
Time With My Distant Friends

Linsey and Anita sat anxiously in Lucretia's room waiting impatiently for her return when the door slowly flew opened. Lucretia strolled into the room wearing a long face.

"How did it go Luc?" queried Anita, searching Lucretia's face.

"Guess it didn't work right?" added Linsey, chipping in as Lucretia sat beside them with their attention all fixed on her.

"Hey...Luc, say something." muttered Linsey hastily, nudging her on the ribs.

"You're making me nervous." she added.

"Yeah Luc, spill it out." uttered Anita.

Lucretia sat quietly for a short while starring at her feet then sighed, lifting her eyes to the stares of her friends.

"Well...." she mumbled.

"We have a party to fix...." she exclaimed, her face enlightening with smiles.

"Crazy, Lucretia. You made us worried." uttered Linsey.

"Sorry girls..." she muttered wittily

"You should have seen your faces. It was so funny."

"Funny, huh?" uttered Anita playfully, picking a pillow from the bed.

"Take this." she added with a grin, hitting Lucretia with it.

Lucretia chortled, catching the pillow. Linsey looked on with a smile.

"Okay girls..." she muttered, clasping her hand as she drew their attention to herself.

"We're a step ahead with our plans. There are still lots more to do and the most important on is getting Philip to the party."

Lucretia and Anita looked on, nodding in agreement.

"So any ideas...?" she queried quizzically.

Linsey stared expectantly at them as they sat thoughtful for a while them Lucretia beamed with smiles.

"How about this?, I will talk my mum into sending the invitation to Philip's family. What do you think?"

"That's perfect Luc.." uttered Linsey with a thumbs up.

"Hmm...Luc?" mumbled Anita.

"Don't you have any friends around that can help with our plan?" she queried.

"Well.., all my friends have left for the summer vacations but...., I think Mike and Eugene are still around."

"Mike and Eugene...?" uttered Anita quizzically.

"Yeah..." she mumbled with a nod.

"They're actually Philip's close friends."

"Okay, that's good but do you have any means of getting hold of them?"

"Yeah, I have their contacts."

"Great." uttered Linsey.

"Let's set the ball rolling." she added.

"Enough about Philip for now girls...Let's go have some fun. I will show you girls around the city so that we can make some shoppings for the party."

"Okay..,Okay..." mumbled Anita and Linsey in unison as they went over to the wardrobe to get their cloths. Lucretia laid down on the bed in wait for them.

Anita was going through her things when a small box fell out of the wardrobe.

"Oops..." she mumbled as she bent to pick it up.

She lifted the box and a group picture of Lucretia her her friends fell out.

"Hey Luc, who is this guy?" she exclaimed, drawing Lucretia and Linsey's attention.

"Who..?" muttered Linsey, drawing closer to have a look.

"Hey Luc.., he looks kind of cute you know." uttered Linsey starring at the picture.

"Who are you guys talking about?" she queried as she got off the bed and strolled to where Linsey and Anita stood, taking the picture from them.

"Oh, that's Jayden." she uttered, retreating to the bed.

"And who is he...?" inquired Anita.

"Hmm...,my boyfriend." she mumbled with a sheepish smile.

"Your boyfriend?" they exclaimed in unison as the trod over to Lucretia on the bed and sat beside.

Lucretia said quizzically at them and slightly nodded.

"And you never told us about him?" queried Anita.

"Well...I..." she uttered, stammering.

"You better start speaking girl.." muttered Linsey.

"Okay, okay, I..."

Just then, Mrs. Angelica's voice echoed in the room.


"I'm coming mum..." she shouted and sprang up from the bed, dashing out of the door without looking back.

Linsey and Anita looked on giggling and strolled over to the wardrobe to get dressed.


Lucretia and her friends were stepping out of the compound when they saw Philip coming out of his house.

"Hey you..." exclaimed Linsey with a grin.

"Hi..." he mumbled, approaching them with a smile.

"So you can still smile...? I thought I will never see those beautiful smiles again." thought Lucretia to herself as Philip neared them.

"You are....Linsey, right?" he muttered thoughtfully.

"Yeah...." mumbled Linsey with a smile.


"You got that right." uttered Anita wittily.

"When did you girls come?" he queried, a bit surprised.

"Just yesterday but hold on, why didn't you come with Lucretia to welcome us at the airport?" questioned Linsey, starring quizzically at him.

"Hmm...." he mumbled as he took a quick glance at Lucretia.

"I was actually busy. I had to help my dad with some stuffs."

"Oh....okay...." muttered Anita.

"Anyway..., we will be having a welcome party and I...was...wondering if you would...." muttered Lucretia but suddenly paused on meeting Philip's glare.

"I guess...not." she mumbled, looking down at her feet.

"Sorry girls..., I don't think I will be able to male it." he muttered.

"Oh you...." Just then, Daisy's car pulled over.

"Sorry girls...,talk to you later." he added, got into the car and sped off.

Lucretia looked down, hurt. Linsey gently patted her shoulder as she neared her.

"Don't worry dear, we got your back." she added with a grin.

Lucretia looked on and smiled with a nod. Just then, she heard her phone ringing. She reached through her bag, searching for it. She gently pulled it out and checked the caller.

"Jayden....?" she mumbled, a bit surprised.

"Aren't you picking up?" queried Anita.

"Hmm...yeah." she muttered as she answered the call.

"Hello Jay..., I thought you said you won't be able to make calls?" she inquired.

"Yeah, are you surprised?" he queried.

"Of course I am." she replied with a chuckle.

"I have something for you Luc..."

"You....." he muttered, a bit puzzled.

"Turn around." he mumbled, cutting in.