
Chapter 2 stop

"Su Chen, let's go!" Lin Lanxin came over, her pure and beautiful face full of happy smiles.

'Good! Su Dust nodded, stood up, and Lin Lanxin side by side.

Lin Lanxin's height in the girls is relatively high, almost one meter seven, however, he is still half a head higher than her, Su Dust about one meter 81 height.

Light fragrance from Lin Lanxin body rippling wreathing into Su dust nose tip, his mind slightly flutter, took a deep breath, could not help but be closer to Lin Lanxin some, familiar with the breath, very good.

"Su Chen, why do I feel you are different?" Lin Lanxin asked curiously.

She also can not say, just feel, Su dust seems no longer decadent, give up.

She's so happy. She's been waiting for this day for a year.

"No matter how change, I still Su dust!"

'Well! Lin Lanxin's smile became more beautiful.

The two walked out of the classroom under the gaze of the rest of the class.

At the end of the school day, most students are staying at the school, but some of them are walking toward the school because their homes are close to the school or they live outside.

Familiar with the campus path, familiar with the breeze willow, familiar with the campus lake, everything let Su dust suddenly like a dream.

However, along the way, suddenly, "Stop!!" A sound suddenly into Su dust and Lin Lanxin's ears.

Su dust and Lin Lanxin subconscious look to the front, but see, is a man, twenty years old, a white sportswear, wearing a baseball cap, a slutty appearance.

Yu Fei? Su Dust slightly squinting eyes, has recognized who this person is.

"Arashi Xin, he is you like that waste?" Yu Fei glanced at Su Dust, and looked at Lin Lanxin.

"You speak with respect!" Lin Lanxin some angry, she is very kind, and kind, but she will never insult Su dust.

"What is not waste? I ran a background check on this punk, and, first of all, he's an orphan, can't even pay for school and board, and you paid for it secretly. Then, his grades are rubbish, every day skipping classes, it is estimated that this semester will fail more than ten subjects. And, of course, the most important thing is that the boy's hands are not as strong as a woman's!"

Yu Fei disdain smackle mouth: "Lin Lanxin, if you like the man if very good, I also endure, but he - mother - you like is a waste, Lao Zi can not endure ah!!"

"Shut up..." Lin Lanxin's angry face all rose red, just want to say what, at this time, her small hand, was caught by Su dust.

In a flash, Lin Lanxin excited Jiao body trembling, this is the first time Su dust to hold her hand.

She likes Su dust, in the elevator for two hours, she fell in love with, women, is emotional, like a person, is so sudden, so incredible, so unreasonable.

Maybe Su Chen is not good enough, maybe Su Chen is a waste in everyone's eyes, but so what? She Lin Lanxin is like him, deep like!

Like a person, never need any reason.

Even this half year, Su Chen is so decadent, so abandoned, she did not abandon, her only sad is his rejection, rejection.

But she persisted.

Finally keep the cloud open, she can not be excited?

"Let's go! Su dust softly, pulling Lin Lanxin's hand, the bottom of my heart is full of warmth and firm, Arashi Xin, this life, no one can bully you, this life, for me to protect you.

Lin Lanxin even forgot the existence of more than flying, slightly bow, the beautiful face covered with a layer of blushing, with Su dust side, she and the newlywed wife.

"Grass!! Go? Have I given you permission to go?" Yu Fei furious, especially saw Su dust pulled Lin Lanxin's hand, the bottom of my heart jealousy and anger crazy burning up, without saying a word, directly came forward to block the way of two people.

"I don't like to say things twice. Get out of the way!" Su dust raised his head, looked at Yu Fei, quiet some strange.

"Who do you think you are? A fucking piece of shit who doesn't like to say it again? That's so funny. Since when do you pretend to be a loser? I won't let you, you bite me?" Yu Fei grinned grimly.

Yu Fei's attitude is very arrogant, the voice is also very big, there have been a lot of onlookers around, these onlookers look at Su Dust's eyes, basically are gloating.

Who let Su dust is Lin Lanxin's favorite person?

As Yu Fei said, if Lin Lanxin like the man is a genius or home what background also even, but he - mother this Su dust is a complete waste, by the way, or orphan, this kind of garbage, does not deserve Lin Lanxin ah!

Su Dust slightly raised his eyes, Sen cold eyes stared at more than fly.

"Waste, your eyes are so terrible, so cold oh, so staring at Lao Zi, Lao Zi is fast - mother fast scared urine, ha ha ha..." Yu Fei has no fear, even, arrogantly stretched out his head, a proud smile.

The next second.

Without warning, Su dust moved!!

There was no extra movement, just a kick, a simple kick...

However, the speed of this foot is extremely fast, fast as thunder, strong as the dragon, Yu Fei did not say to avoid, even did not react.


Heavy muffled sound, suddenly ripple open.

Has become the entry into the Xiu Xiu dust, where is Yu Fei can imagine? Even if Yu Fei just joined the Budo community, but also a little stronger than ordinary people, and Su dust than, it is a day.


Three or four meters away, Yu Fei fell hard to the ground, clutching his stomach, his face pale and painful half kneeling, the corners of his mouth bright red.

His face was twisted, and sweat was running down his body. He was dying of pain.

"Let's go! After a kick out, Su dust no longer see more than fly, eyes still quietly, holding Lin Lanxin's hand, softly way.

Lin Lanxin apparently some meng, where thought of Su dust would start? More did not think that Yu Fei was not Su dust a move of the enemy? Just, Su dust did not explain, she will not ask, she is clever with Su dust side.

At the same time, around the onlookers of the students, one you look at me, I look at you, face incredible.

How did that happen?

What a ghost!

"Su Chen, you wait, I will kill you!! I swear I'll kill you!"

Yu Fei difficult to raise his head, staring at Su dust and Lin Lanxin, complain of poison roar.

Unfortunately, Su dust did not answer, such as Yu Fei this villain, according to his original intention, naturally is killed, so that a lot less trouble.

But this is Shiyotoku University, and the rules at Shiyotoku University are: You can fight, but you can't kill.

For the time being, he didn't want to break the rule, not because he was afraid, but because he wanted to stay at the university for a while longer.

After all, the university is not easy!

China within the territory of no less than one thousand universities, and Xiuwu have cooperation with the university, it is comparable to twenty or thirty, just, City Feng University is one of them.

In his previous life, he did not stay in the city of Toyo University for long, the city of Toyo University is not too familiar, so that a lot of things did not want to understand.

For example.

Why does the university allow students to fight, and even set up a special fighting platform?

Why is there more than ten budo clubs in a university?

Why are there so many amazing students in Chengfeng University?

And so on.

It doesn't make sense. Where should a university have it?

Now, Su Chen just understand, this is a world with martial arts ah!!

City Feng University such cooperation with the repair of the military sector of the university, of course, is the first.

"Su Chen, Yu Fei's brother Yu He is the vice president of Tianming Wu Dao Society. You beat his brother..." Lin Lanxin whispered.

'It's all right! Su Chen gave such two words, Lin Lanxin's little hand grip tighter.

Lin Lanxin breathed a sigh of relief, although the reason told her that Su dust would have no small trouble because of playing more than fly, but she believed Su dust.

"Why? Hit someone and want to go?" However, it seems that Lin Lanxin is worried about what, to what, have not taken two steps, two people were once again stopped, a thick voice suddenly sounded.

"Zhao Lin?" Lin Lanxin frowns, and Su dust holding hands with some sweat, the heart also accelerated.

She's nervous!

Because, in front of the person is Zhao Lin, Zhao Lin's strength is very terrible!! All over the school, he's got a reputation!

Zhao Lin is also a member of Ming Wu Dao Society, but he is different from Yu Fei...

Yu Fei because of his brother Yu River, through the back door to join the Ming Wu Tao society, and Zhao Lin is the real thing, the master of the Ming Wu Tao society.

It can be seen from his body shape. He is nearly 1.90 meters tall, weighs over 200 kilograms, but there is no fat in his whole body, almost all is muscle.

Especially the two arms like the legs of an ox, amazing.

If you look closely, you can see the thick calluses covering his fists, which are the result of martial arts training.

Zhao was once seen cutting a small tree half as big as a man with one hand. Since then, the story of Zhao has been spread in Chengfeng University.

"Brother Zhao, kill him, kill him!!" Not far away, Yu Fei great joy, he excited loudly shouted: "Su dust, you a damn waste, Zhao elder brother came, I see you... How dare you?"

Around, many students whispered, but also mixed sound:

"Su Chen was so miserable that he just met Zhao Lin."

"Zhao Lin is a cruel man. Su Chen is going to have to walk away today!"

"Paralysis, Budo is terrible, you provoke one person, you provoke the whole Budo."


"Are you going to stop me?" Su Chen raised his head.

"Break your arm, then kneel down and kowtow!" Zhao Lin looked indifferent and said every word, but his voice was unmistakable.

Zhao Lin does not want to revenge for Yu Fei, because he also look at the Yu Fei, Yu Fei's strength does not deserve to enter the Ming Wu Tao society.

But, now, the fact is, Yu Fei is already a person of the Tianming Wu Dao Society, someone hit Yu Fei, it is equal to hit the face of the Tianming Wu Dao society, he can only stand up.

As Zhao Lin's murderous voice spread, the surrounding onlookers clenched their fists subconsciously, a little nervous.

Kneel down? Broke an arm by yourself?

Zhao Lin is too domineering!

The people of the Budo Society are so domineering!

However, no one dares to say no or Zhao Lin is too much, because Zhao Lin and Teming Wu Dao Society have the capital of domineering.

Su Chen and Zhao Lin looked at each other, silent.

"Why? Shall I do it myself?" Zhao Lin spoke again in a loud voice, deafening like the roar of a wild animal.

"Grass!! Su Chen, you damn waste, wasn't that arrogant? Isn't it a cow? How come you're as scared as a grandson?" Yu Fei growled, his face flushed and his eyes unblinking. He wanted to see Su Chen kneeling on the ground.

Su Dust is still silent, he is silent, because this Zhao Lin is a very good martial arts material, he has a little appreciation of each other.

But in Zhao Lin's opinion, the reason why Su Chen kept silent was that he hesitated whether to break his arm or kneel down to kowtow. So, he was not in a hurry, he waited, he believed, Su Chen will do the right choice.

After two or three breaths, suddenly, "Go!" Su Chen opened his mouth, just such a word, a simple word, rolling out of his throat.

The voice fell, whir... The wind whistled, Su Dust feet forward, a single hand showing eagle claws, a claw cross, such as wind lightning, amazing speed, strange route.

In the midst of the fire and lightning, he grabbed Zhao Lin directly on the shoulder with his paw.

Five fingers were like steel bars, sharp and sharp, but went straight into Zhao Lin's skin and bone.

Zhao Lin's clothes at his shoulders were suddenly bloody and miserable.

And then.


Su Chen ruthlessly raised his hand, arm suddenly force, suddenly, Zhao Lin was just like goods, was thrown out!!

Throw? Throw it out? This... Shocked scene, it is too stinging eyeball, that, around the students, all dumbfounded.

You know, Zhao Lin 200 pounds of weight ah! Let alone being thrown out, even if you want to push Zhao Lin, are not easy!

Su Chen came to... To... How do you do that? Is this still the legendary waste Su Dust?

Then, Zhao Lin fell to the ground, the whole person is on his knees, directly kneeling on the ground.

Blood was clearly flowing from his knees, and cracks appeared in the quartzite brick on which he was kneeling.

Zhao Lin's face was as white as a dead human face, and his face was so fierce that his bones would break... He was terrified to stare at Su dust, the heart should be shocked burst!

How is it so strong? No way! No way!

After a moment, Su dust swept Zhao Lin at a glance, leaving a word: "afternoon, Dou Wu Tai see, I will challenge all the people of Tianming Wu Tao society, after today, city Feng University, no Tianming Wu Tao society."

That light, cold sentence, like nine words of truth, from Su Dust's mouth spit out.

A word a sound, deep into the ears of all students present, as if the sky drums thunder.

Say that finish, Su dust does not stay, pull Lin Lanxin left, leaving a group of students stunned.

After a long time, many students gradually have a thinking, for a time, they are flushed, excited and confused.

Su Chen a person to challenge the Ming Wu Dao society? No... No... Did you hear me right?


Infinite shock!!

Yu Fei and Zhao Lin, both wounded and lying on the ground, also felt as if they were dreaming.

Su Chen alone wants to destroy a budo society? Is this completely insane? Never in the history of Shiyotoyo University!

No one even thought about it.

Su Chen this is to heaven?

However, it is clear that this news will directly engulf the entire university in a short period of time, and will certainly be one of the things that will go down in the history of the university.

At the moment.

As the party Su dust has pulled Lin Lanxin out of the school gate.

In fact, Lin Lanxin heart is full of questions, however, she did not ask, she knew, Su dust want to say, naturally will say.

Just out of school.

"LAN Xin!" Just walked a person, the other side said.

Is a woman, a purple dress, black hair, white and delicate face, features are very perfect, temperament is also very outstanding.

In addition, she has a very attractive collarbone, adding three points of attractive charm.

Women dressed in a purple dress, half high heels around the two delicate feet, makes her look graceful and fresh and do not break sex | |.

On the whole, she was no less beautiful than Lin Lanxin.

Is that her? Su Chen did not look much, but the bottom of my heart there were some ups and downs.

In front of this purple woman named Mu Ziling, a past life, he only heard her name, she and Lin Lanxin, is one of the city of Feng University flowers, but, in the city of Feng University, Su dust did not see Mu Ziling himself.

But later, he Xiuwu, in the world of Xiuwu, saw Muziling several times.

Muziling's background is very scary. The Muziling family is a good family in the martial arts circle, and Muziling's grandfather is the head of the Mujia family.

Muziling's talent for martial arts is extremely amazing. In previous lives, she also became a Xuanqi master and was famous in martial arts circles.

"Is he? Mu Ziting did not know the bottom of Su dust thought so much, saw Su dust one eye, curious asked, she naturally noticed Lin Lanxin's hand and Su dust together.

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