
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 2: Welcome to the World of Garbage

- Saimin I remember something with that term, well it doesn't matter if I can survive, I don't care about anything else.


"Well said. Let's go >w


"For greater accessibility, the user will be able to access their system through this instrument…"

As I read the message, a very familiar instrument materialized in my right hand.

"This is the Pip Boy Destiny Edition. Which will allow you to observe in more detail your statistics, your ailments, your inventory, your objectives, the local map and the very famous radio😋".

- He's just a normal pip boy but purple right?


"Booo 😤…. The host is not fun, but the goddess liked the name and the color so bear with it :/"



"From now on you will receive my alerts mentally or through the pip boy, Very good Host, let's start our trip :3"


"Initializing Transmigration... 10%..... 40%....."

As I listened to the robotic voice of the system in my head, I felt the entire room begin to rumble.

- What the hell is this?

"60%... 80%.... 100% Transmigration complete... Good luck."

After a brief tremor everything returned to tranquility

In the corner of the room a door appeared. Opening it led me to a room with a large hatch with the Vault Tec logo.

- So that's the shelter hatch, huh?


"Correct, that is the hatch of this shelter, at the moment it is only capable of withstanding the explosion of a nuclear warhead. However, as you steal different destinations you will be able to improve its durability😗"

- Well then I will have some identity in this world or something arranged by the system or something, right?


"Unfortunately not 😞"

- That? Why not?


"Host, remember that this system is being created on the fly, none of this is planned and it is nothing more than the whim of our Goddess. So there is no way to prepare an identity for you, however, you can assume the identity of whoever has stolen the destiny. Something is something true 😅"



- Did you know. It doesn't even surprise me, then how can I devour the fate of others.


"As an apology for the lack of identity, the Goddess has taken pity on you and has given you the opportunity to completely consume your first target, you only need to touch it. However, in the following ones it will be necessary for you to defeat them on your own, to consume it. later. The goddess is very generous, feel honored 😎"

-.... You know it doesn't matter, let's look for the target; give me a name and location.


"Information Obtained:"


Target: Tasaki Hiro (1)

Location: Sekai Academy

Facts: A small deity from the local Shrine has chosen Tasaki as her envoy to cause some chaos and change the fate of a small Gang of 3 delinquent beauties.



"Sub Mission activated"

-Yours is mine-

Description: Steal Tasaki's destiny and take his women.

Reward: 3 skill points, 100 caps, Skill: "Blur"


- Oh, there are also sub missions, this makes things easier. Well let's get going.


"At your service 🙂; opening floodgate


At that moment a bright light blinded me; When I opened my eyes again I was on the outskirts of that academy.


-…. System, what the fuck have you done to me!!!!


"It has not been referred to as host. The system has not made any changes that you do not know about yourself ;3"

- So what are these?

I screamed as I placed my hands on a pair of unknown mountains of softness.

-Besides, my little brother has disappeared in combat! How am I supposed to take his women if I don't even have the weapon to fight with?


"Remember host, you lack a defined gender, depending on the situation you will have to assume different roles to complete the task. However, there is no need to worry, this appearance is temporary, remember that you lack an identity in this world, so you need to devour the target, for greater ease and affinity with the target I take this form, and now it is a beautiful sea. grateful 😉"


- Without dignity or self-love, not even my proud little brother has survived what a tragic life awaits me.


"Good luck👍"



Tasaki Hiro's life is somewhat tragic.

A month ago she couldn't suppress her desires and she sneaked into the female locker room to sniff the girls' underwear; He had the misfortune of being caught in the act by the trio of delinquent beauties. His life has been very hard since then, being beaten and abused by the 3 beauties, especially by the red-haired beauty Nogami Izumi.

He can only take revenge, in her dreams thinking about how he would devastate her and take advantage of them. Lately he has decided to try his hand at giving offerings at a small shrine behind the school.

It's more than anything a way of deceiving himself, he never expected anything to happen, he only thinks about the day passing quickly and returning home, to drown in his self-complacency.

While he was walking lost in his thoughts, he bumped into another person, when he was about to curse, he heard a sweet sound.

"That hurt a lot~~~"

A pink-haired beauty, pastel pink eyes, skin white as snow and smooth as jade, with a sweet and charming voice, without a doubt a great beauty. (2)

It took Tasaki a moment to regain his senses after appreciating such a visual marvel. When he came to his senses he quickly apologized to the girl.

- Excuse me, miss, I didn't see where you were walking, you are fine.

Tasaki said as he waved his hands in panic.

"Don't worry, Student-Kun, it was just an accident~~"

The girl said with a melodic voice, as she tried to get up.

- Look at my rudeness, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Tasaki Hiro, let me help you up.

"Thank you ~~"

"Ouch it hurts, I think I hurt my ankle" said the girl with a somewhat sad voice.

-God, I'm sorry Miss, if you like I can help you get to where you need to go.

Tasaki said trying to show a trustworthy side of her to the girl.

"Oh, would you be so kind, thank you very much Tasaki-Kun~~~" the girl said with a cheerful voice.

As the girl leaned on Tasaki's shoulder, she said.

"My name is Ying Zhe. I have to meet some friends at the shrine behind this school. Do you think you can help me get there?"

The girl said in a sweet tone.

- No problem, Ying-San, leave it to me. I promise to take you safely to that sanctuary. I also know the shortest route since I pass by there from time to time.

"Thank you very much Tasaki-Kun, you are very kind~"

The girl said with a cute smile, however what Tasaki didn't see was the dangerous shine in her eyes.

*10 minutes later*

Tasaki kept his promise and took Ying safely to the Shrine behind the school. On the way, he tried to start a conversation with the girl, but every time he saw her pretty face, he couldn't contain his blush, and could only look away in shame. .

- Well Ying-San we have arrived, it seems that we have arrived before your friends, hehe we are the only ones here. Tasaki said the last thing in a low tone of embarrassment.

"So it seems, you are Tasaki Hiro-Kun right?" The girl said in a strange cold and sharp tone. No trace of the previous sweet tone or graceful gestures.

The girl's abrupt change in tone left Tasaki dumbfounded.

- Something's wrong... I did something that bothered you Ying-San, your change is somewhat sudden.

"I'm sorry, kid, don't take this personally, it's just business," the girl said with a cold tone and a disinterested face, while she rested one of her hands on her shoulder.

- "What are you about… Ugh"

Tasaki couldn't continue because she felt a piercing pain. A black shadow began to expand throughout her body.

Tasaki wanted to scream but the shadow invaded his mouth, choking him and leaving only muffled sounds.

The last thing Tasaki saw was the girl's emotionless eyes.

As Tasaki was devoured Ying Zhe remained unfazed, she felt a little sorry for the poor bastard but, she also wanted to live so there was no other option, or so she thought.


"Congratulations to the host for Consuming his first Chosen of Heaven, as it is the first time and these are always important, the skill [Chain of Destiny] is granted, congratulations."


"Calculating Convergence Rate of Destiny"



Name: Ying Zhe/ Tasaki Hiro

Male gender

Age: 16(20)



Strength: 3 -> 6

Intelligence: 4 -> 5

Spirit: 3 -> 7

Hardness: 4 -> 8

Agility: 3 -> 4

Vitality: 2 (4) -> 5

Fate: 2 -> 6



[Devourer of Destiny]: When you have weakened a chosen one by heaven, you can devour him to assume his destiny and part of his statistics and abilities.

[Chain of Fate]: Binds a being to you or your destiny, this ability can be used as a form of temporary retention by binding it to you which will last one minute per destiny point, or you can bind lesser beings to your destiny while you destination is 10 points higher than theirs, they will be incapable of disobeying an order from you.


- AHH that feels good, at least I'm not as weak as an ant anymore, who knew that I would actually twist my ankle to run into this fat pig, even more so having to act like a girl was creepy, although the strange thing is that It was more natural than I thought, I'm starting to doubt if he was really a man.


"Congratulations to the host for having statistics higher than a normal human being, you are on a good path to becoming a worthy I played the goddess >:3."

- I must admit that they are not bad but. Damn that guy had worse stats than mine, the only good thing is the toughness of his body, well being hit every day must have helped some. At least my dwindling vitality is now a 5, which makes me superior to a normal person. System statistics of athletes or specialized personnel are different from the classic 4 truth.


"Correct, the normal people that are taken as standard are ordinary individuals, athletes, trained army personnel or martial artists, they have superior statistics 4, at this moment you are much superior to an ordinary human being but you are not invincible, please take your precautions, do not come too high or you will suffer a tragic fate 😓."

- Well, since my condition also reflects it, I suppose I will take the identity of this child, since my little brother has returned, it is time to debut him with this trio of problematic beauties. Hahaha.

Ying Zhe said as she took on Tasaki's appearance and licked her lips.

-Oh I almost forgot, Little Pagan God, No word of what I pass on here to the rest of the divine beings on this earth or my Goddess will unleash her wrath on you.

Ying Zhe said to the shrine behind him.


"Hidden Mission: Completed"

Description: Demonstrates the supreme Authority of the Goddess of Destiny over the Humble low-level Divine beings.

Reward: 3 skill points; 300 badges.

- Oh what an unexpected surprise.


"The Host managed to complete a Hidden mission, Congratulations, these will appear gradually without warning, please be attentive, the goddess is always watching n.n."

- Would you believe me if I said it just so that the gossip wouldn't affect my next targets.



1): I've seen that the name of the protagonist Ijirare tends to change with the translators, so I'll leave him with this name besides the fact that I never found what his real name was other than just his last name.

2): I am not a keyboard immortal enough to know all the references and analogies to describe a beauty so I apologize, by the way never trust the pink haired ones ;3