

Chaos has fallen on the earth and the darkness has been given it's freedom to bring upon it's wrath on the living it considered unworthy. The Armageddon has come crashing down into the world at an unexpected time as the skies shook with the force of the shattered seals that hold together the gates of purgatory and the imbalance that has occurred through the planes that separated the world of the spiritual from the world of the physical. Terror rains down on the powerless living ones that have no idea of the wickedness that would follow with the shattering of these seals and now the land, air and seas have been plunged into a state of destruction, death and desolation. The sin of a child and the failure of an entity, the warnings that were not listened to, the hidden that which to come onto the light. Such many events brings the world to this unfortunate disaster and now the days of suffering continues. Now with their fates interconnected and their souls tied to become one, both physical and spiritual beings would now have to traverse the path that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destinies which would either bring redemption for the guilts of their sins and what it had caused the world or would lead to their exile and destruction. As they continue forward fighting against all odds to achieve their goals, they would slowly unravel the mysteries and truths behind these unfortunate events that would lead to a long road of suffering, regrets, deaths and sorrows and eventually carry them forward till they find the redemption they seek...... Or maybe not.

Uniqueverz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR: Divini Divine

Moving on the road, a decent number of carriages moved all going towards a particular direction. Driving in the carriages was the survivers of a village cursed with the terrible fate of losing their home, loved ones and treasures to the wickedness of a demon. In one of this carriages was another who experienced a different fate and wasn't part of the group only riding with them to find shelter.

Young sat at the end part of the carriage, his horse on the front with another one moving the carriage as the little boy who he had come to know to go by the name James father sat in the front with another man holding the reigns and leading the horses. He was being disturbed by the little girl Mara who had seemed to take a liking for him as she pestered him asking of the names of the weapons he carried. He had now rested how ever as she had fallen asleep lay beside him, her actions being one he didn't want to even think of. His mind was racing with what he would do when he arrived. He needed a plan, for it was what he always did.

They had been moving for days stopping now and then and Young could tell that the long journey would soon come to an end.

He had completely ignored everybody in the carriage apart from the little children who pestered him. He was aware of their stares but didn't bother about it as his mind moved around in calculations and planning.

"We are approaching Divini Divine." Someone who was riding in a carriage in on of those in front of them shouted and Young could see as some of the people had smiles on their faces at the news. Some sighed in relief at the journey coming to an end, others had even hugged each other and laughing at finally having some where to live in. Young simply looked at them, their excitement a pitiful sight to him. It seemed they thought there times of suffering had ended. Young had witnessed this scene a few times and every time, they were all wrong.

Finally, Young could make out that they had exited from the forest and now in a long distance away, the huge and mighty walls of Divini Divine looked upon them at it's great strength.

The walls were about seventeen feet tall made of tough rock made bricks and on top of it, a decent number of the warriors and soldiers guarded it ready to alert and take down any force that could be trouble to the kingdom. The walls expanded long and far away that it was impossible to see where it ended in both sides from where they were. In front of them stood a huge gate staring back at them in its full glory. The wall was made of of one the strongest metals in the earth. The silver color casting a fine but strong appearance to all who saw it. The gates were fully equipped with metal thorns pointed out. For the situation in which the world was currently in, Young knew it was going to be useless against demons if not for what was placed in the middle of the gate. In the middle of the gate was a big circle and inside it a round ball which contained a special time of magic which was used in battling demons threatening to destroy the kingdom. The ball had inside it a purple moving substance which was called the divine spirit fruit. This fruit had come to exist just after the demons were released with a lot of other strange things which were the reason of the humans still surviving for this long.

They finally approached the gates and a decent amount of soldiers, all equipped with powerful armour and having all sorts of different weapons had come over towards them. They had instructed all of them to come down from their carriages so they could all be searched to which they all did without stress. They were just people from a destroyed village and were only looking for a place to stay and rest. The people were many but the soldiers also were almost half the amount of people telling how huge the kingdom was.

Divini Divine was considered as the third largest and powerful kingdom on the continent and had a huge population. The kingdom was made up of villages split differently but of which was governed by the main kingdom. Their army alone were the size of two kingdoms joined together and were vastly powerful and skillful that it took only the strength of another powerful kingdom or a demon perhaps to take them down

The soldiers were searching the carriages first and after had turned to the people for their luggages to be searched. Three of the soldiers had come over towards the group Young was with as they started going through their things one by one. At last, it was Young's turn and he gave it to them while observing the people around.

"What are all this?!!" Young had returned his attention back to the one searching his things after he exclaimed to see that he had opened the bag were he kept his weapons.

"My weapons." Young answered in his usual cold manner.

"Why do you have so many of them?" The other soldier who had walked over to see what it was.

"I used them in hunting for food and fighting those who threatened my life."

"How strong are these things that you have to carry all this."

It wasn't that people with weapons didn't come to the kingdom often but the soldiers were just amazed of the amount that he had carried with him.

"It might not even be enough for one living in the dark forest."

A few people were around him and his group and when they all heard him their first reaction was one of disbelief and they were ready to laugh at him for saying such a stupid lie but they had remembered what he had done back then at the forest and they wondered if it could be true. The ones who were closet to him however was completely dumb founded.

"You lived in the dark forest?" The two soldiers asked at once.

Young didn't reply them instead he took his bags back and started walking inside with those that had already started moving forward. There was another smaller gate attached to the huge one and the people entered through it.

The people muttered to each other at what they heard where as the person responsible walked forward with no care for them. He had entered and had come into another area. There was another smaller opened gate further away from where they were. They were people who were seated with tables in front of them which had a lot of scrolls in front of them as they took in information of the people that were entering the kingdom for the first time. On every table there was a simple box completely gold in color which will give a certain glow usually when someone being asked for their informations was done speaking.

"The allict box." Young knew what it was. A box that could store information of any kind no matter the amount it already had. Their reason for doing so was so they could keep records of everything that was told or seen. The box could even record everything at this exact moment if it was controlled to do so.

The people being checked were much but Young had gotten his turn quickly as well as the group he rode with. Sitting on the wooden chair, Young looked at the person who sat opposite him. A woman who looked to be approaching her sixties but who still had an alluring and wonderful face. She gave him a calm and friendly smile as she asked. "Your name mister?"


"Young who?"

"Just Young."

"Where are you from?"

"Burnt to the ground."

The woman paused a bit surprised at how calm he answered before she continued. "Where did you stay before coming here and what was your reason for leaving?"

"The place had become too dangerous and had almost claimed my life this time. I lived in the Dark Forest."

Once again, since others had heard his answer. They had all turned their attention to him and the woman along with the others who heard him had the look of utter shock and for reasons he had no idea about, the woman also had the look of horror in her eyes. Young found it a little strange as almost all he told always didn't believe him yet the woman had this look like she did and it made him a little bit curious.

Still, he stood up as it seemed that he would no longer be asked further questions and went to pass the gate. His group had also followed him as they had all been questioned. Following behind a group of people, Young could see from the opened gate he was to pass through that another was upfront though this one had no gate.

To others it didn't look like it was anything to worry about but not Young. Something was pinching at him to not walk through the gate. It didn't just seem right and now Young was curious to find out what this feeling was trying to warn him against. He continued walking forward and as he approached the gate he could feel it. A strange force was hitting him and Young was already getting an idea of what was going on. His curiosity was answered as soon as he walked past the open place and suddenly he could feel something he'd been trying to feel for a long time.


Young had figured out what it was cause as soon as he had passed, everything had slowed down and he could see in front of him a familiar eye he had seen before staring back at him. This time however, it wasn't one but two and they stared at him with so much power emitting from them. However, just as it had came so had it suddenly vanished and he was back walking among the crowd with not even a single person noticing what he had seen and everything completely normal. Though not even a trace of anything showed in his face, Young was a little bit taken aback by what had happened.

"The revelation wasn't enough to bring it out."

The reason for Young's bewilderment was because the revelation was a spiritual thing that could expose anyone and anything trying to deceive others. For monsters who could probably change their appearance, like werewolves and others, vampires also. Even demons trying to get in would be caught immediately yet this being had only revealed itself to Young only and now he was even more interested to know what this being inside him was.

Finally done with all that was needed for him to enter, Young went over to Alpha and released him from the carriage and climbed on him ready to move forward. However he first of all turned towards the people who he had rode with as they looked at him.

Being not one to speak often, he simply said. "You have done me a good thing, I will pay back your kindness one day but this is where we part ways. Be safe."

After saying those words, Alpha instantly moved forward running further towards the kingdom not even giving the others a chance to say goodbye.

Though Alpha moved in a fast pace evading and bypassing people, Young still took his time to access every area that they passed. His sight was good that he could take in every single detail of where ever they passed even things that he shouldn't see. Alpha's movement didn't seem to slow down either even with so many people around walking into the kingdom. He instead would navigate his way through them all and keep on moving forward. Anyone seeing this would think the rider was certainly crazy for not stopping their horse and allowing it to do what he was doing. If only they knew just how crazy the horse was.

They had reached a market and Young had given the sigh bringing Alpha to an halt and stopping the horse enjoying himself. It didn't like that very well and gave out a sound showing his anger. Young ignored him coming down and looking around to see where he could get himself some food to eat. He had some silver coins and bronze and was a little bit hungry so he stopped to get some food. Holding onto the reins, Young led them as he moved towards a store where a slightly pumpy and fat woman who had too much accessories on her sat there hardly even giving her attention to the people who wanted to buy from her. He looked at the fruits she sold as he decided on which he was going to be buying. A lover of carrots just like normal horses would, Alpha was already making the move to take up some of them. Young had stopped him and took them instead putting them in his bag. At this time, the woman in the store was looking at him and smiling in a weird way. Young had simply ignored her only turning to her after dropping all he wanted to buy in front of her.

"You are so handsome." The woman almost squealing had Young confused for a second. She better not even be thinking of doing what he thought she would do which was disgusting. Truly, Young was a very handsome man and any who didn't know him well would certainly like him but not a woman who looked old enough to be his mother.

"Martha!!, Come and wrap this fruits for the handsome man. Alpha had even made a sound shaking his head as if liking what he was hearing. A young lady had come over and wrapped it while giving Young the look of wanting him to probably notice her. She was beautiful, at least a little bit than average but today wasn't her lucky day as it was no other than the cold and emotionless man that had come her way. Young about to retrieve his coins from the small bag he connected to the belt he wore suddenly felt a little rush of wind moving towards that area. In an instant, he caught hold of the cause of the wind and it turned out to be a boy. Young had caught his hand to the boys surprise and using that hand, he lifted the boy of the ground to look him straight in the eye. The boy became frightened by the look Young gave him and ended up wetting his pants. He wailed begging for Young to spare him to which Young tossed him to the floor. He then took what he bought after paying for them and climbed back on Alpha as they continued on their journey leaving the little theif to face the wrath of those around.

After some time of moving from one place to another, they had finally come across an inn and Young decided to stay there for the time being while he searched for a place to stay. He stopped and walked into the inn with one thing in his mind as he walked towards the shelf were he was to ask for a room.

"This is it, am back to the world."