
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hiss, where did you come from, little bastard? How dare you ruin the Wuli of our magic Pirate Group?!"

One of the pirates fell to the ground with a fierce face and a pair of dog like eyes staring at Zhang Jun.

"Well, boss Uli, don\'t you think this boy looks familiar? It seems... That factotum." just then, another thief came up to Uli\'s ear and whispered something.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the first small task. Kill the pursuit team in front of you (because the predecessor of the host escaped, the pioneer pursuit team sent by the demon pirate regiment) and you can get inferior bait * 3"

Just when Zhang Jun was about to say something, the voice of the system suddenly sounded.

Suddenly, Zhang Jun looked at the three pirates strangely. They are not the enemy. They are clearly my resources!

The three people who were muttering suddenly felt their backs cool and shivered involuntarily.

"Little boy, what\'s your fucking look? Say, are you Zhang Jun? You look so alike!"

When Wu Li saw Zhang Jun\'s strange eyes and smile, his hair stood up, but he immediately reacted that he was just a kid. As long as he was serious, could he beat his three people?

Zhang Jun was surprised when he heard his words. The three idiots didn\'t recognize themselves!

However, it has changed a lot.

He lowered his head and frowned. The system asked him to kill these people. As a former three good young man, he was really a little embarrassed.

"Shit, ignore me, brothers, tie him up and take him back to the boss!"

Wu Li\'s face was exposed and said gnashing his teeth.

Suddenly, the three rushed towards Zhang Jun, who was still tangled.

Zhang Jun, who was still hesitant, made up his mind when he saw the three ferocious people.

This is no longer the peaceful world at the beginning. There should be war songs of blood and fire here!

The cold light in his eyes flashed, and he exerted a little force under his feet. Zhang Jun\'s figure immediately disappeared in front of the three people.

Navy six - shave!

When the three saw the enemy disappear, they were stunned and immediately burst into a cold sweat!


This is the last thought of the three whose necks were kicked off.

Zhang Jun, who reappeared, patted his ragged clothes and looked in one direction.



"It\'s interesting that you, such a kid, first escaped from my ship and then dared to kill me. You\'re really looking for death!"

The person who said this was a pirate leader with a pale face and a long scar extending to his neck, followed by about dozens of Pirates behind him.

At this time, I saw him clapping his hands as he walked towards Zhang Jun.

However, Zhang Jun\'s sight was attracted by the bodies around him, especially the teenage boy who fell in a pool of blood.

Looking at the little boy\'s last face, Zhang Jun felt an unspeakable sense of guilt and hatred. These innocent lives were implicated by himself!

"Sting, task fusion, double Revenge (generated by the fusion of the hatred of the predecessor of the host and the hatred of the host itself). Killing us can obtain ordinary bait * 1, kill his men, and one person is inferior bait * 1"

"If you kill all of them, you will be deemed to have completed the fusion task, and you will be rewarded with high-quality bait * 1!"

The sound of system machinery suddenly sounded, but Zhang Jun seemed not to hear it at all.

At this time, his eyes were red and he had only one idea, kill!


With a crazy roar, Zhang Jun rushed towards us recklessly.

In fact, Zhang Jun knew at the first sight of these pirates that their combat effectiveness was generally between 20 and 30, but us had 93 combat effectiveness.

Zhang Jun, the demon Pirate Group, knows very well that all the others are crooked melons and cracked dates except the coward us who is said to have escaped from the great route.

However, Zhang Jun has lost his mind at this time. Even if he is a swordsman like eagle eye, he dares to go up!


Zhang Jun, desperate to rush towards us, retreated a few steps with us after a loud noise.

It is reasonable to say that Zhang Jun\'s strength and speed are much higher than us, which should not be so.

But when he lost his mind, he didn\'t hit the other side directly, but was blocked by him.

"Boy, your ability is not small! I don\'t know what adventure you have obtained. It has changed so much, but you are also your uncle US\'s slave after all!"

Us looked at Zhang Jun proudly and contemptuously.

But in fact, despite his contempt, he was still a little afraid. Zhang Jun knew him and was beaten on his ship, but he certainly didn\'t have any strength?

The boy had such a change in such a short time. Did he eat the devil\'s fruit?

Thinking of the devil fruit, US\'s eyes are a little red. After fighting for so many years, he is not even as good as a boy!

The pain on his body made Zhang Jun gradually return to his reason. Looking at a group of people behind us, he flashed a cruel color in his eyes.


Once again, Zhang Jun disappeared in front of everyone.

Bang, bang!

Soon, a series of muffled sounds sounded. With the end of each sound, a pirate fell to the ground.

"Come on, get in a group. This boy is haunted. Don\'t be caught by him!"

Us is worthy of being an old Jianghu man and made a response immediately.

However, this could not stop Zhang Jun, who calmed down. He saw that he had a little feet and actually walked in mid air.

Navy six - Moon step!

Yes, at this time, what Zhang Jun showed was the monthly step of one of the six naval styles he had caught before!

In mid air, he was far faster than everyone, and immediately broke up the formation that everyone had just set up.

Half an hour later, his canthus chapped and looked at the bodies in front of him.

In the distance, a ragged boy was panting and proud.

"Little bastard! Die, die!"

The angry US rushed straight towards Zhang Jun, but he easily avoided it.

Us didn\'t know how many times he avoided it. He ran away every time he wanted to catch it. Like a loach, he could only watch his men die one by one on the spot.

"Us, it\'s time to settle our accounts now. It\'s bad luck for you to catch the wrong people and do the wrong things!"

Zhang Jun calmed down and looked at us coldly.

The surrounding villagers watched the war secretly at the beginning, and then brazenly stood in the distance to cheer for Zhang Jun.

At this time, it is a bit like the challenge arena of life and death in the novel. Only one party can live!

Zhang Jun adjusted his state, picked up a knife on the ground and rushed towards us quickly.

At this time, a trace of banter flashed in US\'s eyes. He has always kept a hand. As long as Zhang Jun dares to rush forward, with his extraordinary explosive power and reaction speed, he will be able to avoid Zhang Jun\'s attack and kill him!

However, things did not develop as he thought.

Zhang Jun, who had rushed in front of him, stepped up and made another effort. Unexpectedly, he strangely circled behind us, fell with a knife in his hand, and a head fell to the ground.

Us didn\'t understand how Zhang Jun did it until he died.

In fact, he just combined shaving with yuebu.

Everybody please support my work

i will try to post 2 chapters together

MD_Nurnabi_Islamcreators' thoughts