

This is a LeviXeren story, but instead of levi being human, he's a vampire! This story is based off of an anime named: AoT(Attack on Titans). I don't own the character's i own the plot. The question mark before Eren's name means he Isn't human. PS. Since levi is a vampire he's taller than he is in the anime and Manga. He's 6'0".Eren is 5'11" in this story. He's 18 and levi is 21. I don't own any of the characters I just own the plot. Preview: *Levi smelled Eren's arousal. He chuckled deeply and kissed him while moving his hand down to his little problem.* "Someone likes my attention~" *He purred in Eren's ear. Eren shivered in delight and moaned. He arched his back pressing his clothed member against his hand.......* Contains: Strong Language Fluff and some lime Mature content

Instinctplayer7 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

LeviXEren part 1

My alarm goes off, all while I groan and get up. I get into my uniform and go to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I hurry up and finish putting on my uniform so I don't make Levi mad. Knowing my Commander has a short temper I don't dilly-dally anymore. I think about my short Commander's face when I'm on time and chuckle.

I go to the mess hall to get breakfast and eat with my friends. I sit down at my table with Mikasa and Armin, then see Levi across the room. Suddenly I forget about eating and stare at Levi, that is until he looks my way. Then i can't help but be embarrassed and look away .

Crap, he caught me! I glance at him every few seconds, not being able to help it, but altogether still embarrassed he caught me.

"Oh ho ho... Does someone have a crush." Mikasa says while poking me lightly in the ribs with her elbow.

"No I don't!", I say, but the blush gave it away.

"Oh, yes you do~." Armin says in a teasing manner.

If it is even possible, I blush even more. I stand up forgetting about eating since those idiots I call friends won't leave me alone about my obvious crush. I leave to go do some training so Levi doesn't yell at me for being 'lazy' and sitting around doing nothing.

(Levi's pov)

I see that brat, Eren, looking at me . Then when he looks away blushing I think, 'Aww that's cute'. Wait. Why am I thinking like this over a BRAT!?' I stop myself and glance back their way to see Mikasa and Armin teasing Eren about something and chuckle lightly. Then Eren gets up and leaves without touching his food. Concerned about his health I go after him to see what he's up to, I see Eren training hard while thinking about something deeply so I go up to Eren and scare him when I tap him on the shoulder.

"What are you doing out here brat? I didn't tell you, you could train did I? That's 20 laps for you, get running now!"

He groans and glares at me before he starts to do his 20 laps with me watching him to see if he does it right.

After Eren finishes his laps I tell him to transform into his titan form and try using his voice to command titans to leave the walls, Eren tries to use his voice but he fails miserably, and his titan collapses while looking up at the sky with its jaw open. Eren tried 50 times. Its now night time when he gives up. Steam rises up from Eren's titan form and Eren pops out of the neck of the titan with his eyes closed in exhaustion. I sigh and use my ODM gear to get to Eren, I pull Eren out of his titan and carry him to my room I lay Eren on my bed. Then without thinking, I kiss him lightly on the lips then lay beside him and watching him sleep.

(Eren's pov)

In my exhaused state I could feel something press lightly against my lips but, I don't worry about it since I'm tired. I then snuggle into something warm and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

(That's the first chapter my beautiful readers! Please tell me how I did! If I need to improve tell me and I will try my hardest to improve, thanks for reading my lovelies Ai in and out.)

(556 words edited)