
Unfettered Spear

[Ratata~] Being showered with bullets from all directions, I certainly don't feel so good. Especially, feeling the bullets passing through my body, which is simply torture. After God knows how long, the gunfire finally stopped. I had my head down, contemplating that this was the end. However, it was at this time that I heard someone jumping off the car in front. I looked up and saw that it was the "Boss." "I should've done this much sooner, you really done a number on my men despite being alone!" "I must admit that you are good, but too good that you're a threat to MY throne!!" "I–" Alas, the Boss' monologue was cut halfway through. When he held his head high, an action to signify his pride, a bullet pierced through his under chin into his brain and out the back of his head. He looked at me in disbelief, like the others around. None of them anticipated that I could still fire my pistol, much less accurately aiming at one's head at the hip level, after being turned into a bloody meat-sieve. "You... Monster!!!" To the Boss' dying words, I only replied with a smile as my strength left my body.

DuhLion · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 1: Hector

I am Hector, just Hector.

Actually, no, I was Hector.

The earliest memory that I could remember was being thrown into a war-torn country. As for my family, if you could call them one, well, all I remember was blurry faces. Overall, there's really not much to talk about nor was it anything special. After all, there's wasn't just me, practically all the other children had more or less the same stories. Long story short, we were abandoned for myriad of reasons ranging from money or to simply get rid of an unwanted baggage.

What does distinguish each children was their ability to cope and adapt to the battlefield. Fortunately, I was part of the "better" group of children. In the first kill, I only felt my heart raise and some trembling unlike the unfortunate ones who puked. Some even fainted, bathing in the blood of the hostages that they had just beheaded. And yes, everyone did the deed, because the camp we were in didn't take no for an answer. At least they also taught us basic education along with the killings.

The concept on who's in the right or wrong never really occurred, nor did it matter. What mattered was to see the light of the next day. The reason wasn't something philosophical or anything, it's just human nature and instinct to survive. Who would want to die anyway?

Several years later and I turned 18 years old. I had managed to climb up the ranks in our camp through a trail of blood from both the external enemies and internal ones, becoming the right hand man of our Boss. I never saw myself as amazing, skilled nor smart, I just did what came and needed. However, it seems that my efforts to survive threatened our Boss. He was afraid that I would overthrow him and steal away his power that he grew comfortable with over the years. He feared that what he did to the previous Boss would happen to him.

In fact, the Boss was right. I did have such an idea, after all, it's the very thing that the camp had instilled to our juvenile minds the moment we entered the camp. Climb to the top, otherwise be turned into cannon fodder and meat shields.

Alas, the Boss took action much faster than expected. Not to mention that he was not alone in the scheme while I, although have comrades, was singled out during a supposed "mission."

At least, I also took out that bastard of a Boss before I finally succumbed from all the bullet holes that made a meat-sieve out of my body. It was only at this time that I had praised myself for doing an "amazing" job.

"You got careless, you bastard," was my last words and a teaching the Boss always preached. It was as if he was reminding himself not to forget it for this exact moment. Though he still forgot about it anyway.

"You... Monster!!!"

These were the Boss' dying words, to which I only replied with a smile.

As I finished my last hurrah, all my strength left my body. My vision gradually dimmed and soon, I fell into complete darkness. The ringing in my ear also gradually got muffled until it just silence that remained. Somehow, the darkness and silence were not eerie to me, instead they were calming. Guess, I won't turn into a ghost since I have left the world without regrets.


I don't know how much time passed, but at some point, I felt warm and light. I was no longer in a dark void, but rather I seemed to be sleeping with my eyes closed. Though my eyelids were very heavy and I couldn't lift them up yet. I needed to recover a bit longer.

After some more time, I heard people talking beside me. I was shocked because they were not talking in English, but somehow, I understood what they were saying. From what I could tell, it was a man and a woman, seemingly arguing about something.

"You should go back to your family in the meantime. You can raise Joseph there peacefully."

"But what about you? You're going to throw your life away and call it revenge? What would happen to our family? What would happen to our son? What about me?"

The sound of the woman sobbing suddenly sounded.

I now feel that I could open my eyes, just that I didn't choose to do so. I wanted to hear more and obtain info on what the hell was going on. I could feel that I am in a bed, so was I saved by this couple? But how? With all the shots I received, it was impossible to survive, even with the best medicine in the world available.

"Shhh~ Isabella honey, you know that I wouldn't do that right? You know how I deal with things..."

"Heuk~ I know... I know! But still... What if they make it as a rebellion? That is a point of no return!"

"We are not attacking the Royal Family directly, we are just going after that damned West Family who provoked us in the first place! In the public's eyes, what we are doing is simple revenge. Even if someone from the Royal Family is backing the West Family, it would be very unlikely that they could twist things so much that it's rebellion."

"However, I do admit that there is a chance since we don't know how much power the backer has nor how they will react, and that it may also cause them to act more brazen. This is why we will be biding our time. You go back to your family so that if anything happens during the time, you will be safe with Joseph."

"I'll stay here and gather troops, strong enough to deter the Royal Family but not overwhelming that it makes them feel threatened. We'll just show them enough and not reveal all our cards."

"How long do you think would this take? 10 years? 20!? Not only Joseph lost his sister, he would also be missing his father for the rest of his childhood and adolescence!"

"I understand, but as we both know from the experience in our relationship, in order to get some, we lose some. Sacrifices are inevitable."

There was a short pause.

"Sigh~ I know, it's just a bit hard to accept it so suddenly and fast. But I know what to do, I didn't get called Ice Queen for nothing!"

Another pause, this time though, the atmosphere was weird.

"You know... (in a whispering manner) you look so hot just now!"

At this point, I swear I am hearing the two french kissing, without a doubt in my mind. At least they didn't continue with the drama. I heard the rustling of clothes and the sounds of kissing getting louder. They were really into it now and, sure enough, I heard a door opening along with messy footsteps as the couple stumbled out of the room.

Ignoring the heated couple, I went back to their conversation but it left me even more confused. Just where am I? What's this Royal Family shenanigans?

Well, fortunately or unfortunately, I soon got my answer. As soon as I felt my head get clear, a splitting headache suddenly overwhelmed that brief moment of tranquility. A flood of information, images, scenes, etc. entered my brain.

I felt as though my nerves got electrocuted. My body started jerking and trembling uncontrollably, shaking the bed. At first, the pain was bearable but the knob got turned to the max and I just pass out.