
Not picking calls again


AN: Went a little overboard today with the words. I hope you like it.

After a hectic morning of running around, Xiang Yu finally managed to get the twins ready for school and into the car. Lian and Mei sat in the backseat, their faces visibly upset. As Xiang Yu drove, the twins couldn't help but bargain and play the pitiful act, trying to convince him that school was pointless.

"Master, do we really have to go?" Lian whined, her voice tinged with desperation.

"Yeah, school is so boring," Mei added, her tone equally pitiful.

Xiang Yu kept his eyes on the road, ignoring their complaints. "Why are you so resistant to this? It's just for the little time we have in this world. You get to experience different things, and school is one of them."

Lian folded her arms across her chest, her expression defiant. "Master, I would rather climb the tallest mountain peak in this world than go to school."