
Venom : Bonded

Becca is the girl, people told their daughters to stay away from. She was the trouble maker. The rebel. But, Now she is the criminal. The Lair. The whore. A girl whose history clouds the truth of who she is and what happened. She is alone and scared until the day she finds a body along the river. Then, She is bonded. To this thing, it's calls itself Venom and It needs her help. It's needs to find someone. Someone called Eddie. They have taken him from it and it wants him back.

Magicgirl15 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Sickness and Dreams

A Concussion. Several Bruises. A Case of Hypothermia. And, Seven years of Additional Therapy. That was the outcome of following Kronk into the woods that day. I give a forced but somewhat pleasant smile to the nurse in front of me. It was the third time that she was sticking me for blood and I was growing tired of it. Once that little phial was full, she carefully stopped the bleeding with a square piece of gauze. I watched carefully as she taped over the puncture wound. I didn't know why but ever since I woke up. Something hasn't been right. Call it instinct or call it common sense but ever since I woke in this hospital, things weren't right. There were doctors but no patients. Nurses but so far I could only count the same three over the last three days.

The Doctors were different though most of the time, they didn't look at me like a patient. Instead, they looked at me like I was something to study. I sighed as I leaned back against the cushions of my bed. Maybe I was just being paranoid.

Or Maybe Feelings are Just.

I groaned as I rubbed at my eyes before turning on my side. This was stupid. I was being stupid. And, I was tired. I was so tired. I blamed it on the environment. I hated hospitals. Hospitals were the place of just bad memories for me. A place of Fear, Shame, and Anger. I hated them. They made me so uneasy. I nestled into the pillow and pulled my knees upwards into my chest. I couldn't sleep in them and since I woke up a day ago I couldn't really fall back into it. Maybe I should ask for a sleep aid.

A rap on the wall pulls me from my thoughts. I groan as a wave of rage runs through me as I turn back towards the door. I don't know why but I feel a mix of it being that I just want to be left alone and another of just wanting to get the fuck out of this place.

The Woman who walks through the door is a tall blonde. A cutie, she was. She stood about 5'9 with long wavy blonde hair and deep green eyes. She looked fit, almost amazon-like as she stood. She was a woman in charge. A woman that if I wasn't so pissy would date. I roll my body back towards and ask. "Hello, Can I help you?"

"Miss. Jackson?!"

"Yes, That's me."

"Hi, I'm Agent Taylor and I'm from the FBI. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

The wave of anger pushes through me once again. I grit my teeth and force it back surprised for a moment. I don't know why but her name just wants me to bite into something. I swallow, clearing my throat as I nod and motion towards the chair. "Would you like to sit?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Ok, Tired. Doctors say though that's normal. Something about me being exhausted from the hypothermia."

"I'm sorry about that. Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, Last Time I chased after my dog."

"Yes, Konk, right. He ran off."

"Yeah, He's always been a chaser when it comes to something small and squeaky. Konk goes after it. It fucking sucks that this was the outcome things time but know if he needs to go out. I am keeping him on the fence."

"Do you mean in the fence?"

"Oh...Shit...Damn I meant that...I am sorry. I don't like hospitals much and sleeping in them is a complete and utter pain." I laughed as I rubbed at the side of my head.

"I'm sorry about that...just a couple more questions and then you can go ahead and get some sleep." She smiled through the action and seemed tight like she didn't do that often. "When you came upon the agent's body did you notice anything unusual." I scoffed. " You mean other than finding a body in my creek. No ma'am. I mean other than touching him I didn't notice anything different." I tensed before groaning. The memory of his cold flesh making my stomach twist." I'm sorry just...no...the only thing was that he was just too cold. I didn't know a body could feel so cold"

"He didn't say anything."

"No ma'am. To Tell you the truth, I think I hurt myself before he could. If you don't mind me asking, you said Agent. Was he one of yours?"

"Yes, An Agent Howard. He was on the case of a killer."

"A Killer."

A Victim.

"Yes, But I don't want to waste your time. But, Me and my partner were working on this case of a Killer. He was allusive but me and him managed to capture him. He was kind of simple like that. We lured him in like a bee to honey."

No, Tricked Us.

"But, He sadly escaped last night and we think that when my partner went after him he killed my partner."

"I didn't see anyone when I found his body. What did he do?" A wave of panic set in as I tried to remember anything else from the bank. Had my fall been caused by someone else?

Didn't mean to hurt you. Just needed you!

"Murder and Cannibalism. Thought Himself to be a hero but he is nothing but a criminal. A loser who does these atrocities to make himself feel special. But, He isn't special. He is just like everyone else."

Shut up!

I flinched at her words, the sound of them seeming a bit too harsh. A bit too cruel like she was trying to get something out of me. But, Maybe it was me being sensitive. Living in a town that only seen me as a Whore has left me a little thin skinned when it comes to conversation.

"...I'm sorry….I shouldn't be keeping you up like this. You need to rest. Thank you for your time, Miss. Jackson. I'll see you soon. Alright." I nodded goodbye as I watched her leave and with it a tension I didn't know I possessed. The Wave of Exhaustion overwhelmed me and slowly let my eyes close and fall into the darkness.

Agent Taylor exited into the hall positive that the young woman inside that room had at one point come in contact with the symbiote. The question was where was it now. The dog had come back clean though aggressive towards most of the staff, Agent Taylor called it more upon the fact her men had crowded it when they found his owner. The two agents had been also cleared but one had shown some signs in her hormone levels to show that he had at one point been a carrier but again where the Symbiote had gone was again a question that needed answers. The moment she entered the Lab's Lobby her phone went off, the shrill dull tone grating to her ears.

It was a reminder on who was calling. The moment she swiped right to answer the call, her father's booming voice came onto the line.

" You lost the Assets."

"Yes, Sir. He broke out of Containment. And, Bonded to Agent Howard."

"Is he alive?" He questioned though his tone wasn't one of concern. It was of curiosity. He wanted to know if he had a chance for a soldier. The dream he wanted so badly since he found this thing.

"No. He's dead, sir." She answered by clenching the phone just a bit tighter.

"And, The Assets then was it obtained or did it die with Agent Howard."

Agent Taylor began to dig in her pocket, searching.

"The Asset is missing, Sir."

"What do you mean, Missing. Explain Soldier."

Agent Taylor began to explain the course of events between the last 96 hours. The more she spoke the harder her Father's voice got and greater the need for a Cigarette was needed to smoke with every second.

"Damn it! Keep the woman, there Taylor. I'm sending Jacobs there now. It was a damn mistake letting you take control of this. Until then keep the girl there and when Jacob gets there he'll handle the rest."

"Sir, She's already been tested."

"No, She's been questioned. You and your damn mind games. If you need something done. You need it done right. Pain gets more of a reaction then talking, Hon."

" Sir...Dad your talking about torturing an innocent woman."

"No, I'm talking about interrogating the enemy. You're a Soldier, Lily. Act like it and keep that girl under lock and key."

And, Like that, the conversation ended and Lily was smoking the entire pack before the day could begin.

The world was inky blackness. A thick fluid blackness that moved like water but as it swarmed around me. It felt solid and palatable around me. I sit there letting it envelope around me. It's presence brings me safety. The very feel of it is something I so desperately need right now. It was soothing. So Soothing. I didn't sense them until they were too close.

I turned and screamed at the sight of them. A twisted mast of darkness and teeth. I fell back in surprise but the twisted mast of them. It flinched from me in fear. Fear. I could feel it not only as my own but I think as its own. It twisted towards a tentacle as though to touch me but out of reflex I flinched back.

That seemed to hurt it. As Though, I needed this contact from me. The emotions that I were feeling were becoming a confusing mix. I think some where my own because every time it moved I felt the spick jump and twist but then when the sadness came. It came like small waves every time it reared back. Yes. I think that it was this thing in front of me. And, I think it felt what I felt too. I swallowed, moving my legs until they laid flat underneath my ass.

It froze rearing back as I forced myself to sit tall.

I am scared now.

"What are you?" I asked.

It's formed shifted, twisting again until what I could only describe as a face toke form. A pair of white eyes and jagged teeth.

"We need your help, Becca." It's form began to shift as though it was swaying. "Please, You have to help us find him. We have to get back to him."

"Who. And, What are you? Why are you inside of me? Why Can I feel you?" The rippling stopped before starting again. Something was making it stop. I was now terrified.

"Can't explain. Not enough time. We are sorry, Becca."


"For what we are about to do."

Then it struck. It's tentacle punching it's way through my heart and wrapping itself around my body enveloping me.

And, Drawing me from the darkness.

I gasped awake clenching at my chest as waves of pain enveloped my body. I couldn't breathe. Everything ached and my body felt like I was on fire. My monitor was off the charts. The machine screamed as I struggled to stop the racing. My heart rate was off the charts. Doctors were running in grabbing my arms but I fought them trying to get them to let me go. But, They were becoming too strong. Memories surfaced of other hands holding her down, keeping her down as other's ripped at her clothes.

She screamed, clawing at the hands breaking skin. The smell of blood erupting through the room as a doctor screamed in pain. She kicked and someone flew flying into the wall in front of her. There was a crunch. She grabbed at something else and then they were flying out. The sound of glass breaking the air growing cold.

The hands were off.

She was free.

People were screaming as she scrambled out of her bed. Glass pierced at her feet. The smell of blood grew overwhelming and suddenly she was craving the taste. But, There wasn't time for that now. The sound of boots. So many. They were coming. She ran to the window. The air around her burned at her exposed wet skin but she didn't care.

It was out.

"Shit...Stop her." Someone yelled.

A shot rang by her head grazing her skull. Becca flinched moving back from the window and hissing from pain. She reached her skull and flinched in pain as she spotted the blood.


She turned at her name. The room was a bloodbath. A body laid along the floor right underneath a large dent within the wall. Along the floor a mix of glass and bloody footprints littered the floor. Blood covered the bed and from her distance she could see the doctor who she had attacked. His arm held five large claw marks all were bleeding profusely, leaving puddles along the floor.


I raised my head, my eyes locking with Agent Taylors. There was a level of concern and I think fear.

"Becca. It's ok. No one's going to hurt you."


Images began to flash through my mind.

A body twisted in pain.




All of them were mind.

Her face was clear in them.

She was watching as they did this to me.

I flinched back towards the window. My hands grabbed the edge and pierced the glass.

They all gasped, making me look down and tensing as black veins grew from my hand.

Careful Becca.

"Shit. She's….Fucking Shoot her."

Her body moved faster than her mind could process. Bullets rained as she jumped from the window to the snowy floor below. Her feet burned in pain and the ice scratched at her skin but she didn't care.

She had to get moving. She took off running through the grounds into the forest.

She could hear shouting. They were looking for her. But, She had to get moving. She had to find him.

She had to find Eddie.