

Lucretia slowly turned to see Jayden standing a distance away from them with a grin.

"Surprised?" he queried through the phone, smiling.

"Yeah..." she mumbled faintly.

"Is that....." inquired Linsey.

" Yeah...." muttered Lucretia, cutting in with a surprised look as she slowly put down the phone with Jayden approaching them.

"Gosh...,he's so cute in person." whispered Anita as she leaned closer to Lucretia.

"I know right." she uttered sheepishly.

"Hi..." cried Jayden to Linsey and Anita as he neared them.

"Hi....." they both replied with a slight wave, smiling.

"Um...Jayden, this is Linsey and Anita. My childhood friends from Australia."

"Nice to meet you." he uttered, reaching out his hand to them.

"I've heard so much about you girls." he added with a smile.

"Really?" murmured Linsey skeptically, slightly turning her gaze to Lucretia.

"I guess she cooked up all the bad stories about us right?" questioned Anita wittily.

"They were actually good stories." answered Jayden.

"Hmm..., I don't think I'm going to buy that." uttered Anita with a grin.

"That's right Ani, I'm with you on this." remarked Linsey sarcastically as they glance at Lucretia teasingly.

"Enough girls, stop selling me out already." she mumbled wittily and they all chortled.

"Anyway, where were you girls heading to?" asked Jayden

"Well.., we were going out to have some fun." answered Linsey.

"Am I allowed to join in?"

"Sure...,I don't see anyone stopping you or do you, Ani? remarked Linsey wittily.

"Sure not girl..." giggled Anita.

Lucretia looked on and chuckled, slightly shaking her head.

"Okay.., shall we?"

"Sure..." they both muttered and took the lead.

Lucretia swiftly glanced at Jayden with a sheepish smile then back to her friends who were already ahead of them.

"Hey..., wait up girls...." she exclaimed and dashed off after them.

Jayden stared as Lucretia joined them and slightly chuckled before joining them.

"oh yeah Jayden, I almost forgot." said Linsey.

Jayden turned, staring at her quizzically.

"Well.., Lucretia's parents are throwing a welcome party for us and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming."

"Oh sure.., I will be there. When is that anyway?"

"Monday." replied Anita.

"Hey...Linsey?" whispered Lucretia, nudging her on the ribs.

"What about our plan?" she queried, whispering as Linsey turned her gaze to her.

"Is everything okay?" questioned Jayden on noticing her.

"Um...yeah..." mumbled Lucretia with a sheepish smile.

"So..., what time will that be?" he queried, turning his attention back to Anita.

"There is no set time yet. I think Lucretia will communicate that to you later."

"Okay.., fair enough." he replied with a smile.

"So..what do you girls say if we make some shopping towards it?" he added, glancing at them expectantly.

"That's cool..., we also plan on doing that during our time out." remarked Linsey.

"Great." commented Jayden.

They continued the rest of their walk to the bus stop chatting and giggling.


It was around 2pm when Daisy's car pulled up in front of the Williamsburg's Mansion. Philip, with a bemused look glanced around through the window of the car then back to Daisy.

"What are we doing here?" he queried.

"To meet my family of course." she mumbled as she got off the car.

"What!" he muttered, stunned.

"What's this about?" he questioned, slowly pushing the door opened as he got off.

"We've been going out for a while now and meeting my family is really not any big deal. What do you think?" she mumbled smugly.

"Not a big deal?" he gasped in disbelief.

"I can't just believe my ears Daisy? I'm so not prepared for this." he muttered as he turning to leave.

"Philip wai...."

"Daisy...?" a voice called from behind, cutting her off. She swifty turned to the voice of the call.

"Daddy.." she mumbled with a smile. Just then, Philip stopped in his tracks and turned to the voice of the call.

"Why is your friend leaving?" questioned Mr. Williamsburg.

"He is not leaving dad.." uttered Daisy as she hurried to where Philip stood and wrapped her hand over his arm, dragging him with her.

"Well..dad.., this is Philip. My b..."

"Friend." uttered Philip hastily, chipping in as he wrapped his hand around her shoulders.

Daisy glared at him, puzzled.

"We are actually classmates in school." he added with a smile.

"What!" whispered Daisy.

"That's great, come in. I've never met any of Daisy's male friends yet." he uttered as he took the lead.

"Okay sir.." smiled Philip as he followed after him.

Daisy stood starring at him, quiet stunned as he watched him leave.

"What the....." she mumbled in disappointment as she slightly threw her hands in the air with a sigh before following after.

"Have a seat Philip." he offered as they got into the hall.

"Thank you sir..." he muttered as he sat down. Daisy sighed and also went over and sat beside him.

"What can we offer you?" he questioned.

"Well.., I'm fine sir."


"Yes..." replied Philip.

"Well..., I still insist to offer you something." he uttered, gesturing a servant over.

"Bring him a glass of juice." he instructed the maid.

She nodded and left, returning in few minutes with the juice and offered it to Philip.

"Thank you." said Philip as he sipped onto his glass of juice. All this while, Daisy sat beside him, pissed.

"What the hell was that Philip?" she whispered as she leaned over to her ears.

"Sorry Daisy, I don't think it's the right time." he replied.

"Are you kids okay?" queried Mr. Williamsburg.

"Yes Dad.., just talking."

Just then, Philip's phone rang.

"Sorry" he muttered, reaching into his pocket for the phone. He slowly pulled it out and checked the caller.

"I'm sorry, I have to go sir. It's my mum's call." he mumbled with a grin.

"So soon? Any, nice to meet you. You can come and visit anytime. Hope you will one day join us for dinner?"

"Sure sir.." he uttered as he got up from his seat.

"That's great."

"I will see him off dad.." said Daisy.

"Okay dear..."

"Let's go." muttered Daisy as she pulled him after her.

" Hey...,careful Daisy." he uttered as he slowly pulled his hand from hers.

"Why are you pulling so hard?" he questioned.

She glared at him and dashed into the car. Philip stared at her for a while and back to her phone.

"Hello mum...." he answered.

"Where are you son?" queried Mrs. Raina on the phone.

"I'm with Daisy mum..., I'll be late so don't wit for me."

"Okay dear, take care. Love you."

"Love you too mum.., bye."

"Bye dear." she mumbled and hanged up. Philip sighed and joined Daisy in the car.

"Let's go Mr. George..." said Daisy.

"Yes..ma'am.." he replied and sped off.

Daisy sat in the car with a long face, still unhappy with what Philip did. Philip stared at her for a while and sighed.

"I'm sorry Daisy." he mumbled as he took her hands into hers but she looked away.

"I was just not ready for it. How about I take you on a date?" he added, staring at her expectantly.

Daisy glanced at him slightly, her face beaming with smiles.

"Okay.." she uttered gleefully.

"But I'll really not forgive you if you treat me like that again." she added.

"Okay.., it won't happen again." he mumbled with a grin. Daisy looked on with a smile and slightly nodded.

It was around 9pm when Philip got home. He glided the stairs to the door of his room. He slowly pushed it opened and strolled in. His attention drifting to Lucretia's window.

"Goodnight little bunny." he muttered as he watched the light went off in Lucretia's room.

He sighed and slammed himself onto his bed, feeling exhausted and slowly drifted off to sleep.


It was around 8pm in the morning when Philip lazily shrugged up from bed. He strolled to the washroom to have his teeth and face cleaned. Within few minutes, he was done. He dashed out of his room and glided down the stairs to meet his mother setting up the table.

"Good morning mum.." he mumbled as he took his seat behind the table.

"Good morning dear, how was your night?"

"Great" he uttered as he took his bit into his cookies.


"Yes..." he mumbled.

"It's been a while since I saw Lucretia around. What's going on between you two? Are you fighting or something?"

"Nothing like that mum.., she has just been busy lately."

"Hmm..." muttered Mrs. Raina skeptically.

Just then, the door bell rang. Philip jolted up about to get the door.

"No, let me." said Mrs Raina, dashing off to the door. She slowly pulled it opened to see Mrs. Angelica at the door, smiling.

"Hi..." she mumbled with a grin.

"I was just talking about you. How is Lucretia doing? It's been a while since I saw her around. I been quiet busy lately." she added.

"Yeah..., she is doing great. Well, her friends from Australia came to visit so we planned on throwing a welcome party for them so I came over to invite your family." said Mrs. Angelica, handing over the invitation card to her.

"Oh.., that's great. We'll be there, I thought if Philip have meet them."

"Okay.., then see you." she mumbled and strolled away.

Mrs. Raina slowly closed the door behind her as she went back into the house, wearing a smile on her face.

"That was Lucretia's mother." she uttered as she neared Philip.

"Hmm...Is Lucretia fine?" he queried.

"Yeah, she just came to invite us to the welcome party they are throwing for Lucretia's friends. Have you meet them yet?"

"Well..., not really." he uttered.

"Anyway, I don't think I will be joining you guys." he added as he stood up from his seat.

"Why son..., you guys have been friends for years now." she commented.

"Whatever mum.., I will be in my room." he muttered as he left off to his room.