
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 1

The sunset in summer is particularly beautiful, and the afterglow of the sunset shines on the golden beach.

In the evening wind, a ragged teenager lay quietly on the beach, allowing the sea to wash away, but there was no response.

At one moment, an invisible streamer fell from the distant sky and just fell on him.


Suddenly, he seemed to wake up, but one got up and sucked the air conditioner in pain.

"Here is?"

The boy who woke up seemed very strange to the world and looked at the world in confusion.

Suddenly, there was a tearing pain in his head, and a message emerged from the depths of his memory.

"This... This is the world of the pirate king?!"

Zhang Jun stood up in amazement. The strange memory in his mind let him know that he had just come to the pirate world after watching the latest episode of the pirate king in front of the computer.

This world is different from his original world. There are inhuman forces and creatures everywhere!

Even if the original owner of the body he passed through was only a 16-year-old boy, or a worker who escaped from a pirate ship, it didn\'t affect his excitement at all!

"Ding, system prompt, congratulations on the host binding Wanjie fishing system."

"Wanjie fishing system? This is my golden finger?"

Zhang Jun completely ignored the scars on his body and studied with interest the system that had just appeared with the memory of the original owner of the body.

"Ding, this system is a Wanjie fishing system. As long as there is enough bait, you can fish any object in Wanjie. Because it is used for the first time, ten ordinary bait are given to the host."

"Ding, the bait is also divided into grades, from low to high: inferior bait, ordinary bait, high-quality bait, best bait, legendary bait, five grades. The higher the grade of bait, the rarer the articles will be."

Hearing the prompt of the system, Zhang Jun was extremely shocked.

"Such a cow? Hmm? Conscience system, unexpectedly sent me ten ordinary bait!"

After some understanding, Zhang Jun can\'t wait to try this system.

He looked around and found that there was no one around. The Bay seemed to be hidden.

And there happened to be a stone platform nearby, so he planned to go there and try fishing. It\'s not the same to soak in the water all the time.

At this move, he found that his body was really full of holes. Fortunately, his perseverance was good, and he walked over with pain.

Finally, he sat down. He took a few deep breaths and meditated on fishing.

A fishing rod of unknown material appeared in his hand out of thin air, covered with ancient patterns.

At the top of the hook, there is a small fluorescence. It seems that this is the bait.

With excitement, Zhang Jun threw the hook out with all his strength.

The hook is like water, without any ripple, as if it fell into another mysterious space.

"This is the first fishing. I don\'t know what I can catch?"

Zhang Jun looked forward to the direction of the hook.

After a few minutes, the hook shook and flew up from the water. There was a green light mass floating towards Zhang Jun with the hook.

"Congratulations to the host for catching a vitality quenching pill. Taking it can repair all injuries and change his physique." the sound of system mechanization made Zhang Jun stare at the green pill in his hand.

"Not bad. With this thing, the injury can..."

Zhang Jun was a little excited and whispered softly.

Immediately, he didn\'t think much. Feeling the pain on his body, Zhang Jun swallowed the pill he had just got without hesitation.

A warm current emerged from the Dantian and swam all over the body, as if the whole body were bathed in the hot spring. Suddenly, a crisp and itchy feeling emerged from the bones, and then immediately turned into severe pain.

I don\'t know how long later, Zhang Jun, who was almost unconscious, suddenly felt light, and an extremely comfortable feeling emerged, which made him moan.

"Ah, it stinks!"

Zhang Jun, who recovered, found a thick black scab on his body and rushed into the sea to wash it.

He found that his body had no more scars and seemed to be full of strength.

At this time, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a sea ship coming towards the island in the distance. Looking at the familiar flag above, he realized that this was the demon pirate group that caught his predecessor!

Nervous mood emerged. He knew that they must have come for themselves. Although the predecessor was just a worker, they would not give up when they burned a ship in order to escape!

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Zhang Jun\'s face. He was a person with golden fingers. He was afraid of them?! Joke!

Immediately, Zhang Jun quickly sat down and continued fishing, thinking about what could improve his strength.

ten minutes later.

"Congratulations to the host for fishing up to 30 combat power."

Although Zhang Jun was a little confused about the change of time, he immediately integrated the light ball in front of him.

A sense of strength filled the whole body, as if he could blow up a reef by the sea with one punch.

But Zhang Jun knows that this is just an illusion of soaring power.

Looking at the approaching pirate ship, Zhang Jun did not dare to waste any time to continue fishing.

I don\'t know how long later, all the bait was used up, and Zhang Jun sat still and digested the things he caught.

"Congratulations, the host has gained 70 combat power."

"Congratulations to the host for getting 400000 Bailey."

"Congratulations on getting a newspaper in the East China Sea * 1."

"Congratulations to the host for getting one of the six Navy shaving!"

"Congratulations to the host on getting the January step of the Navy\'s six styles!"


When all the light masses integrate into Zhang Jun\'s body.

Suddenly, Zhang Jun\'s body shape and abilities changed rapidly.

Originally thin and weak, he became white after the effect of body quenching pill. Now, although he is still white, his whole body is full of symmetrical muscles.

Each muscle seems to contain a strong force, and even its head has been raised by a few centimeters.

However, the surge in combat effectiveness is not what he cares about most. What he cares about most is the Navy\'s six styles - shaving and moonstep!

At the same time, the system sends out a prompt sound:

"The following is the information template of the host."

"Host: Zhang Jun

Combat effectiveness: 102 points

Skills: one of the six naval styles shaving, one month step of the six naval styles.

Items: 400000 Bailey, newspapers in the East China Sea * 1


Seeing his own information, Zhang Jun was a little speechless. Just now he got 50 combat power by fishing. The original body master of his feelings has only 2 combat points?

How weak is this?

But at this moment, as his strength improved, his mind moved, and a magical feeling emerged. Zhang Jun could sense everything around him. Even a small sand crab on the beach could not escape his perception.

"Ah! Here comes the pirate!"



When he was experimenting with his ability, a scream came.

Zhang Jun\'s face was frozen and the light of hatred flashed in his eyes. This was not his own hatred. This feeling seemed to be left over from his predecessor.


Zhang Jun hurried to the place where the voice came.

Soon, Zhang Jun came to a village. At this time, the village was full of gunsmoke and sad cries. Behind the scattered crowd, there were three grinning pirates chasing after him with a big knife.


With a cold hum, Zhang Junfei quickly came forward and kicked them to the ground before they reacted.