

Chaos has fallen on the earth and the darkness has been given it's freedom to bring upon it's wrath on the living it considered unworthy. The Armageddon has come crashing down into the world at an unexpected time as the skies shook with the force of the shattered seals that hold together the gates of purgatory and the imbalance that has occurred through the planes that separated the world of the spiritual from the world of the physical. Terror rains down on the powerless living ones that have no idea of the wickedness that would follow with the shattering of these seals and now the land, air and seas have been plunged into a state of destruction, death and desolation. The sin of a child and the failure of an entity, the warnings that were not listened to, the hidden that which to come onto the light. Such many events brings the world to this unfortunate disaster and now the days of suffering continues. Now with their fates interconnected and their souls tied to become one, both physical and spiritual beings would now have to traverse the path that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destinies which would either bring redemption for the guilts of their sins and what it had caused the world or would lead to their exile and destruction. As they continue forward fighting against all odds to achieve their goals, they would slowly unravel the mysteries and truths behind these unfortunate events that would lead to a long road of suffering, regrets, deaths and sorrows and eventually carry them forward till they find the redemption they seek...... Or maybe not.

Uniqueverz · ファンタジー
21 Chs

CHAPTER FIVE: Back To The World

Young after a little while of standing in front of the inn finally snapped out from his thoughts and walked inside while Alpha simply walked around the place looking around. It was a little bit lively inside and people, though not that much walked around doing all kinds of things. There was even a little bar at the side were customers and workers could get themselves what to eat or drink. Young looked towards the reception area where a middle aged man stood giving a couple the keys to their rooms. He moved forward stopping in front of the man who offered him a welcoming smile. Looking at the man though appearance could always be tricky, Young couldn't even imagine the man able to hurt a fly.

"Welcome sir." Mr Gerald, the middle aged man who also was the inn keeper spoke.

"I need a room." Young stated which was already quite obvious.

The man had shown him the ones remaining and at the end, he had paid for the fifty sixth room which was far away at the other end of the inn upstairs. He had gone back outside to see Alpha as he gave him the simple instruction for him to stay in the place meant for the horses. A man had come over to take Alpha there while Young moved back in and continued walking to where his room was supposed to be. After climbing the stairs which was just after passing the bar, in the long hallway, rooms faced opposite each other and some people had been walking around the place. Young moved to his new room and opened it on getting there.

It was a decent setting. The room had a single mattress with a little cupboard beside it. A window was at his right side and a single lamp was hanged beside it. The room was a little bit small leaving just a little space for him to drop his bags and still be able to walk around.

Young locked the door and after putting his bags down sat on the bed as he closed his eyes to meditate. His thoughts remembering him about how his life is going to be different now that he was back amongst people. How he was even going to cope with the current situations which he had no idea of. His hasty decision had brought him to this dilema but he was going to have to face anything that came his way. With that being the last of his thoughts, Young slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

[Three months later.]

[In a kingdom far away.]

Through the long hallway, a young man walked gracefully heading to the room with the huge doors at the end of the hall. As he moved, he emitted all around him a powerful aura which place in all who saw him fear and some others admirations. It was like a cold wind which spread around chilling the bones of anyone it touched. What made it worse was that the extremely beautiful man had a slight frown on his face as a bitter feeling laced around his tongue at what he was about to do. Everyone seeing his expression gave him a clear distance not trying to get on his bad side for that will spell a lot of doom for whoever was unlucky to do so.

He finally arrived at his destination as he stared at the door which was four times the length of him, yet with just a single push with his hand he was able to move it with a good amount of effort put. On entering, he was greeted with sight of women, some on the bed while others on the sofas as they pleasured themselves. His entry had caused moans from those who saw him and their pleasure heightened, what a sight to behold. He looked around at the beauties that begged with their eyes for his attention and if he wasn't already in a terrible mood, he would have made to take some of them with him so he could have a good amount of fun with them. Yet ignoring them, he turned his gaze towards the person who stood near the window which was as huge as the door behind him. The man stood with a fine gold cup which had a reddish liquid inside as he stared outside the kingdom. With no shirt on, the full sight of his perfectly built body was on full display for all inside the room, one that made any and every woman in the kingdom lose themselves and lust after at the sight. Yet for who this man was, everyone who saw him and knew him greatly feared him for he was a man who could do the worst of things that no one could even think of.

"Have you found her?" The voice of the man sounded with a great amount of authority even though he had asked in a calm way and the women moaned in pleasure at the sound of it.

The younger one simply looked at the man for a while really pissed at what he was about to do. But he knew well that he could do nothing as the man who stood before him was not just the king of the kingdom but also the one who birth him, his father.

"Yes, I have." The man answered giving of the same reaction to the women in the room. Silence followed afterwards and after a while the king spoke again.

"Where is she?"

"In a kingdom called Divini Divine."

"She went that far." His words sounding more like a statement than a question. A little smirk appeared in his face as he continued. "She thinks in a smart way, she's just like her mother."

Due to the king backing him, he was unable to see the slight pain that had crossed the man's face as he spoke those last words.

However, the man's demeanor changed and his face had been spoilt by an annoyed frown causing the temperature of the room to drop. He hated it when this man spoke of his mother. For him, she was the best thing in the godforsaken family, the only one who was pure and innocent. The women in the room shook in fright as his eyes darkened in anger whereas the king hadn't even cared to acknowledge his son's anger.

"I commend her for getting away on several occasions but am tired already." The king spoke and his tone was enough to force the man's gaze away from him as the women flinched. "Find her and bring her back to me, I have given her enough time for her foolishness. I don't care what you must do, don't return here if not with her."

Finishing up his words, he had finally turned his face revealing a monstrous look which he directed to his son as his last words came out with a huge warning. "Don't fail me."

The man had turned around and left the room not answering his father as he sped down the hallway in a speed that was impossible for the normal man to see. The mention of his mother had riled him up added with the fact that he was supposed to do something he had no interest in doing against his wish and this had elevated his anger to a great height. He had marched open the door at the other end of the hall as he sprinted into the woods looking for the one thing that calmed him down.


[Back in Divini Divine.]

The door to a restaurant opened as it revealed two beautiful women walking out of it as they moved with the decision of going home after a stressful day of work. Hakira walked along side her friend Elena as they both strolled down the road moving in the directions that led back to their house. The day was at the peak of the sun completely gone and the darkness quickly trying to come in. Since it wasn't completely dark, the ladies made haste to get to their home quickly while still making time to chat and gossip amongst themselves while making every man who saw them admire their beauty where as some even having lustful thoughts towards them.

A simple free life, a life Hakira loved and cherished. One where she didn't have to fight, to run from or despise. Though the knowledge that this fairytale life she was living could come to an end at any time, she couldn't be more happy to have gotten this opportunity to live like a normal person even it was for a while.

"Could you please stop leaving the kingdom, Hakira?" Her friend's plea had jolted her from her thoughts as she gave her friend the 'here we go' look readying herself for a scolding. Though it always was nice for her to do so for it meant how much she cared for Hakira.

"Give me not that look Hakira, you know how much dislike I have towards that attitude." Elena said sternly giving her her hardened expression indicating that she was very serious.

"Elena, I am perfectly fine." Hakira tried reassuring her friend in which she was failing to do miserably. "Nothing is going to happen."

"You always say that, what if something goes wrong the next time you do so?" Elena looked like she was about to cry at her friend's stubbornness. "Do you want to worry me to death."

Hakira gave out an annoyed expression at her friend's last words as she spoke. "Don't say words like that Elena, and you have no reason to worry so much. I am not stupid to go somewhere that could probably cause my death."


"Here comes my beautiful maidens." The voice of old man Lan called out interrupting there conversation much to Hakira's relieve. The two ladies had already arrived at the neighborhood were they lived and as usual was greeted by the old man who still despite almost being seventy could still walk without the need of a walking stick and was one of the best men Hakira had come to know. A man who everyone loved and one who could make fun of everything, even when he seemed serious.

The only thing she didn't appreciate about him was the fact that he smoked too much. Something he was doing at the very moment.

"Good evening Grandpa Lan." Both ladies greeted him with smiles, something he favoured very much. Hakira walked over to where he sat in his fine wooden chair which he laid back on relaxing and quickly took away the pipe which was in his mouth and making sure to put it off.

"Give back my pipe maiden." The old man immediately protested and was already moving his hand trying to snatch it back. "Have I not told you countless times to never separate a man from his pipe for it could cause a lot of trouble for you."

The man gave up eventually after trying to get it back countless times but failing repeatedly as he sat back on his chair breathing a little while he lamented. "Oh how I miss the days of my youth, being old can be a pain sometimes."

By that time, the two ladies had already left him walking back towards their cottage and Lan realizing that they had gone a good distance made to take out the other pipe he had in his pants so as to go back to his relaxation only to find that it was gone.

Realization dawned on him yet he did nothing but just sit back and laugh at the event.

Finally getting to their cottage, the both women quickly hurried inside as they disposed their bags and went to sit on the chairs happy to have finally reached their house and being able to relax.

"Finn!!" Elena had called out the moment the two girls had sat on the bench in front of their home to rest.

"Yes sister." A sound voice answered and soon enough, a young boy at the age of sixteen who was at medium height, a slim body that spoke of how athletic he was and a face that resembled his sister's walked from the oak tree a few steps beside the house. He had on a jacket made from the skin of a bear, fine dirty milk long shirt and rugged shorts and in his hand he was holding a dagger which he would flip to the air and then catch it at its handle.

"I hope you did not get into any trouble again today, my brother Finn." Elena eyes sharpened to a glare as she questioned.

"What?" Finn immediately got on the defense. "I didn't do anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you think so low of me sis, I don't go running into trouble or causing it." Finn answered nonchalantly while avoiding Elena's gaze.

"Oh then what is this I hear about a certain incident that happened ne.."

"What!!" Finn expression immediately turned a bit horrified as it seemed he had been caught. "I didn't do anything there, it was all Rogers idea."

"I was told that you and your friends dismantled Mr Jerry's carriage and took some of his crops as well. Not just that, you all left pigs poo at his store house." Elena was already screaming by then and Finn was already moving backwards, his eyes darting left and right for where to escape to.

"Oh where do you think you want to run to." Elena asked, her expression becoming fiercer as she got hold of her cane and immediately moved towards her brother who had started to run around while screaming how it was not his idea and him not being involved in any of it.

Hakira watched the both of them while trying to hold in her laughter so as to not get on Elena's bad side. Leaving with the orphaned siblings for a while now, she was used to their behavior and even envied them most of the time. Her admiration for how strong they have been since they lost their parents always grew day by day.

Ignoring the siblings bickering after shouting at Elena to take it easy on her brother, Hakira looked to the sky and got lost in her thoughts once more. Her mind wandered to what she had gone to do a few days ago and it got her thinking.

How long will this happy fantasy she was currently living in last before her troubles caught up to her. Will she have to give up this good life and run once more just to escape her fate.

For a moment, she almost forgot the siblings where there and felt like crying out her turmoil.

"Ahhhhh! That was my manhood."

Finn's cry awokened Hakira from her thoughts as she looked at them to see the teenager crouched on the floor, his hands covering his manhood as Elena continued to beat his back. Letting out a little laugh at the sight, Hakira decided to put her problems at the back of her mind and continue with the good life that have been given to her even if it would be only for a short while.

With that done, she stood up and moved to stop Elena as she could not bear to see the boy suffer anymore as the beatings was becoming more and more brutal.