
Untold Myth

This is the Prologue of the most epic ballads ever told. A tale of Titans and gods, a tale of gods and men. When time was young and the energy of the cosmos flowed freely over the land. This... is the age of magic.

Mickzy · ファンタジー
24 Chs


|•Chapter 19 Rebirth•|

" The dark elves are still in Midgard? It's a miracle they haven't destroyed any planet yet" Vidarr an Asgardian soldier spoke to his comrades. "What has the all father said about this?" Orion replied looking at Vidarr who was grinning now ear to ear. " Protect Midgard, beside that this matter is now personal he did something to my friends. I mean Darius" Vidarr spoke, the blood lust oozing from his veins was evident.

Oton has summoned a demon to search for Bell and bring him back alive or bring news of whatever had happened to him, he knew sending Bell to the elf was dangerous but he wanted to prove that Lorcán was nothing special without the help of godly beings and it seemed to him he was right since Bell has not returned. Oton hasn't stopped plotting despite Baelon order to lay low, he was determined.

A bank of clouds scuffed across the sun and the late afternoon breeze blew with a chill bite. His tremble turned into a violent shiver.

In his whole life Bell had never felt such pressure, being forced down to his knees it was really disgraceful for Bell. He looked up locking eyes with Darius for a moment it seemed like he was about to do the must stupid thing he has ever done but he had to restrain himself, he knew there was no guarantee to his life being spared. Bell bows down in submission

" Ohhh great one, teach me your ways" he said rather sarcastically, this wasn't time or day to do anything stupid. "Flattery won't take you very far. But I guess ass Kissing just might. Darius ceases his onslaught and let's down his finger. "What is your name?"

Bell gradually gets up before replying "I'm Bell"

" Bell. I suppose I should start replacing my 3 dead acolytes. But I can't just pick any and everyone who walks up to me . I shall have to test you." A devious plan as well as a malevolent smirk both came to Darius simultaneously. "I've changed my mind Kincaid. You two shall engage in mortal combat. Battle to the death. The survivor gets power." Darius said with a huge smile.

"You can't be serious." Lorcán bursted in anger. "Take this dark crap from my neck and I'll take on the lot of you." The fury in Lorcán's eyes were evident. But Bell on the other hand couldn't help but smile he have the opportunity to beat the great bounty hunter and put respect on his name. Bell also realized he didn't sense much magic from Lorcán, he suspected it was Darius doing and so he smiled widened. "This should be fun!"

"Adonis... " Darius called out and Adonis immediately understood " Rodger! "A small orb appears in Adonis chest level. This orb immediately expands and covers a 50m radius. "Spatial magic... Domain extraction!" Everything within the sphere suddenly gets transported to the harsh sun kissed Sahara. Without waisting anytime Darius began counting.

" 1...2... He looks at both combatants briefly "kill! Noww!"

Lorcán sighed and murmered to himself "This really isn't my style but I guess with my life on the line. I don't have much of a choice." Strapped to his back like a dagger was his trusty Flute with which he was able to play his song of death and other deadly tunes "I don't think i have enough juice to fully utilise this but there's something I can still do." Lorcán spoke to himself.

He latches it unto his waist for easy retrieval in the future then suddenly takes two large leaps backward. Immediately his leg touches the ground after the second leap, he unleashes 3 bullets in quick succession at the opponent's Forehead, Jugular and Thorax. While also hiding behind a sand dune.

"wow this better be fun" Bell exclaimed seeing the new scenery. He opened his jaws wide in a dislocating human yawn revealing his short fangs. He moved his head side to side .

Bell was suprised, he noticed Lorcán latching unto a gun and was about pulling the trigger, he knew the bullets that would be leaving the gun would be extremely dangerous. In the nick of time a wall emerged from the ground blocking some of the bullets but one grazed him in the thorax, some would say the wall was as tough as obsidian.

Breathing in was now difficult so he held out his left palm, with some sort of lighting manifesting Into a magic bow. He underestimated his opponent seeing he was lacking magic and it has caused him dearly but he couldn't just give up.

"Let's see how fast you can move" Bell muttered.

Bell stood still his eyes scented the battlefield, seeing where Lorcan was hiding. Five arrows disappeared from the bow,with that he expected his arrows to pierce through Lorcán's legs and arms maybe including the chest. His concentration was fading, he didn't even know if he shot the arrows right.

Lorcán only saw flash of light that passed him but he couldn't dodge, he was lucky his opponent concentration was dwindled and the arrows missed him only a few grazed his skin. He won.

A single word couldn't come out of Darius mouth. For what words could describe what he just saw. This human with barely any magic left was able to almost instantly defeat another with full magic reserves. This was a rather spectacular showing. His mind was made up.

"My my, you're an interesting one." He appears over Bell and places a hand over his head. "However, this one cannot die yet. The picture keeps getting much bigger." He utilises his dark Alchemy to restructure and rejuvenate all damaged tissue in the lad's body. "He'll be unconscious for a while. Adonis!"

Adonis immediately transports them back to the cave.

" Lorcan Kincaid, you are indeed a great warrior. Sadly tis in this cave that your epic ballad will come to an end. For when you step out again, you shall be a different entity. You shall be... Vishous the dark elf!"

Lorcán was now at the time beyond furious, he stood up and walked towards Darius with one thing evident on his face. His desire to kill.

"Do you think I can't leave here right now if I want?" Darius chuckled "Escape? You won't escape. You're smart enough to know that I will come after you. And I will slaughter everyone you've ever had dealings with. You will stay put little boy." A low chuckle escapes Lorcán mouth. A low chuckle immediately followed by a hearty laughter.

"You are mistaken Dark Elf! "Lorcán touches the dark mass on his neck and feels it "You do not scare me. You plan to make me into your old partner don't you?" Lorcán eyes narrow into two fierce slits and his anger could be felt all around. "Remove this chain on my neck and let's see what you're really made of"

Darius was irked. An infantile human with close to no magic was testing him. "No. It appears you are the one mistaken. Should your magic be completely replenished, the process of widening your magic pathways will cause an overload." His left hand moves like a blur and grips Lorcán's neck. He was tempted to squeeze life out of it "You will die if that happens. Do you want to die?"

A grunt escapes Lorcán mouth. This lad was not a fan of the situation at all. At last a thought he had been trying to bury surfaces. "Do what you want."

" Good." Darius places Lorcán with his back against a wall, the rock modifies itself to form shackles binding his hands and legs.

"Now!!" Stretches his hands and places two open palms on Lorcán's chest. A crimson transmutation circle appears spanning his entire torso, signifying his Alchemy. "The body of a human is a lot less complicated than I thought" as he speaks, he works on the lad's internal environment, reshaping and rearranging all his magic pathways, making them wide enough to retain all 7 alien magic he was about to place in him. This process only takes about 10 minutes. At the end, Lorcán would be feeling incredibly light.

"The first phase has been completed. Now...." Darius smiled.

He takes in his hand the jewel containing the magic of Vishous. He slowly reaches into the transmutation circle and his hand sinks into it, it re-emerges holding a read, dripping, throbbing object... Lorcán's heart. A grin appeared on Darius face.

"I have replaced your heart with the jewel. Overtime your body shall absorb it's power and slowly develop the magic within the jewel. Overtime Vishous shall be reincarnated." He chuckled "and then we shall together continue our plan. And you Lorcán Kincaid shall be a vessel. To our great plan" Hector and Adonis watch together in amazement it was dark Alchemy in its finest and it was fascinating stuff. Darius turned to his acolytes "This calls for celebration we shall finally be reunited. Vishous and I"