
Unknown Horizons

After a few centuries in cryosleep, Faolan wakes up to memory loss and no one left aboard his vessel, though he quickly finds out that he is not alone, he must survive, find out what happened, and escape the vessel that he is on. But what happens when he finds out that the vessel is in the deep recesses of space?

Alex_Uribe · SF
29 Chs

The Children

Faolan quickly backpedaled, as he almost hit a child. It was when the children did not move even though he came crashing through did he realize something was wrong. Using his flashlight, he illuminated what was in front of him. He swallowed as he saw the corpses of ten children in front of him. Each one held similar characteristics, as each were stripped of their flesh and seemed to be rooted in place. Not wanting to waste bullets, he pulls out on throwing star and tosses it into the middle of the group. The moment it touched the mass that was between the children, each one moved towards that point at an alarming rate. There was a cacophony of noise as they moved.As he watched he realized that they seemed similar to marionette puppets, they only moved where they were told to by the mass surrounding them. Once they realized nothing was there, they returned to their original position. Shuddering, he kept his back against the wall and slowly moved away from the group of what were children. As he moved about, he saw similar groupings. Feeling remorse for these children the only thing he could do was leave them. He did not know what kind of reaction they would have if he shot at them. And he did not want to risk it.

Hati and Skoll be wary on three floors down from the save haven, there are corpses of children here and they all attack together. Inform the others. Don't let them leave, especially the woman who lost her infant.

After receiving acknowledgement form them, he slowly made his way, avoiding the masses of children. He was still searching for the stairway that led to engineering. That was were the engine room is supposed to be. Whenever he heard a sound that even remotely sounded like something inhuman, he would stop and stand stock still. The first five times it was nothing, and Faolan gradually relaxed as much as he could with dead children being five feet away from him. Suddenly he heard what sounded like metal on metal and instinctively ducked down, seeing the flash of something swing over his head. Then he heard a hiss as if something was unhappy that he dodged whatever swung at him. Having no choice he got on his back and shimmied his way down the hall, keeping his hey on the ceiling and the masses of children in his peripherals. As he watched, he noticed multiple eyes looking back at him from inside the ceiling, keeping pace with him.

Skoll, I need you to implement the eradication sequence on level 15, use the Greek Fire formula. Wait five minutes then head out.

Stopping he lifted his rifle and released three rounds into the thing above him. Once the bullets ripped through its body, it began to shriek in pain and anger. As it started to lower its body, and Faolan saw its 'head' he got up and sprinted down the hall. While he has a strong stomach, seeing the face of an bloated infant was not what he was expecting. He heard scrapping noises and saw it following him. It appeared to have other bodies attached to it, all really young children. And with the eyes on its limbs staring at him, he quickened his pace. When he reached the stairway door, he turned around and started firing at the creature. Wanting to end its suffering, he aimed every shot at the head. But it kept pushing towards him. The bullets only seemed to fuel it as it moved faster towards him. Realizing it was mute, he forced the door open, right as a sickle came cutting towards him. He jumped into the door, and he didn't hesitate to jump down the flights of stairs. The only thing on his mind was getting away from the child he was supposed to bring back to the woman.