
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 2- The Arrival of The Transfer Student [Redacted]

Shito was walking through the hallways of the school until he suddenly arrived in front of the classroom, he was supposed to be in.

He looked at the classroom door and began to knock on it trying to get a teacher to come to meet him at the door.

After hearing that someone was knocking on the door, a teacher looked at her class and signaled them to quiet down. She needed to go and open the door and greet the student that was at the door.

Shito stood at the door waiting for someone to hurry and open the door until suddenly he heard someone wiggling the doorknob on the other side of the door.

It took someone that long to come to the door, what is up with this school system, people should hurry up and not keep people waiting for too long.

The door shot open, and the teacher stood in front of the door with her long, beautiful hair that was silver in color, and her eyes were emerald-green eyes. Tina Tobiichi was the name of the beautiful teacher that was standing before his face.

Tina looked at the boy and noticed that he had on a standard Lemore Academy uniform, so she quickly deduced that the boy was the new transfer student that the schoolgirls were talking about.

Word got around about how there was a beautiful male student with bright caramel eyes. eyes that looked like sweet caramel candies. The girls in the school were admiring how beautiful the man was.

"Are you the new transfer student!?" Tina asked the young man that was standing in front of the door.

The young man, Shito simply nodded at the teacher that was standing in front of him, he wasn't going to say a word to the teacher because there was no reason, he should talk to her. While he was here to make friends, he did not want too many beautiful holdings to him down when it came down to business… and if he found a girl it would only be one person.

There is no reason I should talk to this lady, she might try to hold me back in the future that is how all those harem protagonists end up, with so many women that become a burden in the future, I'm not the type of person that would put myself in that kind of situation.

The woman stepped out of Shito's way and let him walk into the classroom, when he arrived at the front of the classroom, he looked around the classroom to see what the students were like.

There was not much for the students but the same outfits that they were all wearing were really the only thing that really made them important, and that was they all attended the Lemore Academy, a school for gifted mages.

Was there really a reason he had to sit in the class with those types of people, people who were in a special school when they did not have any talent at all?

Well, this is going to be a bad year, these people don't look like they experienced any kind of battles in their entire lives. Fighting alongside these people might end up getting me killed and I refuse to die alongside these people.

He bowed in front of the class about to introduce himself to his new classmates, that was the least he could do if he was going to be stuck with them.

"My name is Shito Mahinu… and I'm the transfer student that will be joining your class today." He said as politely as he could so he could make the best first impression with his classmates.

The class looked at him and they all immediately started to like him, they didn't even question him or ask him why he transferred, they all thought he was a nice student just from the way he introduced himself.

But there was one person who didn't like how he came into the classroom; she was not having him walking around if he was planning something bad.

She figured out from his tone online that he was acting politely to get the favor of the other students, she didn't accept anyone who would take advantage of someone's kindness.

"Who are you and why are you acting like that?" A girl from the back of the classroom asked as she was looking at the transfer student.

He looked at the girl and immediately noticed that it was the girl he was supposed to be protecting, he figured that she was a vermillion via her fiery red hair that was only unique to that family.

Shito smiled and looked at the girl, she had asked him a question and he was not going to be some rude jerk who ignored her.

"I don't know what you mean, I'm acting like I always do," Shito said as he was looking at the girl who was standing in the back of the classroom.

The girl, Tenka Vermillion was not taking that for an answer, she wanted to know the man's true intentions, she could not have someone who seemed so dangerous walking around in the school she was in.

After all, she was aware of the fact that many people would be targeting her life when she decided to leave home and go to the academy. Thus, she determined by the way he was acting that he could be a threat to her in the future.

I have to find out who this boy is! I can't have him in the same school as the other students if he is an assassin, I have had too many people coming after me or killing people around me to get me to come out! I just want to live a life free of worrying about people coming after me!

There was only, one choice that was present at the moment and that was she had to make a bet with the man and force him to leave the school.

Bets made between two mages are scary and cannot be broken by any means. If you broke the bet with another mage, it simply meant you broke your pride of being a mage, and to a mage, their pride is everything.

She wasn't sure if she could beat the Shito, but she was surely going to give it her all, even if it meant losing everything, she didn't know the boy's true intentions, and everyone would be in danger if she didn't do anything.

"...I-I want to make a bet with you…!" Tenka said trying to pick a fight with Shito who was standing in the front of the classroom. "I want you to battle against me! If you lose, I want you to willingly drop out the school!"

All the students gasped loudly at everything she just said, they didn't know why their top student wanted to fight with the transfer student. He had just arrived there and there was no possible way he had offended the Vermillion family so much that it made her so mad that she decided to fight him.

But the students knew they couldn't say anything to her, they couldn't get involved with anything the members of the Vermillion family had to say, it could ruin their whole careers if they messed with that family.

Shito just looked at her, noticing how desperate she was to fight with him.

I knew this was going to happen since I planned for you to act like this, I knew what would make you pick a fight with me and that was to act a little strange giving you direct clues of me being a suspicious person and the face you are making is telling me that you think I am an assassin out four your life, you couldn't do anything since if I was really an assassin I would target your classmates first to draw you out, so that only left you with one option and that was to use the betting system to fight and force me out of the school, I have thought of everything you could possible do in your current position, now let me see what you are going to do after the duels.

Knowing that there was no reason for him to decline the bet, Shito smiled and looked around the room trying to see the reactions on everyone's faces. He wanted to see what they all thought of him fighting the strongest student in their class.

The students' faces showed that they were really worried about him fighting the strongest student in the class, they didn't want to see anything bad happen to him.

"I have no reason to decline… So, I accept the duel." Shito said looking at Tenka who was still standing. "What are the conditions you want to set for this duel."

Tenka already had her speech prepared when he decided to ask her the conditions for the bets.

"I want you to leave the academy if you lose this bet," Tenka said.

The student looked at Tenka and noticed that the conditions she placed on him were too harsh, but no one dared to say anything directly to her because of her family's status. In a world where your family status can make you go further than you can.

Tina looked on as the whole conflict was unfolding, she herself couldn't say anything because of him already accepted the duel, so she just watched and made sure she was not missing anything.

"I accept anything that you want to do," Shito said looking at the overly cautious woman. "I don't have any conditions to make with you so let's just get this fight over with.

The other students looked at him, they noticed how carefree he was acting even though he was in a desperate situation. Not knowing that he planned and putting himself in the situation he was in.

"F-Fine… !" Tenka turned her head to the side. "We will be starting these battles in the arena so don't be late!" she exclaimed as she got up from the back of the classroom and walked out of the door.

Tina looked at Shito and noticed that the expression on his face didn't even show a hint of worry about it, it was like he came knowing that she was going to pick a fight with him.

"You know that you should be meeting up with her in the arena," Tina said looking at Shito, who was still standing in the same place.

He looked around and noticed that all his classmates had gone out of the classroom. There was only one reason that they left and that was because a duel between the transfer student and the top student was about to go on.

"I know, I'm going to be heading there right now."

After saying that, Shito also left the classroom. To head toward the stage for his duel, to put an overly curious student to rest.