
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

An Encounter

Coming back on land after traveling from water, Naruto would glance at Yoshiro with fire in his eyes, jealousy evident in them as well.

'I bet he thinks he's better than everyone. Watch, I will show that I'm the strongest and then I will become the next Hokage! believe it!'

Jumping out acting like he was looking for something, Naruto the. sent out a Kunai in a bush while shouting.


Everyone on guard from Naruto's sudden voice, they later calmed down by no voice. Walking up to the bush, what met their eyes was a terrified white bunny.

"Woah! Naruto you should be a Hunter than a Shinobi." Yoshiro speaking sarcastically while rolling his eyes, Naruto straight away in his face with anger on his.

"What did you say!" Screaming directly upwards to his face, spit almost planting on it. Yoshiro bringing his shirt up aggressively said mockingly.

"I said, you should be a Hunter than a Shinobi. Got something to say, shrimp."

"Stop it you two! We are on a mission." Distancing both lads, Naomi spoke to both boys expecting them to calm only for them to glare at one another.

"Onii-chan..." Hearing a sweet voice from beside him and an tug on his sleeve. Yoshiro saw Sayaka look at him, wanting him to calm down. Weirdly enough doing the job, Yoshiro about to walk away felt a sudden wave of air.

"Look out!"

Grabbing Sayaka down, everyone doing the same thing. A long blade went over head, hitting a tree head on. Standing back on their feet, Yoshiro appeared by Kakashi's side, already ready for a certain someone to appear.

As in Canon, a tall man with bandages covering most of his face and chest bare stood on top of the handle. Back facing them, Kakashi knew instantly who the man was.

"Well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, Rouge Ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist." Naruto not knowing what a rouge ninja is neither his infamous name. Sprinted towards Zabuza only for Kakashi's arm to get in the way.

"You're out of your league kid. He's on a whole different level compared to the other ninja's." Putting Naruto in his place, the blonde couldn't do nothing but step back.

"I guess I will have to use this." Lifting up the headband from his other eye, appearing from it was the legendary Sharingan eye.

"Kakashi of The Sharingan..... It is written in the Bingo book that you have copied a thousand Justu's. Let's see if it's true, why don't we?"

Jumping on the water, Zabuza went into a position known for creating the Hidden mist Justu. {A/N: Don't know the name or how to describe it without it being long}

"Hidden Mist Justu!"

Suddenly as Zabuza shouted his Justu, the whole air of their surroundings turned into fog. Already Infront of Tazuna, Naruto, Naomi and Sayaka kept their guards up for him while Kakashi and Yoshiro gazed around the fog analysing where he would come from.

"Eight points... Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys and heart. Now, which one will be my kill point." Zabuza's voiced radiated across the mist area like death speaking about your impending doom. All three protector's stiffened up from his words.

Seeing this from behind him, Kakashi spoke out, calming them. "Do not be afraid, I'm here." Releasing some tension from them and some now calm breathing.

Slightly visible movement could be seen from the shadow's which could only be seen by Kakashi and Yoshiro.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Widening their eyes, Zabuza voice was right behind them, crouching on the ground with massive sword in hand.

Eyes turning drastically to Crimson red, Yoshiro coming into Zabuza's sight and without any physical reaction or knowing, he swiftly and vertically sliced his neck. But unlike slicing flesh, Yoshiro met water.

"What do we have here, an Uchiha? And an Genius at that!" Coming from behind him, Sayaka and Naomi trying to warn Yoshiro in time, Zabuza swung his sword.

Thankfully having skills for a reason and good reflex's. Yoshiro leaned back getting the shape of a blade going past his eyes. When disappearing, Yoshiro met Zabuza's chin with an Inverted Handstand kick. People with only the greatest of flexibility could do something that Yoshiro just did.

Yet again becoming water. Yoshiro this time stayed very closely Infront of Tazuna and the others.

"You are strong. As expected from a person that hailed from the Glorious Uchiha Clan." Zabuza praised from the distant.

About to speak again, he felt cold metal touch his skin that he knew all to well and to go along with his suspicion, he heard.

"This is between me and you. Let's waste no time already by bring other people." As Kakashi said that from behind going to strike and finsjh him off. Zabuza quickly blocked it somehow.

Both men went into a frenzy of attacks and dodges. Nearing the end, Kakashi getting caught by a kick to the stomach dropped into the water.

Materialising from behind him on the water, Zabuza went through some handsigbs and said.

"Water prison Justu!"

Trapping Kakashi in a water justu, Zabuza having to keep his hand in it for the justu to work. Yoshiro not wanting this to take long, flashed at the back of Zabuza and sent a punch.

Successfully getting Kakashi out of the Justu from sending Zabuza a decent amount skidding away. As like in canon after saving Kakashi, Both men went on to go through Water dragon justu and some more light Taijustu.

Zabuza was hit in the neck by something causing him to drop on the ground. When hitting the ground exactly, Kakashi started to check his neck for a pluse getting none, suddenly a person emerged with a Hidden mist Mask on a tree branch.

"Thank you, I've been tracking Zabuza for a long time. Waiting for this chance to finally take him down." Bowing slightly to team 7, Kakashi asked the bowing person.

"From your mask, I assume you are apart of the Tracking squad in The Village Hidden in the Mist." Naruto not understanding what a tracker team is asked what it meant, only for his sister to tell him like all the time. While this was going down, Yoshiro heard from the person.

"Impressive, your well informed. I'm a member of an Elite tracker unit of the Village hidden in the mist. It was my duty to stop Zabuza." Saying this. The area went quiet with Kakashi analysing the mysterious person until Naruto went between both individuals while pointing to the person o the branch.

"What is this, who do you think you are!?" Getting no reply from the mask person, Naruto said again.

"Did you hear me!?"

"Easy Naruto. He's not our enemy." Kakashi said to Naruto standing back on his feet.

"Huh. That's not the point! Did you see what he did, just like that! Zabuza was huge and powerful like a monster and this kid, who's no bigger than me, he brought down Zabuza with one move. What does that makes us! How can I accept that!" Every single word Naruto said, Kakashi walked up to Naruto, until he was right beside him.

"Even if you don't accept that. It did happen Naruto." Placing his hand on Naruto's head, Kakashi said looking Infront of him.

"In this world, there are kids, who are younger than you and yet... Stronger than me... Yoshiro is an example of this... All it will take is a year, maybe slightly more for him to become stronger than me... How does that make you feel." Not able to say anything to Kakashi's words but look grumpy and seeth inside, Naruto felt again jealous of Yoshiro.

Body flickering with wind surrounding their body. The person came beside Zabuza and placed him on his shoulder and said to them.

"Your struggle is over, I'll take over now. There are many secrets in this body, they mustn't be allowed to get in the wrong hands." Putting up a sign, He/she said after before leaving.

"Please excuse me, farewell."

Disappearing just like that. Kakashi put the headband back where it was. Naruto punching the ground with his fists, said loudly.

"How is this fair! I just don't believe it!" Constantly smashing them on the ground until his wrist was stopped by Kakashi. The Silver man said.

"Stop beating yourself up. Save it for the next enemy." Yoshiro deactivating his Sharingan, said while walking away back to the team.

"Their will be bigger challengers in the future than the one just now, so if you don't have what it takes... Cut that dream away before you hurt yourself and the people around you." Speaking loud enough for Naruto to hear. Even though Yoshiro just said it to uplift him while also trying to hurt him mentally, Naruto used them in a positive way.

Seeing him back to his usual self, Yoshiro just left it. He really hated Naruto to the core, everything he had knowledge of made him hate him except the strong will he had. The way he treated his family after becoming the Hokage and how he felt sorry for Hinata, were just the small amount of things he hated about him.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Hearing everyone's voice. Yoshiro saw Kakashi go unconscious and head first to the ground but before he could truly hit the ground. Yoshiro managed to get Kakashi on his back.

"Tazuna his long his your house from here?" Yoshiro asked the Bridge builder. Rubbing his beard, Tazuna said to him.

"An hour maybe a little more." Nodding at his words, everyone headed towards Tazuna's house with directions from him.

[Hidden Hideout]

Dropping Zabuza on a couch. Haku took off the needles from his neck and wait an hour for him to wake back up. Finally seeing him show symptoms of awakening, Haku adjusted him to a sitting position.

"You could of did it less painful Haku." Groaning from his mouth, Zabuza complained.

"I had to do it like that Zabuza-sama. They wouldn't of believe it to be real if not." Replying to Zabuza, Haku sat Infront of him and watched him move his limbs around due to not moving it for long enough causing lack of oxygen.

"...What do you we do now?" Haku asked Zabuza, not getting no reply. Haku waited until after a couple minutes, he said seriously.

"We have no choice, I need that money. Next time, you will come along with me. I want you to try and stall that Uchiha boy. As for the other Genin's... Kill them as quick as possible. I'll fight against Kakashi for the meantime." Nodding at his words, Haku had already got use to the way Zabuza was and she owned him everything, her whole being was for him.

"I'll do as such, Zabuza-sama." Seeing his wounds and body not working to the fullest, Haku being good with her herbs and medicine took notics on how to fix it.

"For the time being, Zabuza-sama. I will get some medicine for your body because it seems that you're having some problems with it." Nodding at her words. Both people departing for their separate rooms, Haku was planing to gets some Herbs from the forest she usually goes to in a day or two. Hoping inside that none of the Genin's and more, The Uchiha boy and Jonin.