
Unholy Testament - An Elder Scrolls Tale

- ( Reuploaded after the Email was hacked. ) - A man who was refused the honor he deserved. His name should have been buried under the sands of time. That's what the ones who write Nirn History in Cyrodiil would do. A Hero who no one wants to acknowledge. What happens when a Hero comes face to face with the ugliest realities face to face? - ( Since I have a full-time job and I'm studying, I will probably write only when I have time. Thank you for your time. ) -

Metal_Gods2 · ゲーム
6 Chs

Forward, no matter what.

4E 160, Hew's Bane, Abah's Landing, Arena Gladiators cells. Urezur soon after the end of his first win.

Sitting on Urezur's stone was a fully bloodied young orc. Of course, it was Urezur.

The deformed woman, who was sitting this whole time said nothing. She didn't know how he was feeling or what was wrong so she decided that saying nothing was better than saying something that would worsen the situation.

Of course, Ragnar couldn't care less, as he said smiling sarcastically, "What is it? First time butchering?"

"You should get used to it, young man... If you want to be free in your lifetime, of course." He continued and the last part he said laughing aloud.

But Urezur didn't even flinch or move as if Ragnar didn't exist and the deformed woman wasn't present.

He remembered every word, every action, and every event that led to his exile.

From his hunting the deer to his mother smiling, proud of him.

From his peers taking him out to the Main Hall in the stronghold to the eventual exile of his mother and him.

Every face, every bastard that betrayed the Hardwood family.

He remembered all of them.

And he finally remembered what had happened that night. But he truly wished to forget again.

From the gigantic wave of burning arrows falling from the sky like an unforgivable tsunami.

From His mother shouting in despair as she jumped in front of him shielding him from the thousands of burning arrows to the smell of burned skin and meat.

The water entering his mouth to his lungs, the sea currents pushing his body far, far away.

The darkness engulfed his vision as everything lost meaning.

'..... She died.' Urezur thought as the light started to leave his eyes.

'What is the point in living?... My only home was stolen, the only person that truly cared about me was killed, and my freedom was robbed. Even my anger about all of this is being used as entertainment for others...' Urezur thought as energy started to leave his body.

He was so young that he should have been playing on the playground with his orc peers.

Knowing that the smell of burned skin and meat that night came from his mother made Urezur instantly puke on the ground.

Seeing him like that, from depressed to puking, the deformed woman finally decided that enough is enough and said, "... Sit down and take deep breaths. You should get used to this. The faster the better."

"... That's right!" Ragnar shouted aloud from his cell as he laughed loudly again.

Although Urezur couldn't care less what they said, he still sat down and started to take deep breaths.

"Your body might very strong for a damn brat but looks like you're still a weakling mentally." The Slave Merchant, said as she slowly appeared in front of the cell.

"Looking at you, I would find it strange that you brutally tore apart a sabertooth, barehanded at that." She said shaking her head in disappointment.

She was about to leave when Urezur murmured in a very, very faint voice, "..... Mother... I'm sorry..."

Shaking her head even harder now, she left in disappointment.

Even though the deformed woman and Ragnar heard Urezur's words, they still decided to stay silent.

After all, from the shouts outside to the blood, brain matter, and organ tissues on Urezur, they knew that what the Slave Merchant said earlier was true.

And, of course, They didn't want to wake torn apart in two.

The Snow Wolf that stayed with Urezur from the beginning to the end just glared at everyone before moving behind Urezur's back, ready to attack anyone that dares to ambush him into the night.


That night, Inside Urezur's dreams.

Darkness. A pure abyss made of nothing as he stared at it.

Before he could say anything a voice said something to him.

The voice was so full of power and willpower that it was almost as if the abyss was shaking.

He couldn't understand what it said but soon space started to distort as something happened.

A beautiful red flash with a black dragon in the middle slowly burning as screaming of pain and despair sounded around the dark dream space.

As the flag dissipated into smoke, the smoke slowly formed a giant flame. inside the giant flame, an image slowly formed, an image of his past.

He was much younger than he was now. He was 5 years old as he was crying on his bed at the stronghold.

His mother was there, next to him, smiling at him even though he was crying.

Opening her mouth, she said, "Urezur, there are things we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn't the end of the world, it's the beginning of a new life. They will always be there, with us."

That day, he killed his dog accidentally because of his continuously growing monster strength.

Although the dog, never made a painful cry or cried in desperation. For some reason, it just accepted Death by Urezur's hands. And that made it much worse.

"You need to train yourself. You have to gain control over your body, Urezur." His mother continued.

"Only with enough power can you gain true freedom in this world," Arosha said smiling at her son.

As the dark space started to shake, Urezur knew it was about to end.

But it didn't matter, he just smiled at his mother for the last time as his eyes shone with determination and fury.


One week later, in Hew's Bane's Arena, a young orc, Urezur finally returned to the arena.

Wearing a worn-out light armor that protected his right shoulder and arm, two child-sized swords, and leather pants, his feet touched the hot sands of the arena as the sun shone on his light green skin.

As his tied hair danced in the hot air, Urezur took a deep breath.

520 wins.

With only a maximum of 1 fight per week, it will take 10 whole years of Invictus status.

The salty air, the hot sand.

The blue sky, the warm sunlight.

He needed to truly Familiarize himself with this Arena.

This is a hunt and every opponent from now on will be the prey.

A prey that he had to take down no matter what.

Forward, no matter what.

That's what he decided to live by.

As he glanced at Ayred, he noticed the Altmer glaring at him as if he was the best dessert in the place.

Seeing Ayred and the masked woman made Urezur extremely uncomfortable as just focused on the death match.

Seeing him react like that, Ayred smiled as he slapped the masked woman's crystalline buttocks and finally stood up as he shouted to the public, "Today we see a familiar face. A face many remember as the green beast that massacred the poor innocent younglings last week."

"Truly, What a savage!" Ayred shouted as he laughed out loud.

Following suit, the public started to laugh as well.

After all, they couldn't care less if Urezur died or not. Or if he killed anyone in the Arena.

Everything in this Arena is for them to enjoy. Their death is their enjoyment.

Urezur just frowned but continued focusing.

A small mistake and it will be over.

"Since we saw what he was capable of last week. We decided he was ready for the TRUE ARENA!!" Ayred shouted in pure happiness.

As soon he finished speaking, he slapped the masked woman's ass so hard it was as if it exploded.

Moaning aloud, the woman's moan was the Okay sign as the gate in front of Urezur opened.

"The Green Beast is against..." Ayred shouted before stopping for some seconds before continuing, "Rank 6942, Ma'urabi the Scum!"

An adult male Khajiit slowly entered the Arena.

With a smirk as fake as his golden teeth, wearing extremely light clothes, no shoes, and a small dagger in his right hand, the Khajiit glared at Urezur for some seconds before losing interest.

It noticed that Urezur was not only a newcomer, a child but also a no-rank nobody.

'The true Arena... where you must challenge the rank holders. Honestly... I'm just fucking bored. I hope this walking green potato is up to the task...' Ayred thought bored as he massaged the masked woman's left buttock.

As the public erupted in cheers, some of the public started to shout their bets,

"I bet on you, you better win, you damn cat!!"

"Skin him alive! I want the color of his muscles!!"

"Orc Blood! Orc Blood!!"

Hearing the public, the Khajiit smiled widely.

His victory was assured. He knew it. They knew it. Everybody knew it.

Stopping massaging the woman's buttocks, Ayred slapped it again as the Death Match began.

Before the Khajiit could understand what happened, his head moved unconsciously as it evaded a small sword.

But, it could fully evade as a cut appeared from his mouth to the right ear.

"... Ughh..." He groaned in pain as he glared at Urezur in hatred and continued, "I was about to end this painlessly, you damn little shit."

As he finished speaking, the Khajiit disappeared.

Barely dodging a dagger coming from behind, Urezur could only widen his eyes in surprise as the Khajiit smiled and blew a gigantic amount of sand on his eyes.

Groaning in pain, Urezur's vision started to blur.

"Just because you have a ridiculous amount of strength, doesn't mean you're invincible, boy." The Khajiit's voice sounded right beside his right ear.

Taking a deep breath, he concentrated.

The blur would pass in some seconds thanks to his natural healing, but seconds in a death match might as well be a death sentence.

Taking another deep breath, closing his eyes, and fully relying on his super-enhanced senses and survival instincts, Urezur successfully blocked a dagger coming from the bottom left.

'... Huh?...' The Khajiit thought confused at the situation but just shook his head as if it was probably luck.

Twisting his body and jumping extremely silently, he thrust his dagger.

'... Dagger. Downwards. Forehead.' Urezur thought as he slowly evaded the dagger.

Silently landing on the hot sands, the Khajiit slashed.

'... Dagger. Upwards. Chin' Urezur inclined his head backward, slowly evading a dagger slash.

Clenching his left fist, the Khajiit punched.

'... Punch. Stom-!?' Urezur thought surprised as he felt a sharp pain in his left thigh and opened his eyes in pain. The Khajiit threw the dagger at the last second, giving Urezur no room to react.

And, as soon his eyes saw that another mouthful of hot sand penetrated his eyes.

Now slight shouting in pain, Urezur gritted his teeth in pain and anger as he concentrated again but this time. much, much harder.

The public and Ayred were... flabbergasted.

This wasn't a match to the death.

This is... a dance.

A Silent Dance of Death.

Neither Urezur nor the Khajiit any sound as a new dagger slashed at Urezur he responded accordingly.

Entering more and more in a state of harmony with sounds, the dancing sands, and the occasional kicks or punches from the Khajiit.

Even after his eyes were healed from the sand, he still stayed with closed eyes.

After some seconds evading faster and faster, more and more skillfully, Urezur suddenly frowned.

He knew and the Khajiit knew it too.

The Khajiit reached the limit.

Stamina, speed, bone structure, etc...

Urezur now had every advantage over him.

Before the Khajiit could react, a light green skin arm penetrated his chest, exploding his heart instantly.

"... UuuuOoo..." Gasping for air, the Khajiit could only stare at the Young Orc in front of him.

Suddenly a smile appeared on his face as life left his body.

No one knew why the Khajiit smiled as death arrived.

But the Public and Ayred couldn't care less as they stood up and applauded with thunderous vigor.

Even if the majority lost a huge amount of money, they couldn't less.

It was all of their entertainment.

Taking his bloody arm out of the Khajiit's body, Urezur closed his eyes saying, "... Thank you for your teaching."

"The young orc Won!" Ayred shouted in excitement as he declared, "I now declare him, Green Beast, as the new Rank 6942!!"

"... My name is Urezur Hardwood!!" Urezur shouted in rage as Ayred eyes widened for a second before a smile appeared on his face.

Slapping the masked woman's ass just because, Ayred shouted again, "Urezur Hardwood, the new rank 6942!!"

"Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!"

"Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!"

As the public applauded and cheered, Urezur left the Arena.


While Urezur fought for his freedom in Hew's Bane, inside a dimension unknown to men or mer, a beautiful woman, made of pure energy and holding a sword made of pure energy, was staring at the being in front of her in disgust as she said, "You have already sent many worthy warriors to their early grave for nothing more than very temporary pleasure... Vengeance as his goal won't help him, It will only hinder his growth... His potential... He can be so much more than a Vengeance seeker... Malacath."

Groaning in annoyance, Malatach responded, "You and your self-righteousness... You only care about the 'Worthy' warriors, Kynareth. You don't care about the warriors struggling to put a piece of bread on the table, the unfortunate, the spurned, or the ostracized... the 'Unworthy' warriors."

"You're wrong, Malacath... I care about them too... But I can't help those that don't want to be helped by me... My blessings can't reach them." Kynareth said bitterly.

Clicking his tongue, Malacath said in annoyance, "Fine, I won't meddle in the young child's mind."

Kynareth smiled but before she said anything, Malacath continued, "As long as you don't meddle in his life either."

Frowning slightly, Kynareth sighed and said, "Fine. Let him decide the path he wishes to pursue."

As she was leaving, she said, "But, if 'THAT' happens as Akatosh said..."

Turning her eyes to Malacath in distrust, she continued, "It will be your fault, Malacath."

Hello, thanks for reading. Do you have some doubts, ideas or complains, Please Comment and I will respond.

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