
Chapter 1 Rebirth destiny turning point

The city of Ichitoyo.

City Toyo University, freshman year, Department of Management, School of Finance.

Spacious classroom, students are not many, one hundred seats but scattered only sat more than twenty students, on the platform, a middle-aged man is seriously explaining the textbook, he wore glasses, the country word face, and not too much look.


"The bell..."

The bell rings for the end of class.

The middle-aged man closed his textbook and said, "Class dismissed!" Then, walk straight out of the classroom.

At the same time, originally a little quiet classroom, finally more vitality.

In a seat in the middle of the room, a girl who appeared to be in her twenties took out an insulated lunch box from the hole in her desk and stood up.

She is very tall, height one hundred and seventy cm, with a ponytail, color of skin white as suet, slightly from make-up, wearing a white small unlined upper garment and bull-puncher knickers, upright and slender beauty | | legs wrapped in incarnadine filar socks, feet is a pair of cartoon design single shoes, the girl's eyes is very bright, just as the sun black stones.

As the girl stood up, suddenly, many students in the classroom subconsciously raised their heads to look at her, eyes burning, especially boys.

Because, the girl is too much attention, but the department of finance college flower, is also one of the city of the university flower, and, it is said that the family is very rich, the background is not small, worthy of the name of the white rich beauty.

The girl's name was Lin Lanxin.

Lin Lanxin no other white rich beauty pride, or very easy to get along with, but not good pursuit.

It has been three months since the beginning of her freshman year, and she has received at least hundreds of declarations of love from other boys in her school.

Without exception, she turned them all down.

Some people say that her pride is from the bones, look down on the city of Fung University male students, others say that her mind is on the books, do not want to fall in love.

However, only the students in the same class know, Lin Lanxin refused all the other boys' confession, just because that waste!!!



It's rubbish!

A student with the lowest grades, a student who skips class every day, a student who has the power of a chicken.

In her classmates envy, jealousy, heart is unwilling, whispering, Lin Lanxin with those beauty | | legs, has reached the corner of the classroom.

In a corner seat, a boy was lying on his stomach, fast asleep.

"Su Chen, wake up!" Lin Lanxin gently touched him, a small voice, clear and sweet.

'What? Su Chen only felt dizzy brain, subconsciously raised his head, a slightly delicate but some pale face covered with incomprehension and confusion.

"What's the matter with you? Lin Lanxin concern asked, she can see, Su dust state is not normal.

Su Chen, however, did not say a word. The incomprehension and confusion in his eyes became more and more intense. What happened? Are you not refining the dragon elixir? What about Dan Room? What about the Dan stove? What about herbs? And where is this?


Su Chen's body trembled and her eyes sparkled!!

He is like a beast eyeing his prey, so staring at Lin Lanxin.

Lin Lanxin is subconscious retreat, she was Su dust's eyes scared.

"LAN Xin? This is finance... Class Two, Department of Management, School of Finance? Ichitoyo University?" Su Dust took back his eyes, breathing suddenly and quickly up, the bottom of my heart.


Reborn a hundred years ago, reborn to the eve of the most painful and regretful turning point in his life.

Involuntarily, he pinched his arm.

It hurts.

It's real. It's not a dream.

"Su Chen, don't scare me. What's wrong with you? Shall we go to the hospital wing?" Lin Lanxin was worried, her voice quickening.

"It's OK..." Taking a deep breath, Su Chen shivered slightly. After all, he was a man who had experienced everything. He soon calmed down.

"That's good, Su Chen, this is my lunch for you. I can't go back at noon. A good friend of mine invited me to a birthday party." Lin Lanxin breathed a sigh of relief, will hold in the hands of the insulated lunch box, on Su Dust's table.

"At noon, I accompany you to go!" Su dust opened the way, inexplicable a kind of unquestionable taste.

"Huh? Lin Lanxin first leng, then, the face is full of joy and smile, she heavy nod: "Good!"

Then, "I'm going back to my seat. I have one more class. You... Don't you ever sleep again!" Lin Lanxin turned away as if fleeing.

Su Chen quietly looked at Lin Lanxin that pure, beautiful figure, many memories emerge in my mind.

Previous life today, Lin Lanxin tragic death!!

Su Chen could never forget it!

Because of that stupid birthday party, because I didn't go with her.

"Since the rebirth, Arashi Xin, this life, I must change your fate!" Su Chen clenched his fists.

Taking a long breath, he began to organize his memories. After all, after a hundred years, and rebirth, many memories are not so clear.

Finally, after about half an hour, all the memories came together.

The first is myself.

His name is Su Chen, born in the city of Feng City, an ordinary working family, although not rich, but the parents love their own, a family of three or very happy.

However, a year ago, in the first half of senior high school, he suddenly received the news that his parents were killed in a car accident.

From that day on, he became an orphan, the whole person suddenly depressed, so that every day in the second half of the third semester of high school, the results from the top ten fell to the school three or four hundred.

That's why he got less than five hundred points in the college entrance examination, barely enough for two.

"The accident, it was not a simple accident!" Think of the parents of the car accident, Su Dust eyes cold, because there is a past life memory, he knew that the car accident is man-made, not an accident.

"Hehe... In my previous life, I tried my best to avenge myself and succeeded, but I paid too high a price. In this life, I won't!" Su Dust in the bottom of my heart secretly swear.

In fact, there is a secret, that is, the parents who died in the car accident, are not his biological parents.

But!! They are more than their own son, in the bottom of Su Dust's heart, they are their parents.

"LAN Xin this girl..." Su dust could not help looking at Lin Lanxin.

Why did he cross paths with Lin Lanxin? After the college entrance examination, he was ready to give up the university, want to find a job to support himself, so he found a company to apply, just he went to apply for the company's chairman is Lin Lanxin's father.

That day, he met the same college entrance examination, to find her father's Lin Lanxin company.

Su Chen did not know Lin Lanxin's identity at that time, thought the other party is the same as their own to apply.

Even better, they were in the same elevator. When the power went out on the twelfth floor, they were trapped in the elevator. Not only that, but the elevator creaked and wobbled, which was a bit scary.

Lin Lanxin was afraid, quietly cried up, Su Dust had no mood to comfort her, although she was very beautiful, but, later, see Lin Lanxin cry more and more severe, he still could not help but enlighten, comfort, encourage Lin Lanxin.

They were rescued by firefighters two hours later.

Ms. Lam asked for his phone number.

Su Chen gave, but the bottom of my heart did not care, thought that they would never meet again.

After that, he did not succeed, to be precise, he successively applied for more than ten companies, all failed, so he was depressed shut himself in the rental house, three days in a row, do not eat or drink, he even wanted to commit suicide!!

On the third day, however, there was a knock on the door of his rented room.

The man who came was Lin Lanxin.

"Su Chen, so you live here! I've been looking for it for ages!" Su Chen will never forget Lin Lanxin's smile at that time, as if it was a star in the dark night sky, very bright, very warm.

After that, the college entrance examination after the summer vacation, Lin Lanxin will come to his rental house every ten days, to help him clean up the house.

And, at the end of that summer vacation, Lin Lanxin brought him a message, that she asked someone for him, city Feng University, willing to four years without any tuition conditions to recruit him to the university, even free food.

Su wanted to refuse, but finally agreed, nothing more, only because the word free food attracted him.

After the city Feng University, very coincidentally, Lin Lanxin and he a class, she more care for him, take care of, and even pulled him to live with her in an apartment outside the campus.

But Su dust ungrateful, because he inferiority, he absolutely dare not think, also dare not believe Lin Lanxin like yourself!

"This silly girl, clearly the college entrance examination of 649 points, clearly can go to the domestic first-class university, but lie to me that only test 503 points, is to go with me to the city Feng University ah!"

"This silly girl, clearly my scores can barely get into Cheng Feng University, where is there any scholarship? Free food, etc.? The scholarship money, the board money, she paid for it herself!"

"This silly girl, clearly want to take care of me, just rented a set of 120 flat apartment, but also to say that she because of bad relations with roommates, do not want to live in the dormitory, but also let me live with her, what a person afraid, room is a waste."

"This silly girl, clearly is a big miss, clearly will not do food, but secretly learn to cook for me."

Looking back on the past, such as the movie picture flow, Su dust pain to suffocate, he could not describe his guilt to Lin Lanxin.

Those 'stupid' are Lin Lanxin silently do, previous life, he is in Lin Lanxin died, just know everything.

I am an asshole, Shabi, childish, ridiculous to the extreme!!

Previous life, when Lin Lanxin's body appeared in front of his eyes, at that moment, he just like being electric shock, suddenly wake up.

Then, by chance and coincidence, he step by step to become the master of Metaphysical Qi, the master of Dan medicine, but even become the master of Metaphysical Qi, the master of Dan medicine and what? Lin Lanxin has died, his life regret, can not make up, he always suffering, always pray God can live a life.

But never thought, God really gave him the chance.

"If I have no rebirth, today, Arashi xin will die." Su Dust soliloquy, eyes flashed Senhan light.

If you're born again, of course you have to stop everything!

Can not help, he thought of a person - Xu Ming, is this person, LAN Xin's death can be said to be because of him.

Past life, LAN Xin died, Su dust with a year to investigate, to investigate the truth of the matter.

This Xu Ming is a city Feng City listed company chairman's master, rich and powerful.

Today's birthday party at noon, Xu Ming will also attend, then, at the birthday party, he was attracted by LAN Xin beauty, on the spot.

But do not want to, LAN Xin did not hesitate to refuse.

Xu Ming was born in a rich and powerful family, where has he ever been rejected? Especially in front of all those people, where does he put his face?

In anger, he called more than a dozen Xu bodyguard, want to forcibly seized Arashi Xin, arrogant incredible.

Arashi Xin of course to escape, she didnt dare to think if Xu Ming forcibly seized what will happen?

However, in her anxiety, nervousness, fear and panic, she lost her footing and fell down as she ran down the stairs.

On the spot, he fell into a coma, his head and face covered with blood.

But, at that time, in fact LAN Xin did not die, if she was sent to the hospital in time, there is absolutely save.


Chilling is, not only Xu Ming indifferent, cruel looking at LAN Xin from serious injury to death.

Even, so many people at the birthday party, among which there are LAN Xin's friends, but also because of fear of Xu Ming, afraid of trouble to themselves, even 120 did not play.

Arashi Xin is so born because of excessive bleeding to death!! Die with everyone watching!

"There were so many people at the birthday party! Even if there is a person to help a bunch of arashi Xin, she will not die..."

Su Chen bit his teeth, often think, his heart convulsed pain.

He can not imagine when LAN xin fell down the stairs can not move, blood quickly loss but not help, is what kind of despair?

Can not help, Su Dust's eyes are full of tyrannical anger.

He hated himself very much, hated Xu Ming very much, hated everyone at the birthday party and even everyone in the party hall very much.

It took him some time to force himself back together.

It's already a quarter past eleven, a few minutes before the last class is over.

Once class, he will accompany LAN Xin to attend a birthday party.

Therefore, he should quickly find the sense of Qi, only to find the sense of Qi, into the ranks of martial arts, to have the strength to stop everything, hand sword enemy.

This world is definitely not an ordinary world, not the world that ordinary people see, this is a world with martial arts practitioners.

A strong warrior can break mountains and rivers with one hand, which is very scary. A strong warrior can decide the life and death of many people with one word.

Even, with the memory of the past life, he is very clear, in the Chinese territory, those who are really big rich, big people behind, are standing strong martial arts or martial arts family.

"Only when you become a strong warrior can you protect your lover and relatives. Only when you become a strong warrior can you avoid being bullied!" Su Dust could not help but sigh.

And what is the mark of a warrior?

Qi sense!

It is the sense of qi!

In accordance with the thin conditions of the earth and earth in China now, an ordinary person wants to find Qi, it is even more than winning the lottery lottery, which is why ordinary people do not know the martial arts and Xiuwu family reason.

However, this is not a difficult thing for Su Dust to find Qi.

First, his previous life one breath to the realm of Xuanqi master, become one of the most powerful martial arts within the Chinese territory, already has a mass of martial arts experience.

Second, he has a skill -- Mojin the World!! A practice beyond imagination!

In a previous life, he was lucky enough to acquire this ungodly skill.

Unfortunately, he could not practice this skill in his previous life, because the condition of practicing this skill is to finish from the beginning. In other words, to practice this skill, he must waste his mystery and everything from himself, so that he can become an ordinary person and start over.

When he got Mojin the World, he was already a Xuanqi master and stood at the peak of the Chinese martial arts circle. At this time, he couldn't give up everything and start again, right?

"But this life, all over again, I can practice Mojin the World!" Su Chen smiled and looked forward to it.

Mojin The World exists, is his biggest card and the source of confidence, with Mojin the World in, he can not only easily find Qi, but also, the speed of martial arts will be very fast, much faster than before.

"Then, begin! The next moment, Su Chen closed his eyes, and the formula of Mojin the World was spread out in his mind.

Mojin The World has nine layers, each of which corresponds to a chart of the circulation of the meridians.

Concentrating intently, he tried to exhalate the earth in accordance with the qi vein route of the first drawing of Mojin to the World.

The minutes ticked by.

About ten minutes later.


Su Chen shuddered.

After only ten minutes, he felt Reiki, which means he found the sense of qi.

"At this time, can not panic, to slowly lead the aura into the body, running a vein Zhou Tian!"

After all, he is a born again grand master level super strong, full of experience.

If ordinary people feel the aura at this moment, they will either lose their mind in shock, or shout and jump excitedly.

But Su dust just excited for a moment, more and more serious.

He knew that the first time to find the sense of qi, bleed air into the body, the most need is to take the hot iron, must let the gas around the day, which is very very good for the future of the road to martial arts.

Time continued to pass, five minutes later, Su Dust slowly opened his eyes, a mouthful of turbidness, his face more than a few smiles.

It's done!!

He flawlessly completed the steps of finding qi and breathing air into the body to circle around the day, and now he is a real martial arts practitioner.

Could not help but, Su Chen raised his hand, index finger and middle finger pinched the iron desk panel, he tried his best so hard to pinch.

Then he unclenched two fingers, and there was clearly a faint mark of shiatsu on the face of the desk, which was about two millimeters thick.

"What a terrible power, just started, about fifteen hundred jin of pure power!" Su Chen's eyes brightened, delighted: "Mojin to the World" is more overbearing than I imagined!"

Different martial arts practitioners, even in the same realm, may have differences in strength, and the reason for this difference is the strength of cultivation.

Su Dust clearly remember, their previous life when the entry to the martial arts, the initial strength is about four hundred pounds, that, has been incredible strong.

It should be known that the initial strength of general practitioners is only 200 jin when they enter, and few can reach 400 jin.

As for one thousand and five hundred jin, it is an astronomical figure which is completely unimaginable.

The next moment, "ring, ring, ring..." The bell rang at the end of the last class.