
Going to school

Lian and Mei's expressions were anything but cheerful. The very idea of them going to school made them unhappy. "Look at you two! So smart in your uniforms," exclaimed Old Song, his voice warm and encouraging. "Give me a twirl, let me see how sharp you look!"

Despite their initial reluctance, the twins couldn't help but smile. They spun around, their skirts flaring out as they laughed. Old Song clapped his hands in delight, his praise lifting their spirits just a little.

"That's the spirit!" he cheered. "You both look fantastic!"

As the twins settled back down, still giggling, Old Song reached into a shopping bag at his feet. With a flourish, he pulled out two sleek, new phones. Lian and Mei's eyes widened in surprise and excitement.

"Are they for us?" Mei asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Old Song nodded, a proud smile spreading across his wrinkled face. "Yes, they are. Pick the ones you like best. I even got some cool cases for them."