
Wall before spell

Did you know why there are fantasy story that people claims to be true? Because there was indeed magic! 1000 Bc back there was spell rule. We were slave of them until the Bc started to end their power started to end. But who know they can colonize us again or maybe we will colonize them.

Invisiblecriminal · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Bloody Doggy

Luis and the thirty police officers went to Juan's house. They all entered his boundary, it was an old building with two stories built with stones.It looks like a house from a horror movie in a crescent night. " Is this his ancestral house or did he buy it?", the policeman asked. " I think he bought it because he said he was new to the city", Juan said, " These types of houses are quite expensive", the policeman said and as they stepped on the house he asked, " Where is the secret camera?".  " It is in this pillar. Can you see that black spot? It is a camera",  Luis pointed. " Woah! Do you know anything about Juan's personal life?", the policeman asked. " Before I tell you there are also three cameras in the remaining pillar", Luis pointed and continued, " I only know Camin is his brother and someone  murdered Juan's mom and they were planning to take revenge". 

"You still insist that Camin is his brother…. Get in colleagues!", the policeman gestured. All of them started to investigate. While Luis, the policeman and a computer expert named Chandrajeet searched where the CCTV records could be. 

After a lot of search they found the files. Chandrajeet opens the files and plays the footage of the night when Juan died. They started to watch and after an hour the police officers had completed their investigation and they did not find anything special. 

It was 01. They saw movement. Valentina entered the house and then the screen glitch and some strange letters appeared on the screen. " Can you do anything about it Chandrajeet?", the policeman asked."There isn't any problem, they  had covered the screen with black and white  and I can't do anything about it", he said. "Fuck!"The policeman barked. "I think I should stop involving myself in this case", Luis said and left. " Hey it is not your fault! Hey, come back", the policeman shouted. " Good night", Luis said and ran away. 

Luis was about a mile away from his home and then it began to rain. He again saw  a dog,about a few metres away. He quickly hid next to a pole. It was the same dog coming towards him. There was a garbage bin. He quickly hid behind it and took out his phone and started to shoot.    The dog was coming near him. He saw the wall was broken below. He stopped recording and crawled and got behind the wall.The dog smashed the dustbin. He would have been caught if he did not crawl in. But  someone shouted with a torch. " What are you doing here in the middle of the night! Get out of my  property before I call the police". He gestured to keep quiet but the dog jumped over the wall and attacked that person. The person shouted but before he could do anything he was dead. The dog gulped the person's heart at a glance. He quickly crawled away and ran as fast as possible to his house but the dog started to follow after a few minutes.Finally he reached his house and knocked on the door very hard. He looked behind and saw the dog was approaching. His mom opened the door. He immediately entered and slammed the door and locked the door. " What happened?", his mom asked. Luis could not say a word. He breathed hard and then looked out of the window, the dog was not there. " Is this a time to return back to your nest? Did the police find anything about the case? Why were you running?", " Please mom! go and take a rest. I will tell you tomorrow I am really tired", he breathed.

The next day, after school he immediately ran to the police station. He entered the station and he saw a young lady crying with red eyes. He approached him. The policeman said to him " Wait a minute". He waited outside. Then, a policeman said," Be careful Young man, there is a serial killer in the city. Last night when you were returning home, the serial killer was passing near your block. A man was stabbed in his heart. You were lucky that he didn't see you". Just then the woman left and he entered. " Why did you run away like that last ight.You could have died. Do you know there was a serial killer roaming in your block last night", "Yeah , I know a policeman outside told me. Do you remember I told you I saw something which you won't believe?"Luis asked, " I don't remember", the policeman said. "  Here, have a look ", Luis gave his phone and showed what he had shooted last night. 

" Why didn't you tell us before? We thought it was a serial killer. It has been a headline in the news these days, the policeman exclaimed. " I didn't listen to the news and I thought you won't believe me", Luiss said and continued, " I was saved by inches two times", " When did you see it for the first time", the policeman asked. '' Day before yesterday", Luis said and continued " It is strange, he turns into a normal dog when the rain stops. It is very powerful. He smashed a dustbin although it was made from plastic and in one glance he gulped that person's heart…", the policeman stopped him and asked," Did you see that dog killing a person?", " Yes, I crawled into that person's boundary. HJe thought I was a thief and he started to shout. I gestured several times to stop  him but he didn't listen to me and then the dog heard him and he jumped over me and attacked me. Before I could react the dog gulped his heart. I crawled outside the wall and was saved by life by running ", Luis explained. " Does the man look like this ?", the policeman showed him a photo. There was a man with his son and there was a house behind it. " I didn't show him properly but the incident happened in this house and the figure looks like him. I think this is the person", Luis said. "I need to tell her!"The policeman called someone and told the whole story. 

He left the station and went home.On his way,  he was thinking about the events that had occureD. Things are going crazy since after his mom's accident. He suddenly hit a person, His coat felt down. " I am really sorry", Luis apologised and picked up his coat and gave it to him. Thenhe saw a tattoo on his arm with a strange alphabet which looked like the letters that appeared on the monitor screen last night. The man put on his coat and left. He wanted to follow him but he didn't want to take the risk , especially after what had happened last night.