
Venom : Bonded

Becca is the girl, people told their daughters to stay away from. She was the trouble maker. The rebel. But, Now she is the criminal. The Lair. The whore. A girl whose history clouds the truth of who she is and what happened. She is alone and scared until the day she finds a body along the river. Then, She is bonded. To this thing, it's calls itself Venom and It needs her help. It's needs to find someone. Someone called Eddie. They have taken him from it and it wants him back.

Magicgirl15 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Trek through Snow

I bounded through the snow like it was nothing. It was like I was wearing snowshoes. Dark Black veiny like snowshoes but snowshoes or less. We jumped catching a jutting branch and swing ourselves over a rolling ravine before landing hard into the snow. The action never even jarred me. We kept moving running from….what were we running from? I came to a dead stop and looked around me. It was snow for miles around. Nothing but endless white. In an endless cold dark night that seemed just as deadly as the being inside of me. There was little to no sign that anyone was looking or following me. We had lost them for now.

Suddenly, It hit me I gasped taking in air as adrenaline I didn't know I had pumping came rushing into me. I reached for a nearby trunk so that I could lean against it. "Fuck!. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Mother Dunkin Duck!" I half-whispered/shouted as I forced myself down. "Fuck! Hey….Fuck! I know you're there. Please…I…I need help." I gasped for them.

Them was a good term, I mean.

It felt appropriate.

Considering I don't really think they gave themselves a gender.


Their voice purred within my mind. The sound of it was like the rumble of the heaviest of engines making goosebumps run along my skin. I felt a slow movement along my skin until it settled along my shoulders pressing upon them. They began to become weighted as though someone was placing their hands there.

Deep Breathes, Becca.



I listen to them slowing my breathing until the air comes in easy allowing me a chance to relax. The tension in my shoulders releases and I let myself fall back into the tree letting it take my weight. Exhaustion hits me like a brick. The Adrenaline was draining away leaving only a sunken broken mess of a body again. My eyes feel so heavy and I can't help but close them. I could sleep right here. I really want to sleep here. The pain in my body was beginning to drain away as the cold settled back inside.

Can't Stay here, Becca. Have to move.

"Why? I mean I don't mind sitting here right now? The cold will ease off in a sec." I groan as the pain grows becoming sharp in my side and head. I just wanted to rest. Everything just fucking hurt.

I know, Becca. I know everything hurts but we have to keep moving. You don't want them to find us. So I need you to get up.

I feel the muscles in my legs tense and suddenly we are pushing up from the snow. I swear under my breath as I sway, my body was not happy about this. We steady ourselves before they push against the wood and take another step into the snowy darkness. The air is even colder now. I shiver with each step and I can't help but wrap my arms around my aching ribs in hopes of fending off the cold. It is probably the coldest point of the night and we were right in the middle of it.

We trend through the snow quietly for a while. Hours it feels like as we move. Ever the while I can tell that They are listening all around us. Whenever we hear something they tense….no...We tense. They know that just because we haven't seen anything for the last couple of miles doesn't mean someone couldn't be looking. And, They will definitely be looking for us. It's weird to think of us as "We".

"We" is the best term to describe "us". We because It's not just my consciousness anymore. There is someone along the edges of it. Them. Their consciousness edges along with mine and sometimes just if I focus on it long enough, they touch mine and I can see things inside of them. I've been trying it as we walk. I've managed to get some things from it. One, this being inside of me is an Alien. Second, It hates Taylor with a burning passion. The reason I won't push. And, The Final thing is that they are Missing this man by the name of Eddie Brock. He comes in flashes. He's an attractive man. He's tall about 6'3 with short-cropped hair of a strawberry blonde variety. He was muscular like big muscular. He would crowd me in real life. But, He did have pretty eyes. They were the darkest of blue. Every time they thought of him. They were consuming images. There was love there but there was something else there. I just couldn't place it. But, What lead me to understand was that this Eddie Brock consumed them? The question was where was this Eddie Brock? And, Why were separated from them.

Just a little longer

I jump at the sound of their voice aloud before clearing my throat. "Oh!...Thanks." I swallowed rubbing along my neck before looking around the forest again. It was still so unusually silent. It was weird considering the last time I was here I could hear a lot more life going on but out here now it was empty. And, It was dark. A wave of unease swept through me causing me to tighten my arms a little more.

You are uneasy.

The sound of their voices caused me to jump again and nearly trip. I swore under my breath. "Yeah…You can feel that…shit…never mind. I just don't like forests. Bring back bad memories for me."

We can feel everything from you, Becca. We are a part of you. We can protect you.

I feel them glide across my screen and wrap around my hands until those talons form. Nothing could hurt me with them there. I was safe with them. I felt the uneasiness start to fade away slowly and a warm ease seemed to take its place. I felt safe again. We walked another couple of miles and by that time the air seemed to be almost slightly warmer. I think the sun will be rising sooning. How long have we truly been out here? Were they looking for us? Was Konk alright? Suddenly, We stopped and my thoughts were back to my surroundings.

Becca. Look!

They sounded excited as I caught sight of an old shack not too far off.

We can stay there for the night. We've traveled enough and you need to heal.

At the mention of the pain, I felt a quick flare along my ribs and hiss. I sighed, nodding as we got moving. When we get to the shack, I am careful to push it open. The smell of old wood and must tell me it had been empty for some time. It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust but when they do I can see what lies within. The shack manages to have a old wooden stove in the corner right next to a old dingy cot. Along the wall are old Antlers and upon one of them is a couple of coats. I don't waste any time in grabbing one and pulling it on. It smells a little like old Deer piss but it's warm and I rather have that than the cold. I let my eyes wonder until I find a small plastic container in the corner. It's a little dirty as though they dragged it through the mud but when I pull the top off I find everything inside completely dry. The container is quite well stocked with a pair of boots, a hunting knife, a fire starter and tinder, and a bag of mixed trail mix. At the sight of it, I pull it out and rip open the bag. The moment the salty sweet hits our tongue we moan with satisfaction. I didn't realize how hungry we were. And, Then it hits me not only haven't I eaten since the hospital's breakfast early that morning, in addition to the fact that I was feeding another life form. I take another couple of handfuls before I grab the tinder and fire starter kit to the stove. I wore muscle memory as I lit the fire. The smell of burning wood fills the air and the temperature in the shack gets a little warmer. We feel a lot more relaxed. I release an audible sigh of relief before making our way to the cot where I throw us down. The cot gives a light creak but allows my weight as I dig into the bag of trail mix once more. We sit there eating in silence for a good minute before finally we finish the bag and the pain comes running back to the forefront of my mind. I hiss at the burn that runs along my waist and the throbbing ache that seems to be coming from my ankles.

We are sorry, Becca.

I turn my attention to their voice in my head and ask out loud. "Why would you be sorry? I mean…yes…you did make me jump from a building and also crack my head on the river bed but I have a funny feeling this because of something having to do with Eddie and Taylor." There is a shift along my skin and soon a massive black blob is forming before my eyes. I watch fascinated as the blob moves shifting until two white eyes form and a slit splits along it's face revealing a row of sharp needle teeth.


"Do you want to talk about it? I mean I feel like it needs a little explanation about just everything? If that's ok." There was a pause from them before they gave a slow and quick nod.

We are Venom.