
Untold Myth

This is the Prologue of the most epic ballads ever told. A tale of Titans and gods, a tale of gods and men. When time was young and the energy of the cosmos flowed freely over the land. This... is the age of magic.

Mickzy · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The beginning of calamity

|•Chapter 20:- The beginning of calamity•|

Oton demon had finally traced Bell to a cave where he could feel a strong aura emanating from within place. "what is going on?" The demon pondered, well its only job was to retrieve Helmont and there was nothing else he seek more than that.

Adonis, the spatial mage could feel a presence nearby and immediately he was alerted. "My Lord..." Darius already knew what Adonis was about to say "Yeah, I sense it too." By the time Lorcán had already awaken. Dorian raises his voice "Come out!" He was speaking to whoever was hiding around. It was no ordinary person.

The demon could hear their voices but decided not to go yet, but he thought about it, it might bring about a problem so he had to anyways. He had to answer. The 10ft beast with an almost impenetrable grey skin and a dark and gruesome aura step out from the corner. He was bald and bare bodied and only a black trouser was on his waist.

Darius was slightly irked at the hideous monstrousity before him. "Well it seems everyone can just simply walk into this place now?" Against his better judgement, he decides not to mete out instant punishment. "What do you seek?" He asked

"I seek, blemont" the demon looks at Darius direction and then Lorcán."He's our property" Darius Walks casually toward the demon and stops right in it's face. "So you intend to take away my potential acolyte?" The demon grins and later on a smirk appeared on his face "His a pawn of a greater being than your kind so you should be cowering somewhere and humbly hand him back" Darius was furious three of his acolytes were effortlessly killed, his partner too was killed, two common humans have been getting under his skin, and now this lowly life form was undermining his greatness. Alas the dark Elf could no longer take it. Alas the dark elf snapped!

"Thou common dog!" As he spake, his magic grew exponentially.

"Thou lump of foul deformity!" He Levitates a bit and stops when his eyes was directly in front of the demon's eyes.

"Dost not thee know? Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an embossed carbuncle. A bolting hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies!!!"

Utilising the speed of a bolt of lightning, he intended to smack the beast on the chest and at the moment contact is made, he would apply his knowledge of dark alchemy to completely dismantle every single internal organ in his upper thorax region, Heart, lungs, bones, Trachea , everything.

The demon keenly watching the being knows he knew he was not anything easy but a calamity ranked individual he wouldn't keep his ground for long not with his acolytes around. Seeing his opponent levitate he stepped aback and immediately Darius moved he was able to react on time with Mach 4 speed stepping back evading Darius palms and at that same moment he stepped on the earth, the earth was disturbed destroying the ground he passed. On gaining balance, the demon clasped it two gigianomous hands creating a very powerful wave destroying everything in its paths with the pressure and force it was produced with

The wave sends Darius flying, whilst mid air, a great deal of his body was already damaged, and he takes even more damage when he lands with great force. This however was allowed on purpose so that he could demonstrate how pointless damaging his body is. Within 5 seconds, he was completely healed up. "My my... You are... Ridiculously weak!" Darius chuckled

Hector shields himself, Adonis, Lorcán and Bell in a pitch black sphere which protects them from the blast. Bell silently watches with a smile on his face.

"Adonis!" Darius called out "Yes my Lord." Adonis immediately understood. A small sphere appears before his chest, one which instantly expands and covers the entire place "Spatial magic; Domain extraction. " Everything within the large dome immediately gets transported to a large, sun baked canyon.

"This will be your grave." Darius said clenching his fist.

Lorcán was unfazed by the sudden change of Arena, He blurts out. "Remove from my neck this contraption which hinders my magic, and I shall slay this thing by myself". The statement from Lorcán made Bell chuckle inwardly. "Cocky bastard will get himself killed, but I'll like to see him full power" Bell said to himself still smiling ear to ear. Hector looks at Darius for confirmation and Darius smiles and nods giving Hector the go ahead order.

Hector stretches an open palm toward Lorcán and the black mass on his neck suddenly dissipates, allowing his magic to return into his body. Lorcán grinned and cracks his knuckles, he wasn't sure of what Darius did to him or if there's a wager to his release but he had to kill the demon and In the nick of time kill Darius and his acolyte.

"Finally" an evil smile was evident on Lorcán face. He turns to the demon. "I'm your opponent now"

The demon was rather calculative. He could feel the scorching heat and the air intensity. This could only mean one thing air was limited in this area and being a Demon heat was not even a strong feat against him and so this was nothing but a little challenge. The demon noticed the new arising opponent and sighed he just wanted Bell and no trouble at all but that can't just happen. He mostly wants to prove himself to his Master so retrieving Bell in this manner is a good opportunity for him.

The demon eyes turned red and it spoke "world of void: Tempter". Another domain emerged and the place was real hell fire. The whole ground was lava only a few stepping stone, the air was limited almost gone and here in the domain he was ominipresent his speed was undeniable here was his own domain he could even achieve stronger feat that's why he was mentioned among the top 10 of Oton demon subordinates.

"Just give me the kid" he spoke once again with a terrifying note.

"Lava?" Darius smiled, he gently bends over and places his right index and middle fingers slightly in the lava pool as hector protects the others from the domain shift.

"You'll find, little beast, that my power is nothing this would has ever encountered before." Darius face showed seriousness. It took him no more than a few seconds. Utilising his extreme lava magic and his extreme infinite ice magic, he suddenly transforms the arena from a fiery wasteland to a vast blanket of Ice, reaching the horizon and yonder "Hector!" He called out.

A small dark floating mass forms at Hector finger tips, he moulds it a bit before it suddenly disappears. "Darkness magic... One man Legion!"

Spanning over a mile in diameter, a wide, ashy transmutation circle appears, from which begins to sprout, dozens then scores, then hundreds of exact replicas of Lorcán Kincaid, all with equal ànd maxed magic power

"Now then... Entertain me for as long as you possibly can" Darius chuckled.

The Bounty hunter was thrilled. All around him were exact copies of himself. He could feel the perfect semblance in energy. He could feel the cognitive link between himself and them. He was literally a one man army "Well this is neat!" He exclaimed with a smile

He immediately swung into action. Every single version of him listening in on the mind's voice of the foe. One of them closest to him steps forward at Sonic speed, aiming to plant open palms on his sternal and facial regions and immediately applying the pulse technique, blowing these parts to kingdom come. While these happens, all other versions utilise the foe's thoughts to cover every possible place he could evade to, thus making escape completely impossible. The demon immediately notice the complete change of the environment into ice and the rapid cloning of the young man if he thought aloud, he was sighing and cursing a bit but he remained calm and kept his composure in reality, his true powers always reveal in this domain he noticed the kid approaching at Sonic speed and all the others closing up on possible escape routes he tilted his leg and keenly awaited the right time to attack.

Nano seconds before contact was made, he lunged himself forward towards the attacking opponent at Mach 2 speed moving side ways and grabbing his arm around his wrist spinning him quickly and flinging him to his clones opening a path.

His body began transforming, his hard rock body began cracking showing red lines a mark appeared on his fore head too. This transformation happened in mere second as fast as light itself while he was still in motion towards the clone creator. After the transformation, a wave spread throughout the domain this was fear inducement being activated for those without telepathic blocking it affected their brain immediately and for those with telepathic blocking, it affected their adrenaline gland causing them to release adrenaline stating two things to the individual flee or submit the last choice was desperate attack but this wasn't the end an overwhelming heat began slowing melting the ice and also able to melt normal human skin this was a heat wave emmited from his aura. His speed only increased to Mach 3 still heading to the clone creator.

Bell was suprised, everything was happening in a flash. The demon was completely ignoring Lorcán who seemed really powerful and it also showed dangerous skills yet he was only a subordinate. Bell was frightened and excited, he had underestimated Oton. "Oton has began his plan humans don't have a chance". Bell said to himself, he knew if Oton sent a demon to retrieve him it meant he had began his plan of war and calamity and him Bell was to be a symbol. Typical humans against humans.Which worked for both party. Bell began regaining his composure and he smiled. Though weak, he was part of something great.