
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Tasaki

As he walked, Tasaki's memories and appearance began to infuse himself into his being.

- This feeling is somewhat strange... changing between different appearances.


"Over time the presenter will be able to obtain a defined shape for each gender, however she will still have to change from time to time 😅"

- This thing is also somewhat strange, it can change shape and adjust to my arm no matter what shape it takes, the strangest thing is that only I seem to see it.

I said as she looked at the berry pip boy.


"The pip boy is a tool created by the goddess of destiny, a marvel of technology and divine magic, host feel honored to be worthy of such grace from our goddess >:3"

-He was just looking for something that interested him and he wanted to use it, so he used me as a guinea pig, right?

I said with a contemptuous tone.

"Buuuhhhh the host is a party pooper 😠, but yes, so be careful when using him to avoid suffering a tragic fate"

* Sigh*

- I curse my existence.


When I returned to the school entrance, I was finally able to finish taking in Tasaki's existence.

Looking back at my memories of him, he is a pitiful child.

A middle class family, without economic problems, unfortunately the parents are a disaster, they are not at home most of the time and they have almost no interaction with their son, the greatest family interaction is leaving him money during the week.

The Lonely Boy uses anime and video games as support.

-Poor bastard, well not that it matters now, if it calms your heart I will fulfill the destiny that has been entrusted to you, that trio of beauties I think I will enjoy destroying his spirit and mind.

I said as a crooked smile formed on his face.

- For now let's go back home, tomorrow will be a very interesting day.


Being in front of the house in the memories, I can't help but admit, maybe he won't have the best parents but the house is huge and very beautiful.

- Let me see what I find in this pig's nest.

A 2-story house with a large patio, a good place-

- Ugh... I know I shouldn't be surprised because I already have his memories. But damn kid, you spent so much of your money on figures, posters and games.


- I guess I'll put it up for sale online, I vaguely remember that I was somewhat of a lover of Japanese culture in my previous life, but this is excessive.

*An hour later*

- Damn brat. This is too much, how could it take me an hour to remove all this stuff.

When I finished purging the room I had 4 huge bags with figures, toys, posters and clothes with very exaggerated prints.

- Well, I'll leave them in another room and I'll deal with it later, more importantly.

I looked in front of the mirror, I had taken off my clothes and was completely naked.

- The tool is acceptable, however the body is too bulky for my taste.


"It is not necessary to worry host, as the days go by the statistics will be reflected in your appearance. Although he won't become an Ikemen, he will look better than normal people when he finishes adjusting his stats, perhaps assuming the appearance of NTR's yellow hair ;3."

- That wouldn't be bad either, it's not like we need these glasses, however we keep this child's appearance for now, it will make things easier.

Although it is the same appearance of Tasaki from a few hours ago, the timid and fearful look has completely disappeared, but now the look on Ying Zhe's face was one of indifference and detachment.


In the morning the school brims with the spirit of youth with the various students fluttering around the entrance.

However, everything falls silent when a very popular or rather a very feared trio of beauties had arrived.

The charming and gentle-looking Sanada Minako, the lively and energetic Hinata Sae and of course her leader, the one known as Sadistic Queen by the student body, the red-haired beauty Nogami Izumi.

This trio is well known for intimidation, extortion, defamation, creating rumors, coercion, etc. A very problematic group, however the school is defenseless, the girls are from wealthy positions and their connections are powerful, Minako is the daughter of a politician. local, Sae is the daughter of a popular athlete and is a popular talent at the school so it is difficult to mess with her, lest she change schools leaving the school in a loss. Finally Izumi is the daughter of the president of a powerful conglomerate, everyone fears them and tries not to get in their way.

Anyone who messes with them, or becomes their target, never ends well.

As the trio entered the school everyone made their way, with the lingering fear of being targeted by the trio of delinquent beauties.

Nogami Izumi's attention was quickly directed to the student at the lockers.

Seeing him she couldn't help but let out a smile, however more than beautiful feelings, this smile promises pain.

"Hey pig, what are you doing standing there if you don't come and pay your respects to your superior?"

The girl said with a haughty tone while she was followed by her two friends.

The boy turned around and looked at them.

Nogami was shocked for a second, but quickly came to her senses and became enraged.

"What was that pig, what kind of look was that EH?" she said as she rushed over and kicked the boy, making him fall to the ground.

"Learn your place, you damned scum, remember that you are our slave," Nogami said with a ferocious smile on his face, a slight blush on her cheeks was visible as she listened to his moans of pain.

"Ahh, there we go again, this girl and her bad taste." Hinata Sae said as she waved her hand.

"Well you know how Izumi-Chan is, plus it's fun to do it from time to time" said Sanada Minako as she rested one of her hands on her cheek while she watched the beating.

"Minako, you are very permissive with Izumi, you are going to raise her badly," Sae replies.

"Well I won't deny that it's not fun, it's also good exercise" she added with a playful smile on her face.

"Learn your place you damn scum. You will always be beneath us you understand" Izumi shouted as she kicked the boy.

Her heart was a little uneasy, the look she received from Tasaki a moment ago was strange, it scared her for a moment, this filled Nogami Izumi with rage, how would she, a distinguished lady, feel threatened by this piece of trash, she deserved a lesson. . .

When Izumi completely vented her anger, she said.

"Get up Tasaki, come with us to the library, we have things to do." The girl said with a tone that she wouldn't take a negative for an answer.

"Yeah…. I understand Nogami-San…" the young man said in a submissive tone.

Seeing her attitude Izumi nodded to herself in her heart.

"That's it, that's the attitude you should have, know your place, you damn scum," she thought.


"I know I left it here…. "Oh here it is," Izumi said.

"Okay girls look at this, I came across this hypnosis book a few days ago, it will be a great show for Aoki-San's farewell party" Izumi said with a proud smile as she showed off the idea to her.

"Oh…Hypnosis that sounds interesting." Sae said.

"Mah… Izumi-Chan you always have very extravagant ideas, but I don't hate it, it sounds fun." Minako added with a smile.

"Right? Everyone will be very surprised when I start my act and we have the perfect test subject with us" Izumi said as she looked at Tasaki.

"hehehe well you convinced me let's do it" said Sae.

"I want to try it too," Minako added.

*30 minutes later*

"AHHH, Damn it doesn't work, what the hell is this!?" Izumi growled.

"Hypnotism is bullshit! There's no way this is going to work!" Izumi snapped as she leaned back in her seat in frustration.

"Let's just give up on this, it's been a long time and I'm already bored" Sae said in a bored tone.

"Why don't we try to have Tasaki-Kun pretend to be Hypnotized?" Minako added trying to lighten the mood of her friends.


"Come on Izumi, we can try to do something else…" Sae tried to say.

"Forget it!" Izumi growled, she still wanted to show off about Hypnotism, she was the one who proposed the idea to her friends and she didn't want to back out so quickly.

"Grrr… Just when I came with a funny idea," Izumi growled as she bit her thumbnail in frustration.

"Hey Tasaki," Izumi snapped.

"Y...Yes!?" the boy said nervously.

"Try it," Izumi said.

"Hey?" he asked dazedly.

"Like I said, try to Hypnotize Us All," Izumi said as she handed him the dark-covered book.

"Huh? Because?" Sae asked, somewhat surprised by her friend's sudden decision.

"It's not like he expects him to pull it off, but maybe he'll give us a clue on how to do it, if we're on the receiving end," Izumi said.

"Oh… I see your point, you may be right." Minako added.

"I'm always right," Izumi said proudly.


"B… Well in that case, uhm" Tasaki said somewhat nervously.

"For a start…. Please look carefully at the flame of this lighter" said the boy while the girls obeyed.

A strange energy erupted from the young man and hit the 3 girls, the eyes of the 3 dimmed from one moment to the next.

"Girls?" said the young man timidly.

After a moment without a response, the young man's gaze changed completely.


- Damn this was very exhausting, all I had to work to be able to get my hands on this. The young man said as he waved the dark-covered book.


"Sub Mission (Completed): What's Yours is Mine"

"You have obtained: 3 skill points, 100 caps, Skill: "Blur" "

- Oh, I take it that I have completed the task even though I haven't done anything to the girls yet. Well I have them hypnotized so half the work is done I guess. Well leaving that aside it's time to manage my rewards, if I remember correctly I got some rewards for the previous hidden mission.



Name: Ying Zhe/ Tasaki Hiro

Male gender

Age: 16(20)

Caps: 400



Strength: 6 -> 7

Intelligence: 5

Spirit: 7

Hardness: 8

Agility: 4 -> 5

Vitality: 5 -> 6

Fate: 6 -> 9



[Devourer of Destiny]: When you have weakened a chosen one by heaven, you can devour him to assume his destiny and part of his statistics and abilities.

[Chain of Fate]: Binds a being to you or your destiny, this ability can be used as a form of temporary retention by binding it to you which will last one minute per destiny point, or you can bind lesser beings to your destiny while you destination is 10 points higher than theirs, they will be incapable of disobeying an order from you.

[Blur]: Allows you to interfere with the opponent's cognitive thinking, making him take actions contradictory to what he wants to do, if he wants to advance he will retreat if he wants to attack he will stop and protect you, for each point of spirit this ability can be maintained one minute.


- Now I am a little stronger, physical strength is necessary to deal with 3 girls, destiny is also a very important statistic so I spent 3 of my points , putting some agility and vitality to maintain a balanced body. Good with everything else ready. How will I deal with these little bitches. They had a lot of fun treating me like trash, I think it's time to have fun hahaha. Ying Zhe said as a crooked smile grew on his face.


"The host has more in common with them than it seems, they are both trash who enjoys torturing others😏"


Author's note: The next chapter will probably be R18, you have been warned, give me ideas of what I should see in the system store that can be purchased with badges.