
World War Z (Part 12)

"Well shit," Akane said as Gerry passes out at the gates of the W.H.O building. The group had walked from the nearby forest into the village that housed the place, and were a little bit stunned at the lack of dead roaming. The village looked practically untouched as no building were burned, or broken into. the only sign of trouble was a crashed milk truck, but that was the only sign of damage as they finally made it to the W.H.O building. As Gerry passed out Logan walked up to the gate securing the building and hit the doorbell. 

He then waved at the front door a bit before motioning to the dying man on the ground. That seemed to signal someone inside and soon the gate opened. Logan walked over and lifted Gerry carefully into a princess carry, before walking calmly inside the medic center. The front door opened to two men, likely doctors, who seemed to hold the most authority in the building. They quickly let the four in before locking the door and leading the group to a sanitized room with a surgical table in the middle.

"Place him down here please" one of the doctors, of Italian descent, requested and Logan obliged. The other doctor joined him with two more doctors showing up in scrubs and medical supplies. With Gerry now in surgery Logan, Akane, and Segan left to find a few empty rooms. Akane was the fastest as she opened the first office she could and dragged Logan inside before closing the door firmly. Segan raised a brow until she heard the muffled bangs and growls from the small women and got the hint. Being a soldier herself, she merely smirked and shook her head before finding an office a bit further away to get some genuine rest. 


On the carrier things were coming to ahead as Fassbach squared up with the captain of the ship. After word of the ships crash the captain had deemed the Lane family as unnecessary, and even with Thierry's insistence of honoring the presumed dead man's request to keep his family safe, had scheduled there departure to a secluded land base. Marie and her son were unfortunately afterthoughts do to Akane's and Logan's mercenary status, and thus had been shipped off when they thought they were dead in Jerusalem. 

Thankfully it was a the same base as the Lanes were scheduled to be placed and thus rather secure do to isolation. Yet Fassbach had put his foot down when the captain would toss out the man who had kept him safe from the dead.

"If they go then I go!" He shouted as he stared the Captain down. The Captain didn't waver as he stood his ground against the thin framed doctor, yet could see the resolve of his words.

"A few days in the shit and you got a backbone now do you?" The captain commented as he glared down at the doctor. The doctor laughed as he stood as tall as he could, amazingly beating the captains height and invoking a primal show of superiority.

"In the shit? I was barely in the shit Captain," He answered. "Maybe a few hours did a threat on my life happen, but Gerry? He was with me when that happened, he was with me when we got out of it, and then when we got to Jerusalem he made the right call to keep me on the plane while he went into hell. Then he managed to pull himself out of that SUICIDE SHITSHOW OF A MISSION! Tell me Captain, could you do the same? could you run through that hell with just two men and no weapon yourself?"

The Captain glared at the doctor for a solid minute seeing if he would crack. Yet the young man held true and the captain backdown and stood back.

"Fine, the Lanes stay, but you better find me something because your looking more useless by the day given your lack of results" the Captain said before walking away. Fassbach shook from the strength he just pulled off and turned around to get back to work with the other scientist. He was close, he knew it, He just need the last piece of the puzzle. 

"Thank you," He heard from behind him and looked to see Karin walking up. She gave him a crying hug as the man fought for her family's' safety and Fassbach returned it with a gentle pat. She let go soon enough but still held the man eye. "He'll come back, He said he would." Fassbach could see the women holding onto the hope she desperately needed right now and Fassbach wasn't going to give her doubt now. 

"I saw Jerusalem fall Ms. Lane," Fassbach said grabbing her attention. "Everyone assumed he was dead, yet he got out with his two guards, and even sent back information for me to work with. If there was anyone who could survive a plane crash, it will be him Ms. Lane." Karin cried again before hugging him one last time. She then left to go take care of her daughters making Fassbach focus on his work.

"Her weakness is weakness, her weakness is weakness" Fassbach chanted as he looked at his clue board. He was close, it was on the tip of his tongue. "Yet what kind of weakness..." 


Stretching out into downward dog, Akane exhaled deeply to let her muscles relax into the yoga position. Her back was perfectly arched, her peach plum ass raised high into the air. As she held that pose she wiggled that ass of hers to try and catch her preys attention, yet the man was busy detailing a map as he reviewed security cameras. Seeing his disentrest she shifted into the next pose to bring her ass down and chest up, showing her sports bra clad chest, while unecessarly showing her flexibility by widening her legs out into a full split. 

"Akane, we've fucked for three days straight" Logan said marking the last of the map and the dead seen in those hallways. Akane sighed and finished her yoga before getting back to her feet. Gerry had made it through surgery the first day, and was now recovering. This of course led to the doctors asking why they were there, and them relaying that the unconscious man was the one who could answer. That of course led to a waiting game for Gerry to wake up to answer the why, thus the three soldiers fucking around for those days. 

"There's nothing else to do in this place, as we wait for the protag to wake" Akane said before throwing on the simple shirt she was given by the W.H.O. People. She didn't bother putting on any sweatpants as the doctors were keeping there distance for now. "come on, just a quicky." 

"Ask Segan, she seemed to enjoy last night" Logan said while reviewing his work as he flipped through the cameras. Akane brought her arms around her husbands neck, in a gentle hold, as she gazed at his work. 

"Naw, she was a fun spin together but a fling is something we all agreed to and wanted" Akane answered. "Like the Mossad said, it was just stress relief for everyone." Logan didn't respond as he leaned back into Akane while they both watched the zombies to relieve boredom. A knock on the door had the two look over and see Segan lean her head in. 

"Gerry is awake!" she said before leaving them to get dressed. Akane shouted out a "Finally!" while putting on her sweats and leaving with Logan.


Gerry shifted and turned in his sleep as sights of the dead and his family in danger plagued his mind. Memories of Philly, the mad dash to the rooftop, the food store, the RV escape, The near fatal crash, all of it flashed as he felt sweat form on his brow. As those memories replayed he saw his daughters dead on impact from the collision, his wife getting jumped by a dead as they ran to the RV, Logan and Akane abandoning his family to parish after rejecting there plea. Him standing on the edge of the rooftop as he felt the infection take hold from the blood that entered his mouth, yet he didn't fall as he intended, and instead turned on his family like a rabid animal. 

That though had him Jerk violently enough that he felt the sharp pain of his injury, and groaned in agony for a second. before looking around and trying to move. he felt his arms resist his movement and saw that they were restrained. tugging on them he tried to look at his surrounding more, as his head cleared the fog of sleep. Again he groaned in pain and then checked the wound he received, noticing that the piece of plane was removed and a fresh bandage was applied. 

He pulled himself up higher and found his chest was bound as well, though he noticed a shadow in the glass and shifted his gaze to find who was casting it. His ears were ringing as his body was still coming to terms with his awakening. As he shifted his head he saw a caucasian man watching him closely before getting up and walking away. He didn't leave Gerry's sight, allowing the investigator to see him walk over to another man sitting with his back facing Gerry. 

They were talking and Gerry was trying to listen but his ears were still to raw. The man facing away got up quickly and walked back with the other into the room. looking closer he saw that it was a man of Italian decent and likely the one in charge. As the man closed the door the first man, the british one if Gerry had to guess after hearing him finally speak. 

"Your a tough bastard," he said while looking down at Gerry, and a lucky one." Gerry looked at him and saw the expression of worry and fear in the man's eyes, even if he hid it with a dead stare. "Who are you?" he asked and Gerry shook his head. 

"I came here with... three, with three others" Gerry slurred as his mouth was dry and slow to move. "Two women, and a man" he reiterated. "are they still..." Gerry started before looking back to the Italian man watching in the corner. The Brit tried to ask Gerry the same questions again but he wasn't looking at him anymore.

"why do you keep looking at him?" The Brit asked and Gerry answered Easily enough. 

"Cause he's the one in charge," Gerry said. The man looked at him before walking forward and around his colleague. 

"Do you know where you are?" the man in charge asked. 

"Of course I do, that's why I'm here" Gerry said. 

"Then you understand our caution yes?" the Brit said. The man in charge then brought out the sat phone and noticed Gerry's attention. 

"this is important to you?" He asked. Gerry then had a sinking thought. 

"How long have I been out?" he asked and the Brit answered quickly with "Three days." Gerry immediately pulled on the restraints towards the phone, "Give me the phone, Give me the Phone!" he whispered/yelled out. The man in charge held back at the mans outburst.

"I will when you tell me who sent you?" he asked again. Gerry looked at him before looking at the phone. 

"Call it," he answered hoping his fears weren't true.


Thierry was walking around and directing his people as Karin ran to him with a wide smile and tears in her eyes. Thierry didn't need to be a genius to know what that meant and he smiled himself. Fassbach was working with others on what Gerry had given them yet were struggling with what type of weakness he was referring to. His eyes caught Karin running and he shifted his gaze to the woman, and seeing her running with the sat phone Fassbach fist pumped the air.

"take that you prick!" he said loud enough for the scientist to hear him. He paused at there gaze before excusing himself to run over to Thierry and Karin. As he did he caught Thierry explaining who he was before looking over to Fassbach. 

"The Doctor his here as well Gerry, and we are all wondering what your clue was about" Thierry said. Finally they would hopefully find something to combat this threat.