
Unfair Rebirth

"Unfair Rebirth" follows the extraordinary journey of two brothers, Georgie and Arthur, whose destinies are forever entwined by a mystical contract with the enigmatic deity, Yinuros. Georgie, a gifted track and field athlete, receives new found powers he will then use to protect his newborn brother, Arthur. They them embark on an epic adventure filled with wonder, peril, and brotherly love. This fantasy tale explores the mysteries of fate, the power of family bonds, and the resilience to protect what truly matters. As they navigate a world of ancient secrets and cosmic forces, Georgie and Arthur's journey is a testament to the unyielding spirit that shapes their extraordinary destiny.

Juscenti · Fantasy
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Chapter 5: Intertwined

Amani stood there, confused and unsure of what nonsense he had just heard. His eyes darted around, seeking answers in the dimly lit hut. "What was that?" he repeated, his voice tinged with worry.

"I sensed a presence, a flicker of a memory, as if a soul from another life is intertwined with the newborn's," Hakbu explained calmly. "It may seem far-fetched, but I have lived long enough to know that sometimes the threads of fate intertwine in mysterious ways."

Amani's mind raced with confusion and worry. "What does this mean, Elder? Are you saying my child is sharing his body with another?"

Hakbu met Amani's gaze steadily. "I cannot say for certain, but this is a matter we cannot ignore. The world is vast, and its mysteries even greater. We must tread carefully and observe the child closely."

As they gazed back into the hut where the celebration continued, a mix of emotions washed over them—hope for the newborn's future, uncertainty about the new baby, and the weight of responsibility that fell upon them as guardians of the Nozumo clan. The cool night air carried the sounds of laughter and joy from the villagers, creating a contrast to the heavy conversation they were having.

"Lets return," said Hakbu, breaking the silence. "A father can't be missing for the first moments of his newborn's life."

As they returned to the hut, Hakbu whispered, "I'm sure you know to keep what we just talked about a secret, right Amani?"

"Yes, Father-in-law," Amani replied, nodding solemnly.

Inside the hut, Lady Kamai, a vision of beauty with smooth dark skin, hair as white as snow, red eyes, and a radiant white smile, greeted them warmly. Amani kissed her forehead affectionately, asking if they had missed too much.

"Oh no, sir," maid replied. "Lady Kamai was just thinking of naming the young one."

As Kamai looked down at the baby, As Kamai looked at the baby, her gaze softening, filled with a mix of pride and sorrow. She considered the child's features-red hair, red eyes, dark skin, and surprisingly human ears. She paused for a moment, her brow furrowing slightly. "Shikazu, after my late rebel older brother," Kamai declared, her voice tinged with both pride and sadness. As she continued to stare into her newborn's eyes, as if greeting his soul, tears started to flow from her eyes.

"Honey??", Amani looked at her, "Why are you crying?"

"I- i don't know", she responded.

Hakbu smiled, "Well, I think it's a wonderful sentiment. Both rebels, and he inherited my lovely red hair too."

"Red hair? Your hair is grey though, old man," a voice whispered while laughing. The mischievous voice belonged to 6-year-old Enzo Nozumo, the first child of Amani and Kamai.

"He got you there, Geezer," Amani laughed.

"you brats, why are you both still up?" Hakbu chuckled, "And I'll have you know i still have my red hair, although it's not as prevalent as in my young days".

"Oh we know gramps" Enzo chuckled.

"We all know you're there too Kamani, come on out", Amani said gently with a smile on his face

Kamani, the second child, emerged from his hiding place, holding his blanket.

"Why are you up, Kamani?" Kamai asked gently.

"It's not my fault mom, Enzo woke me up" Kamani replied innocently, giving his older brother a playful glare.

As the warmth and laughter filled the hut, the family rejoiced in the presence of their newborn, cherishing their bonds. Little did they know that the threads of destiny were beginning to weave around Shikazu, the newborn with two souls, destined for a future beyond imagination.

A boundless white void, stretched in all directions, its expanse seemingly infinite. In this mystical realm, a young boy lay sleeping on the floor, his form peaceful amidst the emptiness. It was Georgie, as he slowly woke up from his slumber, he now found himself in this unfamiliar white space.

Georgie, looking around confused, noticed a floating chair a distance away in front of him, curious, he decided to check it out and walk closer. His steps, hesitant and unsure, he slowly made his way around the chair, approaching it from the front. To his surprise, he met a familiar presence lying in the chair, it was baby Arthur, looking as innocent and curious as ever.

"Arthur?" Georgie called out, his voice echoing slightly in the vastness. He walked, Arthur responded by gurgling happily, as if acknowledging his presence.

"Phew", he sighed.

He continued to look around, confused, "Why am I here? What is this place?" Georgie muttered to himself, his voice echoing softly in the vastness.

Realization dawned on Georgie as he recalled the contract he made with Yinuros. He remembered the powerful being's words and the terms they had agreed upon.

"Stop the unsealing of the demon god Umbrion and strengthen the seal," Yinuros had said. In return, Georgie was granted a portion of divinity that would surely grow with time, allowing him to become a second persona inside Arthur's body.

This must be the shared consciousness between him and Arthur, a space where their souls coexisted. This way, he could protect Arthur until the day came when he could defend himself.

"I'll always be with you, little brother," Georgie whispered to baby Arthur, his heart swelling with love and determination.

With a newfound understanding, Georgie began to experiment with this white space. As Georgie explored their shared consciousness, he discovered that he had the ability to conjure items. With a thought, a giant monitor appeared before him, showing him what Arthur was seeing in the real world. It was a connection that transcended space and time, allowing him to watch over his brother even when he was asleep.

Feeling a little tired from the events that had transpired, Georgie decided to conjure a comfortable bed to rest on. As he lay down, the bed embraced Georgie like a gentle cloud, and he closed his eyes, surrendering to the peaceful sleep he knew that his slumber would be crucial for his soul to fully accumulate the divinity bestowed upon him by Yinuros.

Time passed differently in the white void, and as Georgie drifted off to sleep, he knew that when he awakened, he would find himself intertwined with his baby brother, ready to face the challenges that awaited them. The weight of responsibility was great, but Georgie was determined to fulfill his part of the contract and protect Arthur, no matter what trials lay ahead.

In the physical realm, baby Arthur continued to grow, surrounded by the love and care of the Nozumo clan. Unaware of the profound connection shared with his elder brother, he would begin his journey, unaware of the extraordinary bond that fate had woven between them. The connection between the two souls grew stronger with each passing moment, forming an unbreakable bond. As Georgie slipped into slumber, he trusted in the destiny that had brought them together and the path they were destined to walk, side by side.