
chapter thirteen

"what happened is it the pregnancy? Harris asked placing her hand on minna's tummy but Minna removed her hand

"no mother it not my pregnancy,it that pesky human"Minna replied.

"what has she done,did she find out about you and Jai? Harris whispered.

" yes mum,that the problem"

"come let's go I don't want anyone to hear what we are discussing"Harris said and led Minna away from the party. They went up to the terrace and they continue to talk

"what were you saying what did Matilda do to you? Harris asked once again

"she found out about me and Jai and now she is says she's going to tell Tony,but she doesn't know about our plan"Minna replied.

"how is that possible who told her?

" she read my diary,mum it has already happened please help me if Tony finds out dad will serve us on a platter of gold to Tony to punish us"Minna said she knew her dad he valued his life and kingdom more than anything in this world.

"you might be a werewolf but you are certainly dumb"her mum berated her

"mum we can do that later but first help me"minna said holding her mum's hand

"fine,but if you get into trouble don't ask me for help"Harris replied

"I won't so what your plan? an excited Minna asked.

"will you do anything I ask you to do?

"yes mum I want to destroy Matilda I'll do anything"Minna quickly replied.

"then listen, tommorow is the festival of food right?

Minna nodded

"and also pregnant wives are not allowed to cook,which means Matilda will be cooking"Harris explained.

"mum I know all this just tell me"Minna was getting impatient she knew time was not on her side and she had to act fast

"so you will have to get the deadly lilena leaves and put it in your own dish that Matilda will serve you"Harris finally hit the nail on the head and she waited for minna's reaction

"what"Minna screamed.

"I thought you said you were ready"Harris hissed.

"mum I am pregnant I can't eat that leave it would kill the baby and Jai will definitely kill me "Minna replied.

"it just small you don't have to eat much,by doing this Tony will go berserk when he hears that Matilda poisoned you and he would have her for dinner"Harris smiled and Minna understood the assignment

"you are a genius mum"Minna said and hugged her mum tightly

"careful baby girl you are pregnant"Harris said releasing Minna

"I have a maid that would help you fetch it and she will also lie that it was Matilda who sent her

"terrific mum, Wooww why didn't I inherit your intelligence?

"I don't know why"Harris said and they laughed.

"Matilda get prepared because I'll bring you down"Minna laughed hysterically.

Tony and Matilda sat down and we're discussing when a group of girls walked up to them

"hey prince Tony"Anne said in a flirty voice which made Matilda uncomfortable

Tony looked at them and continued to sip his wine,the girls still continued talking

"my prince you have forgotten about me,but when you were touching me so lovingly in the garden you loved it"Maria licked her upper lip seductively