
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Incendium Academy

-In the middle of a forest near Incendium Academy-

"How'd you guys get here in the first place?" Jiro asked Sandy and Klaus as they walked towards the academy. After crossing one mountain in front them, the Academy would be in sight.

"We are orphans and best friends. Our parents... they were killed by demons! After we both awakened, we decided to go to Incendium Academy as we weren't that far. On our way here, we hit the jackpot as we found a raided carriage left alone in the woods. We took everything using a spacial ring stolen by Klaus. He's actually the best pickpocket I've ever seen. He makes no sound at all if he wills it, and he... He found a way to take control others' nervous systems. He's actually very scary, just a bit stupid." "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! How dare you disrespect the best thief in the world like that!" "On our way, we encountered the demon and... you know the rest. *Sigh* We've been in this forest for a whole day. " Sandy explained.

Sandy and Klaus were the heirs of influencial families in the western continent, which spanned for about five times the surface area of earth, and with a population of about 40 billion! Yep. They were also hella rich. Butt, unfortunately the demons killed their parents and they were thrown out by wicked family members who wanted the 'family head' title.

The Reiss family, which Sandy was from, owned the best weapon producing company in the whole western continent. They were in the sixth region of the continent; Senio Region. But of course, she knew nothing about that. Her memories of being from such a family are gone. All she knows is she and her best friend's parents were killed by demons and they were sacked since they were orphans.

The André family, which Klaus was from, was the Royal family of the whole western continent. It was located in the sixth region of the western continent; Senio Region. But of course, he was also outcast when he was just a little kid, along with Sandy. He doesn't even remember being from 'that' André family. He remembers just as much as Sandy does. Since the age of two, they had fought for survival alone.

What! You thought I'd call it sex region!? Well no!

Okay okay okay. Since you look as confused as a dog chewing on a plastic bone, let's do some geography.

I know, I know. I also hate it alright! So bear with me. I'll make it as short as I can.

On this planet Earth, which has become about fifty times bigger along with the sun, there were five continents; Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and Middle continents, each having the surface area of about five earths.

Each continent has twelve regions, named one to twelve in latin; Ūnus, Duo, Trēs, Quattuor, Quīnque, Sex- no... Senio, Septem, Ōcto, Novem, Decem, Undecim and Duodecim Regions. The regions were numbered from North to South. 1 being the northernmost and 12 being the southernmost.

Each region is a bit less than half the size of earth. Yep. That huge.

These regions were divided into grades of low, mid and high. The grading differs from continent to continent and is based on the power they have collectively.

Oh, forgot to add. Each Region also has an academy, Incendium is located in the Senio region of the western continent.

"Does any time pass in a spacial space? Well, I can control time in here by a tap system: let it flow in required amount, or stop it. I only allowed two minutes to pass since someone came to check the battlefield after he sensed Zoro's demonic aura. Only after you've spent 24 hours here does time in my living space start moving on its own. Stay for more than 12 hours and I'll need a cool down of 12 hours to come back here. You slept for only six hours but only two minutes have passed outside. Here's some popcorn and blood. Let's watch the movie. It's nice."

Giro said as some popcorn bowls appeared on diamond tables in front of then along with some win- I mean, blood. With extremely flabbergasted expressions, they popped some popcorn inside their mouths. They decided to try out the wine this time and found out it tasted extremely delicious. It was the best wine they had ever tasted. It had the flavor of no fruit, but still tasted really good.

They chatted a bit and after the movie ended, left the living space, out into the real world.

They had to go to the academy to register, and the entrance exam would begin the following day at noon. The registration would need only their names, dates if birth, affinities and chakra. The abilities could be kept secret if one wanted. They were not part of the registration process.

After crossing the mountain infront of them using teleportation, they finally saw the academy on the horizon. had a huge wall which spanned for as far as the eye could see. It actually looked like a city on its own. Although it's beauty was nothing compared to Jiro's, it was beautiful nonetheless.

The quartet entered the academy gates without their parents after paying one diamond coin like it was nothing. From the way they dressed, people would think they were some arrogant young masters but those orphans just went to the back of the line. No pun intended.

Jiro couldn't stand the looks he was receiving and put on his cloak. Zoro couldn't care less about others' gazes though he was receiving lots of 'em.

Soon enough, it got to their turn and not even a second later, a boy with arrogance painted all over himself with two bodyguards following him stepped near Jiro. The bodyguards exuded powerful auras which made people just obey them subconsciously except this group of four.

The bodyguards were of course way stronger than what they showed but they released just enough aura to scare people away. So why were these four children standing as straight as your something when you see some girls in bik- I mean, as straight as... as straight as... as a tower! As straight as a tower! Why were these four standing as straight as towers?!

"Hello, please leave the way before I force you. I am the heir of the supreme Wang family. The one that is in charge of forging coins for the whole world before the emperors imprint their chakras in them. I'm being really patient today so comply fast." The boy with arrogance painted all over him said, leaving quite some people speechless.

Normally, he would just go where he was going. if you were in the way, he would just let his bodyguards take care of you, but today he was being really patient. It was really weird.

"Uhm- Jiro, if what he's saying is true-" "It is, but what could he do to us?" Jiro quickly cut off a panicked Sandy. "Wha- What do you mean?" Sandy panicked even more, this time, the others joined.

"Guards!" The arrogant boy shouted.

"Jiro! Watch out!" Zoro, Sandy and Klaus said simultaneously as they jumped in front of Jiro to save him from being literally slapped outta the line but ...

But whattt??!!! I want mooooreee!

Is what most of you would say.

Tha_Reapercreators' thoughts