
Chapter 3: Laughing loudly

He's me... my boyfriend... "Lin Lanxin's face turned even redder, but her heart was sweet.

Hello, I am Mu Ziling, a friend of Lanxin. "Mu Ziling glanced at Su Chen again and said.

Su Chen! "Su Chen said very little.

So, I won't bother you anymore! "Mu Ziling smiled and left, feeling a little curious about Su Chen in her heart.

She felt a hint of danger, very, very indifferent, from Su Chen.

Is it an illusion?

In addition, the other party looked at her as if they knew each other, as if they had met him for the first time.

What surprised Mu Ziling the most was that Su Chen's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and she inexplicably had a feeling of no secret in front of him.

Strange person! "Mu Ziling muttered, remembering the name Su Chen in her heart.

Half an hour later.

In the banquet hall on the third floor of the Wanqian Hotel, Lin Lanxin and Su Chen walked up hand in hand.

Lanxin, here! "Just as I came up, I heard someone greet me.

Lin Lanxin looked at the window on one side of the banquet hall, which was a glass round table with about ten people already sitting.

The person who greeted Lin Lanxin was a woman of the same age as Lin Lanxin, who looked decent, but compared to Lin Lanxin and Mu Ziling, she was far behind.

The woman wore a red shirt, a black knee length skirt, curled hair, and a slightly heavy makeup on her face, with a smile all over her face.

That's Zhang Qingmeng, my childhood classmate. Her family and mine used to be neighbors. She and I were both twenty years old this year, born in the same year. She was a few months older than me, and after finishing middle school, she was sent abroad to study. Just a few days after returning! "Lin Lanxin introduced Su Chen and walked towards the table with Su Chen's arm on her arm.

The entire banquet hall, with no less than twenty tables, didn't know each other, but the banquet hall was large and luxurious, and it didn't seem too crowded.

Su Chen doesn't like such an environment, he prefers private rooms.

Of course, the lobby here is no cheaper than the private rooms of other hotels, because Wanqian Hotel is the only super five-star hotel in the entire city of Chengfeng, which is very expensive.

This may also be the reason why Zhang Qingmeng would rather have the banquet in such a hall than have a private room in another hotel?


Su Chen and Lin Lanxin arrived at the table.

Zhang Qingmeng warmly grabbed Lin Lanxin and let her sit next to him. He also introduced her to the others at the table, "This is my childhood friend Lin Lanxin, isn't she a big beauty? Didn't she lie to you

Hello everyone, I'm Lin Lanxin! "Lin Lanxin said very little and introduced herself in a low voice, then looked at Su Chen and said," He's my boyfriend, Su Chen

Su Chen didn't speak and sat next to Lin Lanxin.

At the same table, except for Zhang Qingmeng, there were seven men and two women, all of whom were about the same age. At this moment, everyone was staring at Lin Lanxin.

Obviously, Lin Lanxin's appearance was quite unexpected for them. Lin Lanxin is not as beautiful as usual. It should be noted that Chengfeng University has around 30000 students, and she is one of the top ten school flowers. Her appearance and temperament can be imagined, and she can bear the burden of being one in ten thousand.

Soon, several eager voices rang out:

Miss Lin, I'm Chen Dahong. You're so beautiful. Previously, Qingmeng said she had a big beauty friend, but we still don't believe it

Miss Lin, I am Zheng Dongfeng, and my family is engaged in the timber business. It's nice to meet Miss Lin

I am Yang Yu, just like Qingmeng. I just came back from studying abroad and I attended Stanford University


Several of the people who spoke were men, each dressed in a very stylish suit and shoes. Their eyes were burning as they stared at Lin Lanxin, saying they were introducing themselves. In fact, they all showed off their family background and so on.

Lanxin, let me give you a toast. I'm Xu Ming! "When everyone had finished introducing me, another man stood up.

He was wearing golden glasses, with hair on the back, a tall nose, and a slightly pale face, giving him a hint of a scholar's temperament.

He stood up with a warm smile on his face, holding a glass of wine, and drank it straight away.

Lin Lanxin is a bit at a loss because she doesn't know how to drink.

Lanxin, what are you doing in a daze? Xu Shao is giving you a toast, why don't you hurry up and have a drink? Xu Shao rarely gives people a drink, you are so happy! "Zhang Qingmeng whispered and excitedly turned Lin Lanxin with her arm.

Is happiness dead? What is Su Chen's hearing? Naturally, upon hearing Zhang Qingmeng's words, her eyes became a bit cold. Lanxin, a childhood friend, is not a good thing!

At the same time, the faces of the other people at the same table changed.

Firstly, the men who had previously introduced themselves to Lin Lanxin and were clearly interested in her were slightly embarrassed.

If Xu Ming doesn't show his interest in Lin Lanxin, it's okay, but Xu Ming shows it. In this situation, if he dares to argue with Xu Ming, he will be seeking death.

Then, the other two women at the same table stared at Lin Lanxin with some hostility. They were both interested in Xu Ming, but Xu Ming was interested in Lin Lanxin. Of course, they were not happy.

Su Chen didn't say anything, sitting there silently, eating the cake quietly.

I don't know how to drink! "Lin Lanxin spoke.

You... Lanxin, what do you want me to say? Xu Shao can be counted as a first-class young master in the entire city of Chengfeng. It's your honor for him to be interested in you, but you're really angry at me for refusing? "Zhang Qingmeng scolded and said," Even if he doesn't know how to drink, a little bit is fine

I have a boyfriend! "Lin Lanxin frowned slightly, somewhat surprised but more disappointed.

She didn't expect Zhang Qingmeng to say such a thing. If she didn't know she had a boyfriend, it would be okay. However, even though she knew she had a boyfriend, she still wanted to match herself with Xu Shao, her childhood friend, who had some personality issues.

Lanxin, if you don't know how to drink, you can have a drink! "Xu Ming said with a faint smile, reluctantly.

Xu Shao, can you call me Miss Lin? I'm not used to unfamiliar people calling me Lanxin! "Lin Lanxin's voice became colder.

Hehe... Miss Lin has a somewhat arrogant temperament! "Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of cold light on his face. Obviously, he was angry, but he didn't immediately get angry. Instead, he sat down and glanced at Su Chen again," However, Miss Lin's vision is not very good

As he spoke, Xu Ming looked at Su Chen and said, "I don't know what Mr. Su does

Student, in the same class as Lanxin! "Su Chen glanced at Xu Ming.

Young Master Su? Cluck... Xu Shao, not everyone can afford these two words, not everyone belongs to Xu Shao... "One of the other two women at the table, apart from Zhang Qingmeng and Lin Lanxin, spoke up.

She was wearing a blue cheongsam, a string of pearl necklaces, and a Chopin watch in her hand. Her attire all told others that she had money.

The woman was a bit proud and raised her hand, wearing a jade ring, pointing at Su Chen. "Young Master Su, you are very good at living! You have fully promoted the traditional virtues of hard work. The clothes on your body don't add up to a thousand yuan, right? And how many years have you been wearing them? They are almost washed white! Xu Shao's suit is probably enough for you to buy clothes for a hundred years

Hahaha... "After the woman finished speaking, everyone at the table laughed, including Zhang Qingmeng.