
Veil of Visions

In the sprawling and untamed world of Lumina, where ancient secrets lie buried beneath every stone and shadow, destiny bestows its Gifts with stringent expectations rather than favor. For Cael, a determined and cunning youth marked by poverty, the upcoming Rite of Essence is more than a mere passage into adulthood—it is a gateway to alter his precarious fate. The Rite of Essence, a revered and daunting ceremony, offers him a rare chance to break the cycle of hardship that has tethered him. Success in the trial promises a Gift—supernatural powers granted by the world’s essence, capable of lifting him from poverty and into prominence. However, the stakes are perilously high, as failure means a dissipation into raw mana, feeding the very land that has both cradled and cursed his existence. Note - This is my first book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. I have spent hours planning and organizing my thoughts so a rough idea for an ending is planned along with the story but as i gain experience in writing things may change. I want to hear your feedback and any suggestions you may have for the novel. Also if you notice any grammatical errors please let me know i will fix them right away.

Spraglly · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Gifts

The morning found Cael and Lyros rising early, each stirring from a sleep that was far too short and unrestful. Surprisingly, Cael felt invigorated despite the brief rest and the previous night's indulgences. As he sat up, a thought crossed his mind—was this the vigor of being Blessed? He pondered the mysterious capabilities of mana that now coursed subtly through his veins.

Eager to start the day, the two friends made their way to the city's border, where the edges of Ember's Edge met the expanse of the Ember Woods. This proximity to the dense and enigmatic forest was the very reason the city was named so. Today, the elder from the capital, a pivotal figure at the Rite of Essence, would be holding a training session there for those newly blessed, and both Cael and Lyros were intent on learning more about the powers they had acquired.

As Cael and Lyros approached the designated meeting spot at the border of the town, they could see eleven other newly Blessed individuals already gathered, clustered near the threshold of the Elder Woods. The crisp morning air was charged with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Cael scanned the group, his gaze lingering on a few faces he recognized from around town—individuals who, in the past, had ridiculed him and Lyros for their humble origins.

Most of the Blessed were from well-to-do families, their postures and expressions conveying a certain air of entitlement that Cael found off-putting. He noted a few adorned in finely tailored garments that spoke of wealth and status, starkly contrasting with his and Lyros's more practical attire. There was Ella Halic, daughter of a prominent merchant, chatting animatedly with twin brothers known for their family's long lineage of skilled mages within Embers Edge.

As he observed them, Cael felt a familiar edge of resentment mixed with disinterest. These were not people he cared to know better, given their previous disdain. Leaning slightly towards Lyros, he muttered with a hint of sarcasm, "This will be fun."

Just then, one of the youths, a tall figure with an arrogant smirk, overheard Cael's comment. "Fun? For someone who fainted right after the trial, I'm surprised you're standing here at all," he jeered, causing a ripple of snickers among some of the group.

Before Cael could respond, a clear, authoritative voice cut through the morning air, silencing the budding mockery. "Enough," she said sharply to the young man who had mocked Cael, her tone brooking no argument. "Do not get high and mighty just because you have been blessed for a single day."

The elder lady had arrived, unnoticed until she spoke. She stood regally, her presence commanding immediate attention. She was dressed in a long, flowing robe of deep blue, subtly embroidered with lighter blue threads that gave an impression of rippling water. On her robe was a golden intricate crest of the Church of Lumina, prominently displayed at the chest—a stylized golden tree, its branches sprawling widely, with a fox curled serenely at its roots.

In her hand, she held her staff, topped with a deep ocean blue orb that seemed to capture and reflect the surrounding light with a blue tinge. Her hair was silver, pulled back into a dignified updo that was both practical and stately, secured with pins that seemed to catch the light, casting small reflections around her, further enhancing her commanding presence.

With the elder's arrival, the group quickly fell into a respectful silence, their earlier amusement replaced by the seriousness her presence warranted.

With the disruption quelled, the elder lady spoke, her voice carrying a natural authority that effortlessly captured the attention of all present. "I am Mirana of the House of Thel, a low priest from the Church of Lumina. My responsibilities include overseeing the Rite of Essence and ensuring that all newly Blessed have a fundamental understanding of their gifts," she explained, her tone both welcoming and instructive.

She then shifted her focus to the core of today's session. "Today, we'll begin by discussing the basics of what it means to be a Chosen Blessed of Lumina. We'll cover the tiers and sublevels designated to those chosen by Lumina, which will provide you with a framework for understanding how you can grow and evolve through your newfound abilities."

Mirana paused to make sure she had everyone's attention before continuing. "There are four main tiers that you should be aware of: 1. Blessed, 2. Awakened, 3. Priest, and 4. Sage. Each of these tiers represents a pivotal transformation in your body, mind, and Gift, furthering your connection to Lumina. As you evolve through these tiers, you will find that not only does your control over your Gift increase, but your understanding of Lumina and the world around you deepens significantly."

Mirana continued "Within each tier, there are four sublevels: Low, Moderate, High, and Pinnacle. Advancing through these sublevels isn't just a matter of time; it requires dedication, understanding, and a proactive approach to harnessing your Gift."

Mirana nodded subtly, acknowledging the attentive faces before her. "Currently, each of you is categorized as a 'Low Blessed'—the initial stage within the first tier. At this level, your control over mana is limited strictly to the confines of your own body. To utilize mana, you must draw it into your body where it can be refined and then directed outward as needed. This is the most basic form of mana manipulation, and mastering this is crucial before advancing further."

Mirana continued, her tone shifting slightly as she introduced a deeper layer to their understanding. "Now that that's out of the way," she began, capturing the group's full attention again, "some of you may have noticed something unique following your passing of the Rite of Essence. Lumina, in its infinite wisdom, has bestowed upon each of you an additional aid—a new memory implanted in your consciousness. If you concentrate, you should be able to access this. By focusing your mana on this specific part of your consciousness, your Gift will activate, consuming mana and revealing the name Lumina has given to your Gift."

The group murmured in surprise and curiosity, the concept of an implanted memory both intriguing and mystifying. Cael, in particular, felt a spark of excitement mixed with a hint of apprehension. He had not been aware of any such memory, but the possibility urged him to explore deeper within himself.

He closed his eyes, drawing a deep breath as he tried to calm his mind and focus inward. It was a strange sensation, like reaching into a fog where shapes and shadows moved just beyond clear sight. As he slowly directed his mana crudely towards what felt like a newly formed path in his mind, a sensation akin to unlocking a door with a key made itself apparent.

His mental focus honed in on a spot just behind his eyes, where he sensed a cluster of foggy, elusive memories waiting to be clarified. As he pushed his mana there, the fog began to dissipate, revealing fragments of something more substantial. Among these fragments, a term emerged, resonating with a profound sense of identity and purpose: True Vision.

Lyros watched Cael delve into his mind, his friend's face calm yet concentrated. Intrigued and somewhat inspired, he decided to attempt the same. Closing his eyes, Lyros began to focus inward, drawing upon his own mana to seek out the hidden gift that Lumina might have implanted in his consciousness.

Lyros found himself thrust into a space filled with blinding, pulsating lights. It was as if he had stepped into a realm made entirely of radiant energy, each burst of light representing a memory or a piece of his new gift. The intensity of the lights was overwhelming, almost too much to bear, but he sensed that this luminous chaos was a part of the path he needed to explore.

He directed his mana, trying to attune himself to the rhythm of the lights, to make sense of the overwhelming brilliance. As he adapted to the environment, he started to discern patterns among the flashes. Slowly, the chaos began to coalesce into a clearer form, and a single word emerged from the luminous array: "Sol."

As Lyros emerged from the depths of his discovery, the name "Sol" still resonating within him, he turned to look at Cael. Their eyes met, and in that moment, no words were necessary. Lyros's eyes, now shimmering with threads of gold light weaving through the blue, mirrored the profound changes within him. Cael's eyes, a cosmic reflective silver, sparkled with a similar intensity, showcasing the depth of his own transformation.

The gaze they shared was more than just a visual connection; it was a silent conversation, an unspoken understanding of their shared journey. Both recognized the burgeoning power in the other, and a mutual desire to grow and strengthen their newfound abilities.