
chapter twelve

"so Minna has been seeing Jai which means Jai is the father of the child not Tony"Matilda said to herself.

"Princess Matilda Princess Matilda"the fashion designer called out to her,it brought her back from reality

"sorry I was lost in thoughts"she replied

"no worries the prince has asked me to call you and princess Minna to the room so you guys can pick your dress"he replied.

"oh I almost forget"she said placing her hand on her forehead

"ok I'll go and inform princess Minna"he bowed and left to go and inform princess Minna. Matilda went to the room and saw a lot of dresses on the bed,she stared in awe as she picked up a purple dress and was adoring it

"this is so pretty"she said smiling,Tony watched her and was smiling he always wanted to see her happy and never wanted her to be sad.

"if you like it then you can have it"Tony said.

"no I'll have it"Minna said and snatched the dress from Matilda, Matilda stared at her all she wanted to do was give her a tight slap but she controlled herself

"Minna I picked that dress so you have no right to take it"Matilda replied

"I want it I got it besides my husband likes this gown so I'll wear it cause I am carrying his child"Minna said rubbing her tummy

"you wish"Matilda sneered

"Must you guys always fight, Matilda let it be she can have the dress even if you don't wear this dress any other one will fit you"Tony said trying to make Matilda feel better.

"Really thanks a lot"she smiled and picked a red dress and she decided to take it

"fine ladies it almost time go get dressed"he said and they both left,when they were outside Matilda got hold of Minna's hand and squeezed it hard

"let go of me you pathetic fool"Minna said trying to free herself but she couldn't

"oh I know what I am doing,I'll tell Tony when the time is right and I'll also have proof so that you can lie your way out of it"Matilda said and let go of Minna's hand

"I won't be so sure if I were you,don't mess with me I am a werewolf I fear no one not even a tinny winny human being"Minna smirked

"I may be a human but I am not afraid of you I don't care if you are a werewolf or vampire"Matilda said boldly

"It's the audacity for me,you shouldn't count your eggs before they are hatched"Minna laughed hysterically

"I know I am just celebrating my victory"Matilda smiled and left

"She is too confident I have to break her,ill talk to my mom about this, since Jai has disappeared into thin air"Minna said and walked back to her room.

Theirs maids came and began to help them get dressed,they had thirty minutes left so they had to hurry up,when Matilda's maids were done they asked her to look at herself in the mirror and she couldn't believe she was the one

"OMG is that me"she said turning side by side to have a better view

"yes my princess you look amazing the prince won't be able to take his eyes off you"Ciara replied.

"don't make me blush "Matilda laughed and they joined her.

"my princess it time to go the prince is waiting for you"a guard shouted from outside the room

"I am so nervous what if I don't look good,you know I'll be meeting Tony's father"Matilda said her heart was racing she didn't want to disappoint Tony but Ciara assured her that she looked good.

"I really needed that "she said and stood up while the maids led her to where the carriage was.

When Tony raised his head and saw Matilda he just stared,she looked so beautiful and hot in that red gown,red is definitely her color

"you look good"Tony complimented her

"thank you"Matilda replied and the driver opened the door and she entered,she was going to be riding alone while Tony had to go with Minna because she said she would uncomfortable which was obviously a lie.

They all got in and they began their journey,soon they arrived at the palace and they disembarked and they were led into the palace. There was alot of people there ranging from Kings to Queens

"let's go and see my dad"Tony said and led Matilda to where king Alexander was

"And who is this charming lady? Alexander asked

"my wife"Tony replied coldly

"sorry,I thought it was one of your concubines"Alexander said and the Kings with him laughed

Tony clenched his fists,he was surely going to deal with Alexander for making such statement in front of Matilda

"sorry I am his wife, didn't want to seem disrespectful that why I came to greet you Tony let's go"Matilda said and they left

"Matilda don't let what he said get to you"Tony said in a calm voice.

"I won't let's go enjoy the party"Matilda said and led Tony to the dance floor.

Minna was sitting down and then she sighted her mum from afar,she walked towards her and her mum hugged her she was so happy to see her daughter

"minny my dear how are you? Harris asked

"I am not fine at all"Minna said wearing a sad look