
153. Rosalie

The night was eerier than ever before. He laid there gazing out of the open window feeling the cold breeze as the screen danced to the breeze.

'Nopath and this sensation inside my brain that I've been feeling I wonder.'

He grumbled inwardly feeling inadequate of the information he possessed.

{Hmm, I apologize for eves dropping... But, explain what do you feel?}

"I don't particularly understand it myself. It's just that I feel strange..."

{I see, Then how about trying to master that feeling and control it?}

"I've been trying but, I couldn't really take control over it. All I can do is sense it."

{I think it is a good thing. I assume it is your soul.}

"Ohh? Is there use in sensing it?"

{Yes, it means your soul has strengthened to the extent that it is deeply attached to your vessel. To explain it blandly, none can devour your soul or extract it from your vessel.}

"Oooh! Spooky dookie! Is the handsome clan lord here?"