
Veil of Visions

In the sprawling and untamed world of Lumina, where ancient secrets lie buried beneath every stone and shadow, destiny bestows its Gifts with stringent expectations rather than favor. For Cael, a determined and cunning youth marked by poverty, the upcoming Rite of Essence is more than a mere passage into adulthood—it is a gateway to alter his precarious fate. The Rite of Essence, a revered and daunting ceremony, offers him a rare chance to break the cycle of hardship that has tethered him. Success in the trial promises a Gift—supernatural powers granted by the world’s essence, capable of lifting him from poverty and into prominence. However, the stakes are perilously high, as failure means a dissipation into raw mana, feeding the very land that has both cradled and cursed his existence. Note - This is my first book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. I have spent hours planning and organizing my thoughts so a rough idea for an ending is planned along with the story but as i gain experience in writing things may change. I want to hear your feedback and any suggestions you may have for the novel. Also if you notice any grammatical errors please let me know i will fix them right away.

Spraglly · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 7: Ember woods I

As the night deepened, Lyros and Cael made their way back to their modest home, their steps quick and purposeful. They had spent the evening at Garrick's Tavern, a necessary detour rather than a leisurely visit. There, amidst the low murmur of seasoned adventurers and the clink of tankards, they had gathered valuable insights about the beasts and terrors that prowled the edges of the Ember Woods. They listened intently, sorting through tales to discern which creatures were mere myths and which posed real danger, understanding the distinct threats of day and night, and strategizing on the best ways to prepare.

As they gathered information, the reality of the woods' cruelty became increasingly clear. With each story, the forest seemed to grow darker, its threats more palpable. But rather than deterring them, this knowledge only fueled their resolve to grow stronger.

Back at their shack, as they strategized, Lyros cautiously brought up a new idea. "I'm not entirely comfortable with this, but maybe it's worth considering joining forces with some of the other blessed ones. The forest sounds like a place where there's safety in numbers."

Cael weighed Lyros's proposal carefully. The idea of teaming up tactically made sense; strength in numbers was a tried and true strategy, especially against unknown dangers. Yet, the notion of aligning themselves with others whom they neither knew well nor trusted fully left him uneasy. The complexities and uncertainties of such alliances gnawed at him—could they truly rely on these others in moments of peril, or would they scatter, leaving each to fend for themselves?

In a separate train of thought, Cael reflected on his disdain for the other blessed. He viewed them with a critical eye, seeing them as privileged yet shackled by their heritage. Unlike him and Lyros, who had fought for every scrap of knowledge and strength, these blessed ones had their paths laid out by lineage and expectation. They had never tasted the freedom of forging their own destinies, always bound to fulfill the roles set by their families. To Cael, this lack of autonomy didn't just mark a difference in circumstance; it rendered their lives pitifully constrained, mirroring the very shackles he sought to break.

"No, I don't think that's wise," Cael finally said, shaking his head. "Too many variables. What if we're attacked and they decide to flee? Or worse, what if their arrogance leads us into danger? No, it's too risky. It's always been just you and me against the challenges. Let's keep it that way."

Lyros nodded slowly, a shadow of sadness crossing his face as he remembered happier times. "It wasn't always just the two of us, though," he murmured.

"Yeah..." Cael's reply was soft, the weight of memories filling the silence that followed.

After a moment, Cael clapped his hands together, dispelling the somber mood. "Alright, let's focus on the plan. We need to make sure we're not just walking into those woods only to become another horror story."

They talked for a few hours, contemplating different strategies and weighing each option carefully. As the night deepened, they realized the need for rest before the eventful day that awaited them. Deciding to pause their planning, they agreed to get some sleep to ensure they were well-prepared for the challenges to come.


As the first light of dawn spilled across the sky, the air around the edge of the Ember Woods was thick with tension. The group of the blessed, all gathered at various points along the treeline, displayed a mix of emotions. Some wore expressions of arrogance, eager to prove themselves in the eyes of their peers and superiors, while others stood resolute, their determination clear. However, for most, a veil of nervousness was hard to ignore, their faces betraying the anxiety of the unknown challenges ahead.

The Ember Woods presented a majestic sight at the kingdom's edge, a landscape that seemed both enchanted and inviting. As dawn's light washed over the land, the forest's canopy erupted in vibrant colors. Leaves in shades of rich amber, fiery scarlet, and golden yellow gleamed like jewels under the morning sun, each tree a beacon of natural beauty, casting a warm, inviting glow.

From a distance, the woods looked serene and picturesque, the kind of place that called to the hearts of poets and painters. The trees stood tall and proud, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, whispering the ancient secrets of the land in a rustle that sounded almost like laughter.

Bordering the woods, quaint signs with elegantly carved letters saying "Ember Woods: Beware" dotted the landscape. These signs, somewhat whimsical in their contradiction to the beauty they guarded, added an element of mystique. They were weathered and mossy, as if nature itself was trying to reclaim them, yet they stood as firm reminders of the unseen dangers lurking within the seemingly tranquil forest.

The allure of the Ember Woods was undeniable, drawing the eye and stirring the soul with its picturesque vista. It beckoned adventurers and dreamers alike, promising wonder and perhaps a hint of peril, as the beauty of the woods veiled the mysteries and threats hidden in its depths.

Breaking the uneasy silence, Mirana stepped forward. Her voice, steady and commanding, carried across the clearing. "You had a day to prepare, which is more than you'll get in most situations you'll face," she announced. "Survival is key. Those who come out of the forest will be much stronger than when they entered. Stay smart, stay vigilant, and most importantly, survive. May Lumina watch over you."

Her words although short, seemed to resonate with a palpable increase in tension. At her signal, some of the blessed rushed towards the forest with a sense of urgency, while others approached more cautiously. Small groups formed spontaneously, a silent agreement among them about the safety in numbers, while a few ventured to enter alone, each choosing different points to penetrate the dense foliage.

Among them, one particular boy stood out. He rushed into the forest alone, his attire marking him distinctly from his peers. He wore a finely tailored jacket of deep blue velvet that caught the morning light, hinting at his affluent background. Beneath the jacket, a shirt of silken fabric shimmered subtly, its quality far surpassing the practical garments of his counterparts. His boots, made of high-quality leather, were polished to a shine, hardly the choice for trekking through the rugged underbrush, yet they emphasized his status.

Strapped to his side was a sword that seemed almost alive with energy. The blade hummed softly, a low, continuous sound that suggested it was infused with mana. The hilt was encrusted with gems that glowed faintly, pulsating with the rhythm of the embedded enchantments. This was no ordinary weapon; it was a sword meant not only for combat but for a display of power and wealth.

As he disappeared into the shadows of the Ember Woods, his confident stride contrasted sharply with the cautious steps of others. His choice to enter alone, armed with such a conspicuous symbol of both prowess and privilege, was a bold statement of his intentions and his belief in his own capabilities.

A smile formed on Cael's lips; he and Lyros knew that boy very well, after all, he had just done exactly what Cael suspected he would do. Lyros broke Cael out of his thoughts. "We should get going before he gets too far ahead," he suggested, urgency lacing his voice. Nodding, Cael followed Lyros as they began to enter the forest.

At first, the Ember Woods were as alluring on the inside as they appeared from the outside. The morning light filtered through the canopy in golden beams, illuminating patches of the forest floor and highlighting the rich, vibrant colors of the foliage. The air was fresh and earthy, filled with the scent of pine and wildflowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves created a symphony of whispers that seemed almost welcoming.

However, as they ventured deeper, the forest began to change, almost imperceptibly at first. The light grew dimmer, the sun's rays struggling to penetrate the thickening canopy. The trees grew closer together, their trunks gnarled and twisted, their branches intertwining to form a dense barrier that cast deep shadows across their path. The vibrant colors of the leaves muted to darker, murkier hues, and the air turned damp and heavy, carrying a faint, unsettling odor of decay.

The further Cael and Lyros walked, the more the forest seemed to close in around them. The once welcoming whispers of the leaves turned to low moans as the wind shifted, sounding like pained cries trapped within the woods. Thorns and brambles began to appear, snagging their clothes and scratching their skin as they passed. What had seemed like charming undergrowth from outside now appeared as a tangled mess of vines and roots, ready to trip the unwary traveler.

The cheerful chirping of birds was replaced by an oppressive silence, punctuated only by the occasional distant, unidentifiable rustle or snap—reminding them that they were not alone. Shadows moved just beyond the corner of their vision, hinting at unseen creatures watching from the dark, waiting. Every so often, a chill breeze would cut through the stillness, carrying whispers that didn't sound quite human.

As the beauty of the forest receded, replaced by this creeping horror, the path became less defined. The ground underfoot was soft and treacherous, marked by sudden dips and hidden holes that seemed to swallow the light whole. Fungi in odd shapes and eerie luminescence clung to the bark of trees, casting an unnatural glow that only served to make the surrounding darkness feel even more dense and threatening.

Cael's initial smile had long since faded, replaced by a look of intense focus. Beside him, Lyros moved with cautious determination, his eyes scanning the shifting shadows. They knew the deceptive nature of the Ember Woods now; a beautiful veneer that masked a heart of darkness, each step forward a test of nerve and resolve.