
Waifu Catalog: Power Trip

I never thought that a CYOA would be a hidden Job Application being made by a company that dwells in slavery across the universe, but here we are. After filling out that CYOA Waifu Catalog, I get transported into my favorite game with a chance of getting more powerful and visiting another world as well. Well, I will do my best for my new job. Author Note! It's a bit slow in action (Lemon Included), but it will get there.

LuxVonDeux · ゲーム
88 Chs

Chapter 33

Today is the day. The day for us to get the plan working. This will be our last meeting in this mansion before we go to Dahak, the biggest river ship in the entire Queendom.

"Hohohoho~ Your Royal Highness! With all these mercenaries and especially the Lindwurm Mercenary Brigade on our side, we are ready for anything!"

The jolly-sized lord laughs and looks at us.

"I think it might finally be time to give the order to go into battle, yes, yes? What say you, Your Highness?"

The prince nods his head and says.

"Yes, let's go into battle now!"

"Ah, so it begins! A grand victory surely awaits His Royal Highness the Prince!"

After that, we leave Rainwall, and the people of Rainwall cheer for us. Lucretia tells us they keep cheering until we leave the city and join the formation. Even from here, I can see the cloud of dust in the distance, and I know there will be a lot of enemies coming at us.

I hope the plan is working, as I need to focus on the named characters to stay alive for my mission.

Lucretia sits on a tower chair in the back where she can look at the distance and think of the next tactic. She looks at us and says in a loud voice.

"Let the battle begin!"


|3rd POV|

General Dilber looks at the enemy in the distance and sneers at the sight in front of him.

"Our enemy is a crude mish-mash of frail allegiance! Time to show them what a unified front really looks like!"


General Dilber grins at the answer his army gives to him. He points his sword forward and shouts.


His army slowly marched through the field. The Barrow Army stays in their formation as they see the enemy get closer. Lucretia sees the battlefield with critical eyes and waits for the perfect moment. After a few minutes, she raises her feather fan and signals the others.

Seeing the signal, the other starts to move south.

"Your Highness! Let's move south! Take them to the Southern Forest!"

Seeing their army falling back, General Boz looked at the tactician and then at the prince before shouting.

"Your Highness! Why are we falling back?!"

General Dinn, who is the reinforcement from the city of Sable, also looks around in confusion.

"This strikes me as an odd tactic…"

The other people in the group keep their silence and only obey the prince's order. On the Godwin army, General Dilber looks at the sight of the Barrow Army running away, frowns, and says.

"Running away with their tails between their legs, huh?! Sickening! And is that Boz with them?! How the mighty have fallen! The Greatest General of the East running! Bah! What a sickening sight!"

General Dilber points his sword at the enemy's general direction and shouts.

"The Prince is little more than a coward! I'll put him out of his misery before he further shames our nation! After them, men! Hunt them down like the dogs they are!"

Lucretia smiles a little at how her plan is working when she sees the enemy start running at them. She looks at Cius from her horse and says.

"Go and start the second stage of the plan."

Cius nods his head and says.

"Yes, my lady!"

After saying that, Cius quickly rides his horse and uses the Eastern Forest to go to the Godwin Army.

=/Line Break/=

Hiding in the thick forest of the Southern Forest is another army of different factions. Leading them is a man with golden hair and brown eyes while also wearing a flamboyant outfit. This man is Euram Barrow, the Barrow Family's Heir, and Lord Barrow's Son.

"I'm counting on you, Jidan Guisu."

Jidan Guisu, the General and Lord from Armes, looks at the man in front of him and says.

"Understood! After crushing the Godwin soldiers, we simply declare we're the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, right?"

Euram nods his head and says.

"That's right. If you do that, Dad's plan will come to fruition!"

"Hmph! Don't forget who made that plan possible."

"Oh, we won't. You can trust the Barows family."

"General Guisu!"

One of the soldiers runs toward them.

"What is it now?! And remember to keep it down! We can't betray our presence!"

"Sir! Both the Falenan Prince's and Godwin Army are heading this way at full speed!"


On the Godwin army, General Dilber gets a message from Cius.

"An envoy?! Don't tell me that coward's had enough already!"

"Not exactly, sir. Here's what they say: 'We've discovered the Armes Army hiding in the Southern Forest. "We'd like to call a temporary cease-fire. We must both work together to help drive them off!'"

"What?! Armes?!"

In the forest, General Jidan looks at Euram with an angry expression.

"Euram! What the hell is the meaning of this?! You didn't tell anyone we are in here, did you?!"

Euram shakes his head in fear.

"N-no, no, no, no, no, no! I-I don't know what's going on! This wasn't in Dad's plan! I-I know, I know! I'll go ask Dad, okay? Wait one second! I'll be back before you know it!"

"Wait, you! Running away, eh?!"

General Jidan is about to chase after the young Barrow, but before he can do that, one of the soldiers runs toward him and says.

"General Guisu! The enemy is right in front of us!!!"

"Dammit! We don't have any room to maneuver here! But we've got no choice. All troops, ride forward! Prepare to charge!"

When the Barrow Army gets closer to the location of the Armes, the people realize what is happening. General Dinn is the first one to react.

"Armes?! What is the meaning of this?!"

General Boz looks at the Armes army in shock.

"Huh?! Where'd THEY come from?! All troops, get ready to kick some Armes keister! I don't know where they came from, but know where they're goin'! Charges!"

General Boz is the first one to charge at the Armes with his unit. Gerrald smiles a little and looks at the others.

"Let's join the fun! Charges!"

Gerrald and his unit join the fray.