
Chapter 61: Raven Gets His Dance

Raven’s green eyes flashed in irritation as he glanced at Lucinda. She already knew that he was a vampire.

Lucinda was not so sure about whether she would allow him to get involved with this stranger who seemed so naïve and innocent on the outside.

“He’s totally obsessed with her though and Salicia is obsessed with him,” Lucinda told herself on the inside.

“His obsession won’t last long, though. He’s too spoilt for that,” she thought to herself.

“How about a dance, lady? Remember, that’s why I invited you to the palace,” Raven commented with a glittering smile as he looked into Gwyneth’s eyes.

“Oh, is that it?” Gwyneth asked with a confused look in her eyes. She frowned slightly before answering.

“I only remember agreeing to attend if you would allow me to come with my friends. But, dancing with any particular person? No, I don’t remember that,” she replied with a courteous smile.