
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Chp. 29 "I shall go now..."


"And how long are we going to try and try until all of us are dead? Why can't we all just march out and leave? We have very large numbers that could drive back the horrors outside so why must we stay and suffer more?" Arari the next in line Matriarch of the Dark Elves said to her mother as she looked unresolved.


"You are young so you all do not understand the dangers of the beast outside are, I have been there twice outside and we were all driven out and broken by monstrous beings that could topple mountains at ease. Many of our kind were separated from us and never heard off again!" Untlac the Lizardman Chieftain said as he rubbed the scars that ran on his shoulders.


"And ta add to tha things that makes us need ta stay is that this world is a haven granted ta us by ze last owner. We are but minions that proliferated ovah tha years, our souls are tied ta this place. Unless released by anotha owner then we will die weeks afta we leave this place!" Wrinkly Nutsbitah the Goblin Chief said as he feasted on a large drumstick.


"In our records, our ancestors were mere servants of the owner and that we are oath bound to serve for generations to come. Now it is time for all of you to know of this, what you know of the prophecy was just made up by the past elders to at least give hope to the people living inside." Urul Bladewind sighed as he looked at his daughter.


"W-what? The requirement to be acknowledged by the Holy Artifact is false?" the young orc princess staggered back as she heard of this.


"Yes, we too have the same reaction when we were told of this before our turn to become the chieftains. No one could find a unpure soul of a level 1 being, no sentient being that knows how to think is pure could stay the same after all the years it lived." The Kobold Chieftain Malga said in her seat as she hugged her mace besides her.


"In reality, my child the Holy Artifact is what the previous owner said to be a dungeon core. We who live inside are categorized as Dungeon monsters, and the scheduled crusade was a hope for use to capture some humans like what the former owner used to be to become a next dungeon master." Bula Bladewind mother of Glasha said as she revealed secrets only leaders and members of the five chief families only knew.


"Other than that is to prevent something our master call a dungeon Break, it is something that would happen when we have exceeded the number the Dungeon could provide Mana for. And if we do not shorten our numbers then we will face a catastrophe that would kill much more than we could imagine." Untlac said as he looked towards her sister that was with Arari and Glasha.


"But what about the Void? Why are we being swallowed then?" Ilac the young sister of Untlac asked as she doubted that the last owner wanted to leave such a thing for them.


"That is because the dungeon has no owner, it cannot sustain itself much longer so it is taking back some energy that is needed to run itself. Thus why always the first thing we do in a crusade is capture tons of monsters and kill them here for the sustenance of the Dungeon and slow down the spread of the void.


But lately is seems we are facing great threats outside as the beast there seem to be fiercer and fiercer as time goes by. Last time not only a few hundred was able to come back as they said to have fought a unseen enemy from afar. When it was found out who the enemy was hundred have already died and thousands more perished trying to reach the enemy but it was all in vain." Magla shook her head as she remembered that time.


"W-what was it? The thing you fought?" Rito and Nur, young twin Kobolds with great synergy asked curiously.


"Hehe, a small bird. Not much bigger than you are but was able to kill thousands before we can notice that we were fighting a small bird…" Imlis the Matriarch of the Dark Elves sneered in defeat remembering that memory.


Marc on the side raised his brow as it reminded him of the annoying bird that almost killed him. But he gathered his thoughts as he felt he has found an opportunity here, so he sneak around and tried to find the entrance to the top but he was disheartened that the only thing leading there was a large locked gate.


Marc scouted somewhere else and found no other passage ways to go up other than climbing from the side, but that would be saying to shoot him as a target if he climbed by the side. This tower barely any windows in the top floors, so Marc abandoned his idea of getting an easy win.


'Hmm, is there nothing else. If I could become the owner of this place then I might get the massive man power inside of this place…' Marc pondered but he just shrugged his shoulders and went out the tower sneakily again.


It wasn't until an hour alter he was back again near the gates that was still opening very slowly. It had barely opened three meters apart, but looking at the narrow passage way Marc suddenly has an idea.


He thought hard for a bit then crawled towards the Gate to avoid the army stationed. But somehow the atmosphere was gloomy and the sentries did not even try to watch the gates at all.


Soon Marc was out again and there he was greeted by the eyes of seven beast. Marc was stunned and became alert but the Tyrant Bear talked first.


"We called them here, they were nearby so we might need their help…" the Bear looked at the Albino Ox then towards the Swamp Lord who sat on a boulder very far away.


"I see, though I might have found a way to prevent this thing from ever happening again. Would you like to hear my plan?" Marc looked seriously towards the other beast who seemed interested.


They too were talked in by the Hill Turtle who was wise enough to understand what Marc meant if those under the food pyramid dwindled.


So it called for the other rulers to be able to encroach his territory temporarily. Marc then had the bear translate that he will challenge the leader inside and will have them surrender and cease their invasion at once.


Marc knew that even the bear would not be able to understand since the beings inside the large dungeon does not speak the local dialect. Maybe their kin would be able to translate in their kind's language but there were none of them here at the moment.


Right now Marc was daydreaming of owning the large place and having a lot of servants relaxing without any worries. Marc thought that once he becomes dungeon master he would have authority over them and he could now laze about and have them work for him.


Marc knew that to have a really peaceful life he would need to have lots of strength to keep it. So hearing of the inhabitants needing a new owner made his imagination fly to the sky.


"The others have agreed, this must not continue any further…" the Tyrant Bear expressed the will of the others as they had thought that if this keeps going on then their future generations would be slowed down in developing further.


"Alright, then I must prepare my best… Roar!!" Marc now used a different roar. This time it was answered by a very enthusiastic Oink as Bacon came running minutes later. And when it arrive seeing the various strong tyrants of the Wildlands it paused a bit but was fearless since Marc was here.


"Hmm, he is a promising one…" the Tyrant Bear said while the Hill turtle, Albino OX lord and Behemoth nodded in approval since a potential variant that might reach their level could bloom out of Bacon.


There was rarely any herbivorous leaders like them, the rest here were carnivores including the Gorilla. Marc then changed his armor one by one into his Golden Tyrant Set or so he names it.


He had prepared the dull colored one in case he fought the other beast lords of the place to prevent being a shiny target but thanks to the Tyrant Bear they were able to communicate.


Now Marc was again in his polished golden armor set with his golden spear, golden Axe, Golden Daggers, Golden Shields and Golden Short swords.


And this one was enchanted too suing the alchemy book he had almost deciphered fully. Even with his full force he could only leave a small dent in the breast plate.


Nordic Gold plated Titanium Alloy full body armor set, The Golden Tyrant limited edition with +3 Enchantments all over. Even the other Beast Tyrants looked solemn seeing Marc prepare so seriously about this.


This time even the Behemoth and Emperor Lobster could acknowledge that Marc has the means to fight them in equal grounds. So this time Marc was officially considered a Beast Lord of this Wildlands, though for the others he is an upstart but he was not very invasive in the other's territory so he got a pass.


What made them differentiate Marc from the humans they met was that his Aura or smell is slightly different and was mostly closer to them as Marc seemed to not have that rigid structured aura or mana.


This place might be a 'Silenced' Area but they can still tell the difference in the nature of Aura and Mana of others. Thus rarely do a beast that was tamed able to wander in this parts as the mana or aura of their owner would be lingering within their bodies.


"I shall go now…"