
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 4- The Genius Knight, Alice

Feel free to point out any grammar or spelling mistakes. I would make corrections when I see them.


Alice was the third-best knight at the school, since arriving when she was only fifteen years old. She was a genius who graduated her high school and middle school years earlier than most people. After graduating she went to Lemore Academy, which is a college that teaches the ages of seventeen years and older.

By the time she arrived, she had climbed the ranks and become the best student in the school, but that was before Lucia and Lilith arrived in the classroom.

Of course, she trained hard to try and beat them, but there were limits to the thing's books could teach her, so she waited for someone strong enough to help her train.

Through reading the books that existed in the world, she read a lot of books that showed mentors and how they treated the disciples. Thus, she sought to find someone strong enough to help her grow stronger as they taught her. She was a person who wasn't really interested in romance, but she wanted to have someone that would treat her like they would do their siblings.

Lots of books have been read by her since she was a little girl, and most of the books made her envious of the things that she didn't have. Family and other things were something that one could hope to have... but most people get abandoned or their parents die.

Alice in her case could remember everything from the moment she was born, so she knew who her mother was, but didn't know her father. Her mother abandoned her at the Little Garden, the orphanage that was located on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Telmauth. It was a fancy orphanage with a lot of nice people, so she was taken care of while she stayed at the orphanage—and her time came to an end at the orphanage when she got enrolled in the best academy in the kingdom, Lemore Academy. All the hard work that she put into learning spells paid off, and she finally created a legacy for herself.

However, the textbooks for the school were not helping her grow in the slightest, so she basically ended up in a stalemate. Not having the knowledge like the people that she was facing made her lack in terms of learning, the photographic memory that she possesses didn't help her in the slightest, simply because the books were not helping her.

But that all changed when she was watching the battle between Shito and Lucia. The battle of two of the strongest people she meets in her life. While they say that Sara Mahinu was the strongest mage in the world, she really never saw her fight, so she didn't believe that she was the strongest until she was to see it for herself. After all, her motto was 'Nothing is true until you are able to prove it with feats or statements' and that would be true for most people, but Sara created the three worlds separating the demons, humans, spirits, and elves. Although even with that being a fact, she was labeled as a coincidence since she believed that no one in the world holds that power, and if someone were to have that kind of power then it would be the gods themselves. In any case, she was not going to believe their words until she saw the power for herself. She still admired Sara though because holding the title 'the strongest mage' holds some merit to it.

In the principal's office on Lemore Academy grounds, Alice— was teleported to the principal's office without warning by her teacher, Shito Mahinu. There, she stood looking at a beautiful woman who was wearing a dress sitting in the seat behind the desk, signing her signature on the papers. As the principal and the owner of the school, she has a lot of paperwork that she must complete.

Sara Mahinu looked up, seeing the girl that was suddenly teleported into her office, and she smiled, "What can I help you with, young lady?"

"I-I don't know... My teacher suddenly sent me here."

"Oh, so my brother sent you to come talk to me. Did he tell you what to say to me before he teleported you here?"


Alice was taken aback after hearing that the principal of the school was the sister of her teacher. It was something that nobody really knew about with the expectation of a couple of people.

"To be honest. Sensei never told me what he was sending me her for... he just teleported more out of the blue without saying a single word."

Sara snapped her finger, and a blue screen suddenly formed from Alice's shirt. The screen was created using mana, the magic spell mana screen. Shito placed a spell on her body before he teleported her away.

Staring at the screen, she could read the words on the screen, but Alice could not read what was on the screen because Shito edited the screen so that his sister was the only person that could see what was on the screen. The screen reads as follows.

'I know that you aren't interested in relationships, but you are already getting older, and since you don't want to have any children of your own…. I sent you one, she's around the perfect age, so you won't have to worry too much about caring for a baby. You can spend time with her and make her your successor for when you finally kick the bucket. This is a gift from your brother. Now with this, you can finally acquire your own child. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she doesn't have a family so she shouldn't really mind if you ask her to be her parent.'

"Well, I guess what he is saying is true, but he is already aware of the fact that I'm not going to be 'kicking the bucket' since I cannot die. I'm immortal after all."

".....H-Huh!? Your im-immortal?"

"I forgot you were standing there, but since I have a proposal for you it doesn't matter if you listen to what I'm saying."

"W-w-what do you want to ask me?" Alice asked, frightened, "You don't have to kill me, I'm not going to tell anyone you are immortal!"

She was frightened because of the books she used to read back when she was a kid. In the book, people used to kill the people that found out about their secrets, so she thought that she was going to be killed off.

"I haven't had a single thought about killing you so there is no need for you to be on the defense."

"....Well, then... What did you want to ask me?"

"Will you allow me to adopt you? My brother has told me everything that you told him, so if you are all right with it. I'm willing to adopt you and make you, my child."


She was thinking about whether she could accept the proposal or not. It was something that she longed for, but she was wondering if they had any other reasons for adopting her into their family. In the world of mages, people tend to use young mages for their own benefit enslaving them to the rules that the higher-ranking mage laid out for them. And one thing that she didn't want was to be the tool of another mage.

"Don't worry, I won't use you in any way. At the moment, I, Sara Mahinu am the strongest mage in the world."

After saying that, she snapped her fingers and everything in the room turned completely white.

The floor, ceiling, walls, everything turned white.

There was nothing in the plain white space, but Alice and Sara. It was a never-ending space that looked like it stretched forever.

The white space was a place that was completely isolated from the world they just come from, meaning that whatever happened in the room had no effect on the outside world.

"What are we going to do in this space? Know that I know that you have no intentions of killing me…. I don't have any reason to be scared of you." Alice was not scared of her anymore. Even though she didn't believe she was as strong as the other mages said she was— But there was one thing she knew for a fact and that was Sara could beat her in a fight.

"Of course, I'm going to train you…. We have become a family, so I want to see how much strength you currently have."

"...All right. I guess we can fight against each other. It's not like we are going to be fighting to the death."

"That's the spirit. I have no intention of hurting you, right now you are my daughter, but I know you have memories from ever since you were born, that would mean you know who your mother is right? Do you hate your mother for what she did to you? I know most people would be mad because their parents abandoned them."

Hearing those words, she put her head down thinking about if she hated her mother for abandoning her, but she suddenly started to remember what her mother said to her before she dropped her off at the orphanage.

'Please become strong enough to protect yourself because Mama isn't going to be able to protect you.'

Those were the words of her mother before she dropped her off at the orphanage. Words that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

Alice's mother was in a hurry and left her in front of the orphanage…. It was almost like someone was chasing her.

"I don't hate my mother, but I wanna know… What was her reason for dropping me off in front of the orphanage."

"That's good to hear. Let's get this battle started then, you are going to need some luck with you because even though I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to go easy on you."

The two girls looked at each other before getting into a fighting stance. They were both ready to start the fight against each other. After all, the foster mother and daughter were going to be training with each other for the first time.