

This is a LeviXeren story, but instead of levi being human, he's a vampire! This story is based off of an anime named: AoT(Attack on Titans). I don't own the character's i own the plot. The question mark before Eren's name means he Isn't human. PS. Since levi is a vampire he's taller than he is in the anime and Manga. He's 6'0".Eren is 5'11" in this story. He's 18 and levi is 21. I don't own any of the characters I just own the plot. Preview: *Levi smelled Eren's arousal. He chuckled deeply and kissed him while moving his hand down to his little problem.* "Someone likes my attention~" *He purred in Eren's ear. Eren shivered in delight and moaned. He arched his back pressing his clothed member against his hand.......* Contains: Strong Language Fluff and some lime Mature content

Instinctplayer7 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

LeviXEren part 2

Eren's pov) 

I feel the warmth of the sunlight on my face. I open my eyes and take in my surroundings, I'm definitely not in my room, but....who's room am I in?!?! I feel an arm around my waist and look behind me, and who do I see? Levi. what. the. actual. fuck? My crush sleeping right beside me. Am I dreaming? This is too good to be real! I can't believe I'm laying down right beside the man I admire the most! I have to get up though, go kill some titans today, eh. I sigh and get out of my love's arms, get dressed and go eat some breakfast since I'm starving! I didn't eat anything yesterday, god I'm an idiot! 

(Levi's pov)

I feel my pet moving in my arms and I can feel his confusion, and excitement, but being me I pretend to be asleep. It's hard though, I want to hold and kiss my Eren and make him mine and only mine. That isn't going to happen for a while, but one day he WILL be mine! I feel him get out of my arms and immediately miss his warmth, when he leaves I sit up in bed and sigh.

'Why am I like this over a kid? He's nothing special, yes he's our weapon and humanity's hope. Still nothing special though, I'm known as humanity's strongest. So why am I weak to this kid? What's so special about him?!?!' I sigh again then go take a quick shower and put on my scout's uniform. I go to the mess hall because I can smell my Eren there. I hope he isn't my mate, then we will have problems.... I sit at my usual table and watch Eren shove food into his mouth. 

'Oh yeah, that's right. He didn't eat anything yesterday... poor kid must be hungry.' (I mean obviously levi if he's shoving food down his throat of course he is! * levi glares at me* ok I'm gonna...yep... bye. *runs for dear life.) Ahem sorry for the interruption...author-chan I'm gonna kill you later! ('O_O *digs own grave*) 

(Eren's pov)

I feel levi staring at me but I'm so hungry I don't pay attention to him. After I'm done eating I put my tray up. I go outside waiting for my short commander to come out and tell me what we're doing today.

(Levi's pov)

I walk outside and see Eren waiting for me. 

"Oi! Brat. Come on we're doing titan training again today!" He groans and follows me and transforms into his titan. He waits for me to command him to do something. 

"We're doing voice training again,brat. So use your beautiful voice and call titans to us." I lean against a tree with me ODM gear ready in case he does it right this time. 

Eren's titan screams and titans come running but they don't attack us. I look up at Eren in astonishment that he actually got it the first time. 

(Eren's pov) 

I call titans to us with levi at the ready in case we need to kill them. My titan screams and they come. I'm actually surprised that I did it the first time! I see levi looking up at me surprised and I feel happy for some reason. I don't know why though. I just do.... (it's because you have a crush on him Eren!

 *he blushes* no i don't! Author-chan! Quit it!

Lol Back to the story~ levi is totally gonna kill me later... if I dont update you know why... *sweat drop*) 

"Ok now tell them to go Eren! That's enough for today!" Levi says and I scream again telling them to leave. They do it and like before me and levi are surprised that I did it on the first try. 

"Ok, now get out of your titan!" He yells up at me so I can hear him. 

I nod and steam rises from my titan. I feel the coolness of the air on my skin, since being inside of my titan is hot! I sweat like crazy! I close my eyes in exhaustion and then I feel someone pulling me out of my titan, my titan starts to vaporize now that I'm no longer in it. I looks up at levi and smile. I say weakly, "i did it." 

(Levi's pov)

Eren wispers weakly to me "I did it." I smile for the first time in my life. I look down at him he has creases around his eyes that are healing, and has steam rising from it. 

"Yes, yes you did do it." I hug him close to my body, he's hot, but his body is cooling. He feels so good in my arms. I hug him for a long time until he says. "Uhm. Captain? Can you let go now? It's about time for bed now...." I pick him up bridal style and use my ODM gear to get us back to the scout's regiment. I carry him back to my room and put him on the bed. I take off my ODM gear and my shirt then I lay beside him and pull him up to my chest. 

"Sleep, my love." Eren closes his eyes and falls asleep almost instantly. I smile and kiss him on the forehead. Then snuggle into him and fall asleep for a couple of hours. 

(Eren's pov) 

I hear levi call me his love. I feel happy and I smile because he returns my feeling too! I snuggle up close to him, but since I'm so tired I fall asleep fast. I will tell him tomorrow that I love him and want to go out with him. 

(And done! How did you like this chapter my beautiful reader's? Tell me your thoughts! Don't be shy on pointing out my mistakes! Thanks on reading my book! 

Levi: I'm not going to kill you now I know my mate loves me back.

Me: whew.  *sighs in relief*

Levi: that doesn't mean you're off the hook though! For interrupting me you get 30 laps. Now move! Move! Move!

Me: *shrugs and runs my 30 laps* hope you enjoyed!

Levi: Oi! Did I tell you, you could talk? That's an extra 20 laps for you!

Me: *groans*

1050 words unedited)