
Chapter 12

*** On the other side of the Great River

Great River is a wide river and on the other side lies a completely different world. This is a modern world where all tech lies.From the sky crapper bulidings to the latest cars,fashion and culture.

"Ding" came the sound of the elevator as it reached on the middle floor of a very tall building. Well polished shoes could be heard on the glass made floor as it headed to the most exquisite part of the building.A well tailored suit clinging tightly on a muscular body. A face void of any expression but beauty untold.A well chiseled jawline with deep dark eyes, deep black hair neatly trimmed.This male god was walking majestically to his office where a team of people awaits his presence. His aura defining his position in the place. His secretary and personal assistant bowed at his presence and led the way to where some business investors awaits him. Everyone of them stood to acknowledge his arrival and once he arrived at the head seat they all sat. With a notion of his hands he indicated the meeting to begin." Mr Ryan I think it's high time we start our project on the other side of the Great River" one of the men said." I agree to, the land on the other side seems to be of great value and would be a big catch" Ryan just twirled the pen in his hand as he listened. He had visited the other side of the Great River that looked so out of this world with no close to any development not even the infrastructure but surprisingly there seemed to be a group of people living there and he wondered why they were so behind and looked like an era so much behind. He had met with some of the people and interacted with them and it amazed him how wonderful people still existed in this cruel world. The place felt home to him and he wanted to go back there and again to have a peaceful time out of this crazy world he lived in. He had severally gone to the place and welcomed by a group calling themselves morans and their head, Hiran and they had showed him around the place and he couldn't believe that a large number of people lived in this place. They had even cleared up a cave and told him he could stay there whenever he wanted. This people were truly amazing and he loved the place. After a while he had told his father of the place and the man thought of it being a great investment as it would attract so many people who loved to be in peaceful environments and he he was heading the meeting to build a hotel at the other side of the river. He was truly wondering if the people living there would embrace the changes being brought to them. He didn't want to disrupt their already peaceful lives that were just so simple and out of this world.