
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · ファンタジー
23 Chs


Three women are sitting on the grass of the castle's garden.

-Hey Akira, what do you think about creating a new house?

says Stella, while looking at the cloudy sky of her kingdom.

Hearing Stella's words, Akira looks sideways at her sister.

-A house is something important?

Irina asks since she doesn't know much about the vampire society.

Akira answers instead of Stella

-A house is a "family" that has certain influence in the kingdom, have you read that in the human kingdom there were social classes from Baron to Duke?

Irina nods, she has read about those things in novels.

-Well, in Stella's case she's a princess, it's not something unheard of, but it's something rare, in case you three found a house, it's more than certain that you'll receive the rank of Duke".

says Akira yawning softly

-So it's a good thing for us?

asks Irina trying to understand the topic

Akira thinks for a few seconds before answering

-That depends on what you want, if you just want to have a high rank and live a normal life it's fine, but usually it's better to be part of the Royal family like Stella already is".

Turning to look at his sister lying on the floor.

-I think Dark would agree with that.

Stella says while pouting

-Dark will probably agree to anything we ask of him.

Says Irina laughing softly

-He's certainly that kind of man.

A soft smile forms on Akira's face.

Seeing that an alarm goes off in both women's minds.

Stella looks at Irina, Irina nods at Stella, both start looking at Akira, trying to read his expression.

Akira realizing that she is being watched by the two women, clears her throat and stands up quickly.

-I have work to do.

He says before leaving, leaving the two women watching his back.

-Hey Stella...

Irina calls Stella


-Does she like him?

Not sure at all, Irina asks Stella.

Akira's attitude recently is weird, as if she's a maiden in love, after rescuing Dark she's been acting strangely.

-I wouldn't know what to tell you, first time I've seen her like that".

stunned by Akira's attitude both women try to draw their own conclusions.

Neither of the two women knew that Akira had been bitten by Dark and that a small amount of poison was injected into her.


Dark is lying in bed << 55 days left for the duel>>.


(Yes master?)

Dark and Ra have been having casual talks these past few days, nothing relevant, Dark has been in bed for a few days now and spends his time talking to her.

If Ra considers herself to be her

(Today I want to talk about something that's been bothering me)


(What are you?) Ever since Dark knew about the voice that speaks to him in his mind, he always had that doubt.

(I don't know how to answer that) Ra seemed worried.

[Tell me what you can] Trying to look for an answer Dark insists that he speaks.

(I'm a copy of someone's personality, but I don't know whose, I know my goal is to support and care for him) Ra sounded a little happy saying those words.

[I see...] Dark was a little happy to know that his goal is to take care of him.

(I forgot to say it, but, I can also take human form).


Dark couldn't help but be surprised

(If the master wishes I can take human form, do I have his permission?)

[Dark is excited about the form Ra can take.

Crimson energy seeps from Dark's body, glowing slightly the energy begins to take shape in the air, when the slight glow disappeared, a tall woman, with red hair, amethyst colored eyes like Dark's, her skin is like porcelain, but the most noticeable is her body.

Dark couldn't help swallowing saliva when he saw her.

If I had to define it in any way, it would be as the embodiment of lust, her two mounds, her curves, there's no other way to describe them but perfect

Without any garment on her, Ra shows herself as she is to Dark.

Ra, lies down next to Dark on the bed, taking Dark's head in her hands, she pulls it to her chest, inviting Dark to lie on top of her

For some reason Dark is not reluctant to let himself be carried by her.

Dark takes Ra in his arms, using her breasts as a pillow, the warmth of her body, made him feel sleepy, seconds later Dark fell asleep.


Ra who is caressing Dark's hair, feels 2 presences approaching.

Less than 2 seconds later Stella and Irina enter the room, and see Dark asleep between the breasts of a woman they do not know.

A small vein sprouts on Stella's forehead, as she is about to scream at Dark, she is stopped by a small thread of Crimson energy.

Stella noticing the thread of energy, looks at Ra, who had her finger touching saying *SHHH*.

Stella noticing the attitude of the unknown woman next to Dark, calms down a bit and approaches towards the bed followed by Irina, who couldn't react earlier because of the shock

Speaking as quietly as possible, Stella approaches the woman.

- Who the hell are you?

Ra looks at Stella and answers softly

- Lady Stella and Lady Irina, I'm Ra-

-Ra ....

Stella seems to notice something strange about her name and pauses before continuing.

-That's the name of Dark's sword- -Ra?

Stella says confused

Ra nods at Stella's words and adds

- You can consider me a support entity for master Dark, she says as she strokes Dark's hair.

Irina noticing how Dark is caressed by the woman who is naked next to Dark, a small vein jumps in her forehead and says

- Could you stop stroking him for a moment?

The air around Irina changes, and small crimson rays sprout from her body.

Ra noticing the rays stops her hand, Stella who had never seen Irina like that before is surprised.

-I-Irina Calm down.

Stella felt nervous because of her friend's attitude.

Irina calms down her lightning and stares at Ra.

Ra noticing Irina's intense look, says

- As I said a moment ago... I am an entity that supports master Dark, I don't think it's necessary to get angry or feel jealous for me-.

Ra's voice was trembling a little because of nervousness.

Stella, who was looking at Irina, could only remain silent.

-What are you doing here then?

A cold tone came out of Irina's lips.

-The master gave me permission to take human form.

Ra says quickly explaining the situation

-Does that mean that Dark asked you to get into bed with him?" Squinting at Ra a small spark occurs in Irina's hair.

Ra shudders a little and answers

- No, I was the one who crawled into bed and hugged the master to sleep.

A small crimson ray forms on Irina's hand and she walks towards the bed, Stella noticing Irina's intentions stops her.

-Wait, wait, they don't know yet, please calm down.

Stella quickly tries to calm Irina down and adds

- You've seen the weapons that Dark sometimes creates, right?

Irina doesn't answer and just stares at Ra.

-Look, consider that she is the incarnation of the Sword, she is not just any woman, consider that she is the woman who was always with Dark and took care of him since he was a child".

Trying to appease the situation, Stella explained quickly and simply.

Ra who saw the situation internally thought that it's not exactly a correct description but it's not the time to complain, as she has human form, she can feel pain.

Irina hearing Stella's words, calms down and a warm smile forms on her face.

- I'm glad you take care of him.


Ra still nervous answers Irina


a slight murmur comes out of Dark's lips.

Moving between Ra's breasts, Dark awakens.

Opening his eyes, he sees Irina and Stella standing at the side of the bed.

[I died...] He quickly closes his eyes pretending to be asleep.

Irina and Stella who noticed Dark's intentions.

-Ra get up.

Irina says crackling a lightning bolt in her hand.

Ra noticing the time in Irina's hand, quickly fades away entering Dark.


Dark's head had fallen on the bed, disconcerting him.

Hearing an electric buzz, Dark looks up to find a startled Stella and see Irina with a crimson lightning bolt forming in her hand

[Dark is amazed by Irina's ability.

Not knowing what to do Dark tries to get up but the wounds on his body won't allow him to.

-I-Irina please calm down.

Trying to appease Irina, Dark invites her to lie down next to her by patting the bed next to him.

-You expect me to lie down where only a few seconds ago there was another woman unknown to me?

Smiling coldly

- I'm sorry but I don't-

Throwing a crimson lightning bolt towards Dark and giving him a big electric shock.

-Hem Irina... have you calmed down yet?

Stella who had been silent until now, looks at the refreshing smile Irina is making.

Irina looks at Stella and answers

- Yup-

Dark who had been hit by Irina's lightning was writhing on the bed without being able to control his body.

[I mustn't make her angry]

A few minutes passed until finally Dark was able to move.


The next day << 54 days to duel >>

Akira is in a room, slightly lit, sitting around a round table together with other influential beings of the Vampire Kingdom.

-Lady Akira, we have learned of the passing of Lady Stella's husband.

Says a tall, brown-haired, green-eyed man sitting on a chair around the round table.

--Count Castan, thank you for your words.

Another man intervenes

-A man like him did not deserve to be with Lady Stella, he had better be dead.

A muscular and bald man, his eyes shone with a red color.

-Is that so, Marquis Skallet?

a small feeling of annoyance began to build up inside Akira.

-To be defeated, his strength was questionable so he was not worthy.

Marquis Skallet speaks with arrogance, his attitude towards Dark bothers Akira greatly.

- In any case, what shall we do?

A tall, beautiful woman with light blue hair and sky blue eyes intervenes between Akira and Marquis Skallet's conversation.

-Duchess Krasiv should go back to talk to the previous fiancés," an elderly man with white hair, black eyes and a cane in hand.

Akira who was listening to the interactions between the two people is about to respond when a third one intervenes.

-Certainly we should talk to the previous suitors Marques Gammal.

A man speaks with arrogance in his voice

-Duke Alaric, that is under decision and being debated among the Royal family," says Akira evidently annoyed with Alaric.

-It's just a suggestion Lady Akira.

Feeling Akira's hostility, the Duke to Alaric decides to stop pressing and refrain from talking about it.

-What were we called for? It's been a while since the last meeting.

Says Duchess Krasiv slightly annoyed for being called suddenly, Akira who had summoned them clears his throat before continuing.

-I have received reports of strange activity at the edge of the kingdom, I want one of you to investigate the situation.

Akira wants to clear his doubts but he can't arbitrarily send one of these beings to investigate.

- It is possible that some demon or some angel could be roaming freely in our kingdom, we could easily use it as a reason to go to war, but our kingdom is neutral, and we do not wish to go to war.

Marquis Skallet gets up from his chair and walks towards the door.

- I just have to check and exterminate that's simple.

Leaving the room, Akira felt exasperated because she had to give more information.

Sighing heavily Akira continues

- We have to increase the amount of defense we have in case something happens, fortify your territories and wait.

While attacks from Angels and Demons are rare, Akira wanted to be prepared in case the worst happens or a War breaks out in her Kingdom, currently a war is going on between the Angels and Demons.

They have received requests from both races to act as their ally but, the Kingdom firmly maintains its neutral position.

-That's all, I won't take up any more of your time.

Akira stands up and walks towards the door of the room, but before leaving he stops and turns slightly towards Duke Alaric.

-Duke Alaric being greedy isn't exactly good.

He says before leaving the room.

Duke Alaric upon hearing his words instantly thought that Akira knew that he had eliminated Dark, but, it never crossed his mind that Dark had survived his attack and is living in the royal family's castle.

Marque Gammal who had heard Akira's words directed towards Duke Alaric, couldn't help but smile.

[Age comes with experience, but this generation doesn't seem to be on the right track] Thinking internally, Marquis Gammal stood up and left the room.

Starts a new volume :)

Thank you very much for reading this far :D

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