
Unfair Rebirth

"Unfair Rebirth" follows the extraordinary journey of two brothers, Georgie and Arthur, whose destinies are forever entwined by a mystical contract with the enigmatic deity, Yinuros. Georgie, a gifted track and field athlete, receives new found powers he will then use to protect his newborn brother, Arthur. They them embark on an epic adventure filled with wonder, peril, and brotherly love. This fantasy tale explores the mysteries of fate, the power of family bonds, and the resilience to protect what truly matters. As they navigate a world of ancient secrets and cosmic forces, Georgie and Arthur's journey is a testament to the unyielding spirit that shapes their extraordinary destiny.

Juscenti · ファンタジー
5 Chs

CHAPTER 4: Fresh Life

From planets to galaxies, dimensions, universes, and even realities, a powerful being stood at the apex of all existence—Yinuros, the omnipotent deity who governed the two existing realities. Observing the tragic end of the Wheeler family, Yinuros held the souls of the two brothers, Arthur and Georgie, suspended between life and death.

"Oh my, what a pitiful conclusion for this one," Yinuros spoke with a voice that reverberated through the very fabric of existence. Addressing the newborn soul of Arthur, Yinuros continued, "Never got to live, grow, nor be nurtured; and you," they said, turning to Georgie's soul, "one who had such experiences but gave it all up to protect another."

"How fascinating, you even have an observer following you both around," Yinuros remarked with a hint of excitement. They suddenly turned their head and said, "I can hear you… Why, I mean you of course." Yinuros's gaze pierced the abyss, connecting with the observer.

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"Whoops, didn't mean to do that," Yinuros chuckled. "Georgie, Arthur darling, wake up." The souls of the brothers began to take form, resembling their previous vessels as they both woke up.

Georgie opened his eyes, unsure of what appeared in front of him. Overwhelmed by the divine presence of Yinuros, he began to scream in agony, unable to comprehend the entity's true form. Recognizing Georgie's distress, Yinuros quickly reshaped themselves to appear as Georgie's mother, Candice. As the situation calmed down, Yinuros got straight to the point.

"Georgie," said Yinuros with a serious tone, "I'm planning on having you and baby Arthur reincarnate in Lucidia to a clan of Dark Elves. Although your father is a human, he's very strong. So, what do you think?"

"Yes, please! I'd love that," Georgie replied excitedly.

"Okay, but after you're reborn, you'll need to do something for me."

"Sure, but I also have a request."

Yinuros grinned, pleased with the familiarity in Georgie's tone. "Okay then, Georgie. Oh, Arthur is ready to be born by the way. So why don't I send him down while we discuss the terms of our contract?" They said with a smile. Yinuros then turned their head, snapped their fingers, and said, "Give us some privacy, please."


In a realm of boundless grandeur, the continents and territories unfurled like a magnificent tapestry, each boasting its distinct governance under the watchful eye of sovereign monarchs. Lucidia, a realm of resplendent landscapes and unbridled opportunities, cradled humanity and held in its heart the enigmatic Beastman Forest, where ancient legends wove through the rustling leaves. The towering trees, their canopies stretching towards the heavens, housed mythical creatures and whispered secrets of bygone eras.

In the realm of Steminica, where steampunk marvels wove tales of ingenuity, exiled humans, elves, giants, and dwarfs found their refuge. This continent was a marvel of brass and steam, with towering gears and cogs that powered entire cities. Yet, beneath the dazzling facade of industrial wonders, shadows veiled dark secrets, weaving a web of intrigue and danger. The air was thick with the scent of coal and oil, and the streets buzzed with the hum of mechanical contraptions.

Through veils of perpetual mist and amidst the canopies of time-etched trees, Sylvandale lay as an enchanting sanctuary. The air was filled with the ethereal melodies of elves and nymphs, harmonizing with the natural world in a symphony of unity. The trees here were ancient, their trunks twisted and gnarled, and their leaves shimmered with a faint, magical glow. Clear, sparkling streams wound through the forest, their waters imbued with healing properties.

Titandale, a land of majestic dwarfs and towering giants, stood renowned for its peerless weapon-smiths. The forges of Titandale were legendary, their fires never ceasing, producing weapons and armor that were the envy of all. The dwarfs, stout and sturdy, worked alongside the giants, whose immense strength was unmatched. The landscape was rugged, with mountains that pierced the sky and vast underground halls carved into the stone.

Beyond the borders of the four continent lands lay territories wrapped in enigma, isolated by their unique barriers. Netheron, the realm of demons, known to be notoriously evil and uncooperative, especially when it relates to the other races, but is that really the case? The skies over Netheron were perpetually stormy, and the air crackled with dark energy.

Above, Aetheria soared, a celestial sanctuary cloaked in an impenetrable barrier, where angels and Dragon kin, their wings aglow with iridescent hues, found their celestial haven. The architecture of Aetheria was otherworldly, with floating islands and crystal palaces that shimmered in the sunlight. The air was thin and pure, filled with the scent of blooming celestial flowers.

Beneath the glistening sea, Atlantica thrived as a haven for fishmen and mermaids, safeguarded by relentless currents and guarded by mysterious sea beasts. The underwater cities of Atlantica were a marvel to behold, with structures made of coral and bioluminescent algae that cast a gentle, otherworldly glow. Schools of colorful fish swam through the streets, and the distant songs of whales could be heard echoing through the waters.

Across this wondrous realm, each continent and territory was a realm of sovereigns, guiding their domains with wisdom and might. Their influence reached far and wide, weaving the tapestry of destinies and dreams. Each region had its own unique culture, traditions, and challenges, contributing to the rich and diverse world that Yinuros watched over.

But on this particular night, amidst the enchanting beauty of Lucidia, our focus turned to a small village on its outskirts—the Nozumo clan. Proud and strong, they were a clan of Dark Elves known for producing formidable warriors. Their village was nestled in a secluded valley, surrounded by dense forests and towering mountains. The houses were built from dark wood and stone, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.

Within the heart of the Nozumo clan, a tale of destiny and rebirth was about to unfold, as Lady Kamai, the clan leader's wife, prepared to bring her third child into the world. Little did they know that this seemingly ordinary birth would echo through the realms, touching lives far beyond their own village, and becoming a beacon of hope in a world filled with wonder and peril.

As the cries of the newborn soared through the village, the cheers of the villagers followed after. Baby Arthur had successfully been reborn, but what of Georgie? Amongst the jubilant crowd, one person stood silently, his brow furrowed with concern—Hakbu Nozumo, the village elder and former chief, and also Lady Kamai's father. He noticed something amiss, an unsettling feeling tugging at the corners of his heart.

As the celebration continued, Hakbu gestured to Amani, the current village chief, beckoning him to speak privately. They walked outside the bustling hut, the village noises fading into the background. With a firm expression, the elder began, "Amani, how long have you known me?"

"15 years now," Amani replied, puzzled by the sudden seriousness in Hakbu's tone.

"Right, and how many times have I been wrong about anything?" Hakbu questioned.

"Quite a few times actually, there's when we just met, there's—" Amani started to respond, half-jokingly.

"Be serious, boy. How many times have I been wrong in the 15 years you've known me?" Hakbu pressed.

"Three times," Amani replied, now understanding the gravity of the conversation.

"Exactly," Hakbu nodded, "Now, bear with me, for what I'm about to say may seem crazy."

Amani's face tightened. "Go on."

Hakbu continued, "I fear there may be another soul residing within your newborn's body."

Amani's eyes widened with disbelief. "What?"