
Grace Period Ends.

An entire month had passed with no visitors. A bit lonely ,I focused on training. I was able to reach 42 in my attributes before the grace period ended. I also learned two new skills. I was able to use sword energy in my legs to boost my speed vastly. I called that one Sword Flash. I also used sword energy to coat the outside of my body like a shell and harden with more energy. I called this one sword coating. Of course you need at least 10 energy attributes to use sword coating. On the very last day ,I was rewarded with an ultimate skill from the mental image training. It was called Bloodied Blade. At the cost of all my leftover sword energy ,I can enter a state called Bloody Rage. It will multiply my other three attributes by how much sword energy was used. Once I exit the state ,either manually or by force ,I will enter a weakened state with half my normal strength. With a new trump card added into my arsenal ,I grew a small bit of confidence.

{The Grace Period is over.}

[You have successfully passed the Grace Period. Reward +5 in all attributes. You can now connect to passing worlds. Once connected ,your territory will temporarily fuse into a special spot in said world.]

Is there like a list or something?

{Actually ,yes. There's a list in your mind. Whenever a passing world gets close enough ,you will see it on the list. You can choose if you want to connect to it. You can also go to any world you or your disciples have visited.}


Available Worlds

Magic World - Arcadia


It seems I can only go to one world. Which means this is Alex's world. I recall him saying he had no talent for magic. So he must be in this magic world. Take me to Arcadia ,Guide.

{Alright since Arcadia is not nearby ,only your body will be taken along. You can come back to the spatial terrain whenever you wish to. Transporting you to Arcadia.}

After reading the last part ,I blanked out. When I could focus again ,I was in a forest. I asked guide to lead me to Alex. I then noticed an arrow pop into existence in front of me. I followed it as I headed towards a city. It seemed to be a little small and it didn't fit in with the surrounding towns. After reaching the city gate ,I was stopped by two guards.

"What's your story ,traveler?!"

They questioned me. It seems like I'm a suspicious person with my tattered clothes. I guess I'll need to have a good impression ,if I don't want to be chased out.

"I'm a wandering swordsman ,I'm just training myself and came to visit my disciple."

Their heavy expressions lifted into happy smiles.

"So your a swordsman ,eh! Why didn't ya say so! Welcome honored swordsman ,to the City Of Blades!"

Huh? It seems that swordsmen are respected in this city. What happened? Isn't this a magic world? I even heard from Alex that everyone in this world either practiced magic or envied magic users.

"Um.... I have a question good sir. All the surrounding cities learn magic and disdain swordsmen like myself. Why is this city of blades the opposite?"

"Oh ,that's because of the city lord! It's said that he used to be an orphan in this very city ,until he learned the usage of sword energy from a recluse Sword Master. Afterwards he challenged the city lord and defeated him in one strike! After renaming the city ,all the mages left. But the lord didn't give up. Instead he went and found ten disciples in the city and trained them to use sword energy. Eventually ,the lord made a device to sense if you have talent for sword energy. His disciples used that device to recruit an army of talented swordsman and trained them into his own force. He now reigns as a city lord recognized by the emperor!"


Sword Status: 4 Limbs

Sword Name: Gladius

Sword Type: Greatsword

Sharpness: 47

Hardness: 47

Agility: 47

Sword Energy: 47

Sword Skills: Sword Wave ,Sword Flash ,Sword Coating ,Bloody Blade(Ultimate)

Sword Evaluation: A Spirit Weapon(Mid)


Yeah ,I realized the chapters were in the wrong order. I oopsed and forgot there were multiple pages for drafts too. I fixed it though. I'll release some of the other ones too.

InkyThingcreators' thoughts