
Wall before spell

Did you know why there are fantasy story that people claims to be true? Because there was indeed magic! 1000 Bc back there was spell rule. We were slave of them until the Bc started to end their power started to end. But who know they can colonize us again or maybe we will colonize them.

Invisiblecriminal · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Again in hospital

He was working in the restaurant and then he saw the man entering the restaurant with a girl. She was gorgeous, with blonde hair, and blue eyes. They sat on the seat and then Martina went to take their order. He thought this could be a way to find some clues. He pulled Marina's hand," Please, Can I ?" Martina was shocked and laughed," Ok, don't give me a heart attack", She said and entered back to the chef's room. The man raise his hand and looked at Luis. Luis went to them to take their order. He was shaking a bit because of the beauty of the girl. " Good afternoon sir? Are you ready to order?", he asked. "Yeah, a plate of fried chicken", the man said. " How would you like to have?", Luis asked. " I just told you, fried, put the chicken in the hot oil ", the man said. " He means well done," the girl said. He had goosebumps when she heard her voice. He tried to make eye contact but couldn't last for more than 2 seconds. "And for drinks?", he asked. " What could be best for me?', She asked. He looked at her and saw she was wearing a pink colour with a white furry jacket. " Strawberry shake?", Luis said. " Who drinks strawberry with spicy chicken? Just water ",  the man said. " Your order will be soon on your plates," He said and left. They paid the bill and left. He was willing to meet them again. 


It was time to leave the restaurant. He walked as fast as possible as again there were clouds in the sky and there was dark all around the sky. On his way again a mile away from the place where the dog had killed the man. The rain started, his heart started to pump very hard and he jumped back as he saw a dog shadow, but luckily it was not the same dog. He was not at all ready to surrender his life, so he again hid in the bin. And decided to spend his night there, as it was absolutely clean. After a few seconds, someone opened the lid of the dustbin, he shouted and grabbed its neck but she soon realised it was the girl from the restaurant. " Oh I am really sorry, he fell back from the dustbin. " You were almost going to kill me like a chicken in the market", she coughed. " I am really sorry I thought it was the dog", He apologised and got out of the bin. She laughed very hard and said, " Seriously?! A man with a beard and muscle is afraid of those dogs", "  Do you watch anything other than Tik tok and Instagram?"Luis asked. " Do I look like an Instagram muser?', She asked. " Yeah, of course, a  blonde girl with blue eyes' ', he asked. " What did you enter inside the bin?", She asked. " Long story short, a serial killer is roaming in this city these days and I have encountered him two times and that serial killer is a dog", He said. " Are you a writer, how could you think of such a fantasy?"She laughed and continued, " If you are4 scared then I can drop you at home"  " Leave those egos and say that you are afraid instead and you want a partner", he said. " Ok if you don't want ", She said and started to leave " Hey wait! ", He ran and said, '' I am not afraid but I need the umbrella so I am coming with you", He said and went under the umbrella. " Liar", She pinched his nose. Luis blushed as red as those red tomatoes but fresh. " I am LUIS", he introduced. " I am Julia, Julia Sol", She said. 

They were having a very warm conversation and then the dog appeared but ran back very quickly. Luis couldn't even react. " Luis, I think I need to return back. It is very late, sorry you will need to rain. '' She said and left.  Before he could even say bye she ran away. Luis was afraid to continue his path and he said to himself, " Ok, just run straight and marry her or die single ", he ran to his house and knocked on the door. 

The next day he was in the restaurant and Julia returned. She sat on a chair. Luis went to take orders. " Hey, Julia! What do you desire to eat?"Luis asked. " Luis! Would you like to go to the river bank at sunset?"Julia asked. " Mmm… I can't tell right now, it is in the hands of my boss",  Luis said. " No, if you are not that free it is okay. Let's visit on Sunday. Hope you will be free", Julia said. " It is not a school to get weekends off but I think I will be free", Luis said. " Ok then bye ", She said and left. Julia left the restaurant. She went inside a house near the forest. " Where did you go?", the man asked loudly in anger. " My life, my wish", she hissed. He punched Julia, her mouth bleeding. " I don't care! if you die but don't put the whole Speller in danger", she left and went into her bedroom and punched at the mirror in anger, although her hands started to bleed.

Luis went back to his home, sitting on his bed, and called the policeman to talk about the man with tattoos but he didn't answer. He knew it was important to inform the police but she was in love with the girl. Then his mom ran in and screamed, " Luis Luis", she opened the door and breathed, "Valentína is in the house", "Sir…", she fell down on the floor.

Luis ran and picked her up. He called the ambulance. Then we could hear ambulance sirens in his house very soon.