
Vlogging in One Piece

A Godling has been thrown by his father on the planet of seas. His memories have been altered, he lost his power, and he is now a mortal. But, with his unbreakable phone, with a sun as its battery, with unlimited data, can he survive in this world.

Anezaki_Touya_4708 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

2 The man in the barrel

Sleeping in the barrel, is not my thing.

My name is Aris, A God, or more accurately, a Godling. I like to Vlog, I loved TikTok, and I loved my followers. Media followers, to be precise, not some cult that hide in the society that sacrifices human.

My usual life is just like a life of an ordinary human, TikTok here, TikTok there, vlog here, vlog there, I simply live a wholesome life. Getting the attention of humans in the world is enough for me, I'm content in living like this.

But, one day. My Fath--no that damn guy showed up, claiming I'm being too lazy, too laid back, that he can't help it anymore but to punish me by making me a mortal, and stripping me off of my divinity.

Being a mortal, is okay for me. I once live in the human world as a mortal.

Stripping me off of my divinity, is also okay, since I now rarely use it, since the beginning of social media.

But, sending me in a world without internet. Now, that's more horrible than death for me.

I'm a showy God, and I will not deny that I'm an attention whore. It's just like me, being an original me.

Living a long time is pretty tiring, that you will be force to do idiotic things even if it's embarrassing.

My cousins, began to become stars in Hollywood, some began to travel to space, and me, just becoming a vlogger is okay for me.

Now, I lost it. My fame, my likes, my subscribers, my followers...

Wait a minute...

'Did Fath--- I mean, that geezer confiscated my things?' As if seeing some hope, I opened the barrel, where I am sulking. Put my hands in my pockets, and there, I feel it.


///General POV///


"Who's is that guy?!" Ace ask Deuce.

In the shore, in front of a burning bonfire, three men will be seeing sitting surrounding the lited bonfire. The two men who's Ace and Deuce is more near than each other leaving the new guy Aris, alone in their opposite.

Deuce looks at Aris, who's talking to his glowing mirror, he can't help but answer Ace a shrug about his question.

"I don't know. I saw him in a barrel of the ship, sleeping, or sulking, I don't care, ask him if you want." Deuce said, while laying in the sand to sleep.

Ace looks at Deuce who's planning to sleep, then he looks at Aris, who's still talking to his glowing mirror. Aris is tall and handsome. He has white hair, wearing a circular black shade, and he wears a unique attire that makes him looks like a person of a high status. Overall, he exlude an aura that he's different than them, that Ace feel like

"What? Him?" Aris then look at Ace, who's looking at him.

"What?" Ace seeing Aris looks, feel a bit cautious.

///Aris POV///

"Is this real? Ace story?"


"I LOVE YOU PRINCE(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥"

"Prince, #π•¢ Ace π£¥€ √£π€%^€!"

"Is this a new anime project?"

"Yeah! Gojo in $@@ ¥¢#$!"

"Prince, your handsome even in cartoon!"

"This is not cartoon, this is anime"

"Is this Ace story?"

"Prince look for Ace, ¥#$@-¥¢¥~ #$&£!"

"Gojo losing direction"

"Become a Pirate, and look for $#@ π√€¢€"

looking at my comment section, I saw some blurred texts, and I don't know why the platform is doing this. But I think this world is one of the anime my Fath--- I mean, that old geezer is watching, so some is blurd for me to not know something. I now also think that my Fath--- Shit! I mean, Old geezer erases some of my memory, since I feel something missing in my head, to make me clueless about this world.

Ace? Is this his story? I can't help but think that this story belongs to Ace, because most of the comments that I read, Ace name is always in highlight.

"Is Ace the protagonist of the story?" I ask my viewers, but just like earlier, their comments in the comments section are blurd.

—Modern world

"Why is the comment blurd?"

"Why the Facebook doing this?"

"He watched One piece before right? why can't he remember it!"

"Is this a new series?"

People in the whole world is quite in hype, because of Aris or more known as Prince, new vlog video. Although not a star, or some kind of important person, Aris is quite famous in the world because of his vlogs, that quite unique than the others.

Like, '60 days in the moon.', 'Meeting the real Thor, uncle Thor.', and the most famous new video 'Meeting Zeus, The God of O**y!' where he and the viewers continuesly harass, an hypocrite old man who's named is Zeus. That actually the real Zeus.

"Dad! How come you send Aris in that world, while I'm still wishing you to send me there since a year ago! That's unfair!" In a high tower in New York, a beautiful blonde woman with fair skin wearing a short, kneel in front of an old badass looking elder in tuxedo, about the unfairness of Aris, being send in One piece world.

The girl is just a rip-off of Harley Quinn, almost the same look, same taste in fashion, and coincidence or not her name is Quinn. While the old guy seems... also a rip-off of a known character, not surprising, he looks, Dark king Rayleigh, but more younger, his name is Earl.

Ignoring the yapping of his daughter, Earl just looked outside the window, and observed the city below him. He didn't answer Quinn, making the Quinn lose her patience.

"Tsk! Ok, that's it! I will go there myself." She said, losing her short patience.

But, before Quinn can do something, The Earl spoke some words that cannot be heard by normal means. It's like he spoke like a wind that was passing through anything, words that simply nature itself.


The girl turns around and looks at her Father with a surprise look on her face. Whatever her Father said, it's not simply normal even too a Godling like herself.

"Is... Is it, possible?" She said.

But the man just stared outside, not answering her question. The girl expecting this, just bit her lips and slowly walk out of the room, leaving the old man alone on this silent room.