in the day, a person was looking at the lad near the tree. They took short steps towards him nearly as if they didn't want to get caught. When they finally arrived by him, they hovered over the boy apparently cautious about what to do with him.

Taking some time to consider what to do they crouched down and shook him moderately while calling out.

"Hey, Wake up."

Doing the job, Yoshiro eyes fluttered open and finally able to hear, he heard a feminine voice ahead of him and rather close.

Facing the person, Yoshiro Onyx eyes met a pair of dark brown eyes. Both pair of eyes stayed in that same position, both individuals were mesmerized by the others eyes. They could see almost see through one another, it was like they understood each other just by gazing into the others eyes.

"Oh sorry!" Seeing the eyes he was locked on pull away, Yoshiro quickly regained his composure.

Now this time seeing a new face, Yoshiro took notice of their face. All he could describe them by was beautiful, only women such as Tsunade, Mikoto and Kushina could rival. Naomi, Hinata, Sayaka were cute but he knew when they grow up especially Hinata, they will be knock out beauties like their mothers.

Taking notice of the blush on the persons cheek, Yoshiro now knew why the person took distance between him. They were embarrassed about what had happened.

Touching the ground, Yoshiro had some difficulty getting up but with some help by the dark brown eyed person. Yoshiro finally stood up.

"Thank you." Saying this gratefully which didn't go well with his neutral tone, Yoshiro even though emo knew when to be thankfully. Mouth curled up on the edges slightly, He/she said.

"It's alright."

Wanting to wash his face from a spot of his own blood caused by the back of his head, he walked to the pond with help and sat down washing his face with water. The cut on his head was now gone, this was one of the pluses with being a hybrid between two of the three most strongest clans.

"So... How did you get blood on your face?" As the person was asking this question, even though they came across confused. Yoshiro already knowing who it was, he could tell they wanted try and pry some information from him.

Looking up at them for a moment, Yoshiro went back to cleaning his face and said "I was training and got injuried."

Finishing cleaning his face, Yoshiro sat near the pond and looked at the view that was in his sight. The sun rising over the trees beautifully, he took notice of the person sitting next to him. Both gazing at the view, the sun shined on them.

"Why do you train?"

Turning his head to them, getting caught off guard by the sudden question. Yoshiro said without hesitation or questions.

"I train to get strong... Strong enough that even the strongest of people can't do nothing but trembled at my feet in submission." Determination and dedication overflowing in his words, the chocolate eyed individual looking at Yoshiro couldn't help but be enchanted at the sun light reflecting off his Onyx eyes.

Coming out of their daze, they asked one more time "What then... What will you do after succeeding with your goal?" Not even needing to think, he said again.

"I will protect my loved ones in the light or in the shadows. Even if they come to hate me in the future or what I have committed." Listing to Yoshiro's answer, the listener finally realised why they felt such a connection with him. It was because he was the same as them, someone who would do anything even at the cost of their own happiness to protect their loved one/ones.

"I see you have a basket full of herbs. Are you looking to heal someone?" Yoshiro seeing the basket full of herbs, he asked them, which the person in question nodded with a gorgeous smile.

"I am. Do you want to help?" Having nothing else to do, Yoshiro said "Sure."

Helping the person for 30 minutes finding herbs, Yoshiro realised that he needed to get going and inform Kakashi and the team so they don't worry. But it seems the other individual was in the same situation.

"Thank you for your help today. But sadly I have to go back, it was nice meeting you." Walking off in the distance, the person all of a sudden turned around showing their chocolate eyes.

"By the way. I'm a boy." Dropping a bomb to his head, Yoshiro scanned the person up and down trying to find if they were talking lies.

And thankfully Yoshiro saw with only a glimpse bandages on their chest. Smirking inside by the way the person tried to hide their gender, Yoshiro shot back at them.

"Are you sure? Guys don't bandages their chest." Blushing at his comment, the now identified girl, disappeared like she wasn't even there.

Looking at the spot they came from, Yoshiro turned back and headed to Tazuna's house and thought.

'Well guess he is now a she. I don't mind it, he did look rather feminine when I first got these memories. But how come it was I that met her unlike Naruto? That's another question for a day.' Shaking his head, Yoshiro finally got out of the woods and body flickered to Tazuna's house. When he was outside, Yoshiro gently opened the door, to see.


Yoshiro has PTSD if you haven't realised it, I think all Uchiha's have a certain amount of PTSD.

Btw how do you guys think about Haku being a female, because Tbf he did look to feminine for my own good. When I first saw him, I swear I had love hearts in my eyes so when he told Naruto his gender, I legit thought I was gay 😂😂

Also She is going to be in the Harem because I believe Haku is very similar to Yoshiro because both of their parents are dead and have been adopted for most of their life while believing themselves to be owing the people that looked after them no matter, even if they have to sacrificed their life.

What do you guys think of the chapter and the interaction between Haku and Yoshiro. I believe I did a fairly good job, what about you guys?

Anyway thank you for the support and please keep them Stones rolling in. I love me some Power stones, Who doesn't! Thank you again, this is the end of the Chapter. Bye until Next Time! 👋👋